260K were logging in every day when the game was new... .happens with every game...a large number of people try it for the first month or so...
The thing is ....terrain does allow a defensive advantage...but it has to be pretty severe....like the Crown. The problem is, if terrain gives...
But that's where you are wrong....they have every place in Planetside. In planetside1 you had base fights where everyone would abandon their...
What this essentially does is create the progression to a base fight that happened in PS1. The combined arms fighting will still happen because you...
For a smaller force to win they have to either have superior tactics or an equipment / tech advantage. Superior tactics is too situational and...
A decent analysis...I cant really see any glaring holes in what you've said from my perspective. The population imbalance is a tough nut to...
I turned physx off and played 2 hours straight without a crash, with physx on i crashed every 10 minutes. This is only since GU09...so something in...
Disconnection from server is a different issue...thats not crashing. I get the same as OP, and only since GU09
Hi Luperza, with all due respect..if you read the posts in this thread it is not related to Zone crashes. I am still crashing every 10-15...
I have the same problem....have played since beta and never had this problem. Game is now unplayable...random crashes every 10-15 minutes. I have...
I'm also getting random crashes after update 09 ..... last night had 4 crashes in space of 3 hours tonight its unplayable....crash every 10 minutes...
Thats what I had last night....and I loved it. The lattice creates a front....without a front you just have random fights going on all over the map...
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