cos 4th faction has all the good guns.
can't record with the low fps ps2 gives now lol l would get like 20fps <.> but yeah could easily hit those shots :p pics from my prime :( ah how the...
Hey i was number 1 forum troll :( and what are you talking about 25% accu isn't the mark of a good player :P
i guess he is still a crappy infantry player tho, painful to see that bad aim :S
just play cs:go where weapon has proper recoil and when you get back to ps2 you will be a god. (edit page still has white screen after a year SoE...
tell me why do you have to tk back o.O are you really that childish :P had my tanks, outfit mates whatever beeing tked, never seen any point in...
dear lord a year and you seems to have gotten even worse on the ground :s or did ps2 break your fps to 30? also get a 3.4/4 scope, you can thank me...
ViruZtR viruzTR TRviruZ TRviruz hi ps2 forum again.
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