Worst K/D you've seen BR 30+

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, May 16, 2013.

  1. Helwyr

    Reading some of the responses in this thread you get the impression that these people think being regularly slaughtered by opposing players is some sort of virtue. At least in PS1 there was actual meaningful strategic objectives, but in PS2? Obviously having fun matters the most, but sorry for how little it may be worth K/D at present is the most meaningful indicator in PS2 of whether you're doing well or badly. A good portion of players are 4th empire as well, so even if there was meaningful strategic objectives to be won for your faction what does it matter with so little faction loyalty across the player base?
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  2. Rhaeyn

    Some mod please close and/or delete this thread..
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  3. ItsJustDash

  4. GrizASDF

    Interesting thread. You're calling out the non-hackers for low scores?
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  5. SinerAthin

    If KDR is such a bad thing, often viewed as an egoistic and selfish stat; why keep it in a Team Oriented Game?
  6. commandoFi

    Like this guy? https://players.planetside2.com/#!/5428010618035589553
  7. Jrv

    Matters to a certain extend. +5 you're doing something cheesy, don't even try to deny it.

    Below 1? You suck; again, don't even try to deny it.
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  8. Fortress

    If by "cheesy" you mean "using any vehicle ever," then I agree absolutely.
  9. Minimum Force

    I have a hard time believing that K/D is the most meaningful indicator for whether or not a player is doing good or bad. It does not take into consideration how a player contributes but only whether or not they kill and/or die. I'll be the first to admit that my K/D is pretty garbage and I'm perfectly fine with that. I spend most of my time either healing, reviving, repairing, or resupplying folks. A lot of my points are from support since I find it more meaningful to contribute toward everyone instead of simply killing.

    I'll die if it means that I healed my squad, picked them up so they could take a point, or repaired a MBT so it could break through the enemy to push the line. So good for you if you have a horrible K/D but also apply yourself in a constructive manner. If you just die and that's about it then maybe you should consider knitting or farm simulator.
  10. Jrv

    Awkwardly low SPM + Freakishly High K/D+ 50% of playtime in vehicles= Cheesy, cowardly player.
  11. Ennkay

    Having a positive K/D is very difficult in this game, anything over 1.0 is insane
  12. Fortress

    Average SPM + 0.6 KPM + slightly above average K/D= Trying hard, but just not getting it.
  13. Gustavo M

    Swap "make" for "play" and "good suspense film" for "First Person Shooter".
  14. Jrv

    My total playtime: 500 hours.

    Time spent in combat vehicles: About 80 hours.

    Your total playtime: 250 hours

    Time spent in combat vehicles: About 80 hours.

    After a few months of running a 2.0, I've been averaging a 4-6K/D over the past two months. If I started over today, I'd probably be averaging at least a 4.0 as primarily infantry. If I were to play incredibly cheesy, drive vehicles twice as much as I did on my first account, and actually cared about my life-in contrast to the crazy, suicidal stuff I enjoy- I could probably bump that up a few notches. Considering your accuracy is pretty bad, you're obviously doing something cheesy, or a lot of stuff cheesy, who knows.
  15. Fortress

    Are you one of those players who believes that vehicle play is blasphemy? Because man, you're missing out on what many would say is the focus of the game!

    So before you go on about how I'm playing the game wrong, let me stop you right now and tell you that I don't care what you think because my playstyle is based on what works in this game versus what doesn't, and let me tell you right now that vehicles work.

    If you want to pretend that your arbitrary decision to avoid vehicle play gives you more e-cred, go right on ahead, but know that most of us don't care about your rules. We care about the game's rules, and this game loves its vehicles.

    Edit to respond to your edit:

    I don't care about your life story, your totally cool suicidal stunts or what could have been, and I don't care about your flawed stat analysis. The sooner you realize that stats are nothing more than a Rorschach test for your own gaming insecurities, the better.
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  16. Garakan

    i prefer the guy with a 0.0001 K/D Ratio, that suicide runs his liberators in deployed sunderers over 20 tank driver snipers with a 100.0 K/D Ratio that do nothing useful except for standing in the back and trying to kill infantry without getting in danger at all.
    that is, if this game is anything more than certfarming for you.
  17. GrumpyArse

    Death means nothing in this game. You lose nothing when you die, you just respawn and away you go again. So if half of the equation is meaningless then does that not make the entire equation meaningless ?

    Also a lot of you fail to take a persons real attributes into account. I am 49, my eyesight is nothing like it was when I was in my 20's and the same can be said for my twitch response time. Does this make me a bad player, maybe.. Do I still enjoy the game, bloody oath. I don't care about useless stats, my competitive days are behind me, I do things for enjoyment now. If you want to talk to someone that cares call Lifeline, they care.. Just enjoy the game, have fun and relax a bit..
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  18. theholeyone

    Trollish Drivel. Kills/vehicle kills/assists/caps make a player effective, how does death reduce their effectiveness when a respawn is only a few seconds away?
  19. Jrv

    Deduction is a powerful tool, it's the fool who stops short of understanding because their isn't utter certainty. It just so happens you fit the "cheesy high k/d" stereotype rather nicely. If your accuracy wasn't a laughable 25%, I might believe you're as good as your k/d theoretically suggests, which only serves to prove my point that it's only useful really for judging the extremes, of which you're a part of.
  20. LT_Latency

    LOL KDR!!!! in a game with support classes

    A max and and eng go into a biolab. The max and eng kill 50 people and die 5 times.

    The max has a 10kdr
    The eng has a 0 kdr.

    Who is better

    You know how else you get a good KDR, You focus on fighting people who are worse then you instead of looking for people who are as good as you.

    KDR don't mean much
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