Should Headshots Prevent Revives?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Coltorl, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Jalek

    Perma-death would also teach people to watch for snipers. Really though, do you want people to hide behind spawn shields in every defense because the hills have snipers? I know, see an attacker, just redeploy and leave, that also seems a common forumside perspective.
  2. HadesR

    ^ This

    But I personally don't believe it should be done in such a way that either empowers a certain weapon or ability ( as in the OP ) or directly nerfs the Medic's themselves ..

    I would rather have a system where each player carries a limited number of " Revive Nanites " , that allows them to be revived a set number of times ( Ie: 5 ) in a type of ticket system ..
    Said Nanites would be recharged with every resupply from a Terminal or Sundy.
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  3. Vaphell

    huh? at least defenders have a hard spawn and you are back in 10 seconds and it's not like snipers are your main problem when you are camped anyway. When you run into the wild, you get mowed down by MAXes on every corner or LAs camping above the door or by tanks way before some sniper aquires you as a target and lines a tricky headshot which is very unlikely when you are on the move. I'd argue it's the attackers that would be set back much more (rez time at the sunderer + legwork to get back into the battle) and this game is in a dire need for more defensibility.
    As a flanking inf i deal with unrezzable deaths all the time because there are never allied medics nearby and i can deal with that even if it costs me much more than 10s due to the legwork. WTF happened to gaming that it got overrun by ADHD types?
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  4. LilianaMonteclaire

    Most of the aimbots and cheats are auto-coded to aim for headshots. Making it so dying to a hacker also prevents revives from working would just make hacking even more effective.
  5. Coltorl

    Hmm, sorry the hacking comments you guys are making has no leg to stand on, you wouldn't balance a game for hackers, you eliminate those hackers. If a good player gets a headshot I think he should be awarded the kill, meaning the guy can't be revived.

    It would actually make snipers useful as well, and I hate bio ball spamming and how people see it as an 'mlg strategy'
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  6. FateJH

    All this thread is filled with is a bunch of anger and rage about this and that and only a handful of people actually paying more than an iota of consideration as to what any kind of change would entail unto the rest of the game. Some people are not even expressing anger at what we're talking about and are talking about something else. An amount of gameplay compensation on the behalf of the people who suffer from the change is going to be happen, yes, of course, but think more about what the actual change means.

    You know how you deny revives without changing gameplay mechanics? Have some people move up and (stealthily?) take over the region that your enemy was previous occupying while some people stay back and lay down distracting cover fire.

    Smaller groups rely on competent and consistent Medic work more than a large horde, who will most definitely be able to field more of the anti-revive mechanic than the small group.

    Watch for snipers? The main reason people get sniped is because they don't or can't see the Infiltrator in the first place, whether it is because of distance, cloak, or because they don't know which speck is the Infiltrator and which is just an Engineer.

    This is Planetside 2. Unfortunately, balancing the game for hacking is the only thing we can do right now; if we don't, the mechanic then sours in the minds of honest players and, before you know it, we've lost something that could have been good.
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  7. Coltorl

    Every game has hackers, and I can't think of a single game that says "This gun would be way op if someone was hacking" when really it will be just as OP if a good player used the gun.

    A mechanic like this will reward good aim, and people afraid of hackers are really just afraid of people better than them stomping on their zergs.
  8. Mordgier

    Why are you talking about this? You know they will never put this mechanic in the game.

    Vast majority of people have a KDR under 1 and get a headshot so rarely they remember each and every one fondly and vividly describe them in prox while they sit in spawn.

    This mechanic would be devastating to them as they would almost never benefit from it. You cannot put in a feature that is only beneficial to the top 5% of the players. The newbies who have trouble hitting a surrender from 3ft away with a shotgun would now hold their breath IRL as they tried to aim for the head of some LA hovering around because "Headshots KILL"

    It's a terrible idea.
  9. Luighseach

    Kinda with this guy. I don't think this should go live but honestly I wouldn't mind trying this out on the test server. Would add something more to combat imo.

    Even if the headshot didn't make them unrevivable maybe it could double the time to be revived.
  10. Vaphell

    double? so it would be on par with the rechamber time of bolt actions? How about 5x or 10x? Engineers who repair **** at least need to work for their xp. A turret worth 100-something xp is approx 25s of grind, why medics can earn that much in 3s?
    BTW ranks of the medigun shouldn't affect rez time at all, only initial hp. Rezzing is a powerful ability in itself, it shouldn't ever be made lightning fast and spammable.
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  11. Tekuila

    I think a better solution would be bf4's mechanic where if you get revived and die shortly after that you are no longer revivable, as well as having less time to revive someone.
  12. Astealoth

    Headshots prevent revives in War of the Roses and it is extremely satisfying. In that game there are two types of deaths, a knockdown and an instakill. When knocked down from limb or body damage you can be revived or wait for the respawn timer and come back. When you take neck or head damage you can't be revived at all. By far the best and most logical revive system in a multiplayer shooter on the market. It should be adopted as the standard. It's not confusing either, someone who can be revived has a little medic cross icon over them and someone who is permanently dead has a little skull icon. This could easily be implemented in Planetside with excellent results, probably not even that complicated to script.
  13. Nephera

    there's been a couple of times i've killed 5 medics in a row only to be killed by a sixth, its somewhat frustrating.
  14. Degenatron

    That hasn't been my experience. Most often I see about 5%~10% medics. That's literally 5~10 in a group of 100. Then again, maybe that's just my faction on my server. I wouldn't know what it's like elsewhere because I'm loyal to my empire.
  15. Crackulous

    No, I get kills again after my targets are ressed.
  16. Hobo Jack

    it is way too late in the game to be changing something that fundamental about the game. medics are not the problem there is no problem. People getting revived by medics should not make you mad or frustrated. this is a team game and a squad of nothing but medics does not work. People should not want the devs to balence the game around solo players (and they won't) yeah if you got lucky or "skilled" and cleared a room full of guys and they had backup come and revive and you had nobody come to revive you that is not op that is just bad teamwork and waste of resources(manpower) to even attempt to go 1 versus many
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  17. Axehilt

    I'd definitely prefer seeing revive get some limitations instead
    • Spawn with 5 Revive Charges (regenerate a charge every 20 secs, up to the max of 5.)
    • Reviving with a charge is instant (and costs a charge)
    • Reviving without a charge takes 8 full seconds
    It just feels better to fundamentally fix the revive mechanic (and even make it more fun by having many revives be instant, keeping medics in the action if they want to be) rather than try to fix it with something a little less reliable (headshot kills.)

    (And yes, obviously the specifics of the above suggestion could be tweaked to the right balance. If the 5-charge limit is too high, then lowering that and possibly tweaking the charge regeneration rate is certainly doable. This system is very flexible.)
  18. Murderin

    Hell no. Most of my deaths are from a headshot from some useless camper 300m away after killing 10 people or doing something else important.

    Remarkably most of these headshots are done while I'm at a full sprint.
  19. Jalek

    It's best when the killboard shows it was a BR1 with a SAW that hit three headshots in a burst.
  20. Earthman

    That's the primary reason I don't like this "lets give a ticker tape parade to every headshotter" mindset. Way, way, WAY too many people with weird names and BRs less than 10 are using LMGs like sniper rifles and I'm not buying that "skill" kool-aid a lot of forumsiders are selling.