Should Headshots Prevent Revives?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Coltorl, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Kociboss

    Watch for snipers...? Even more than now...?

    Every br10+ in PS2 is already dancing like a balerina on crack, because they know that as soon as they stop for 0.0000001 second to scratch their ballz in the open they will get shot by invisible mlg360n0Sc0p3r.
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  2. Sock

    As someone who's been campaigning against medic revives for the last ~12 months (and is absolutely sick of people calling medics underutilized) I have to say I don't think headshots preventing revives is the way to go. Does it reward skill? Sure, but I've died to enough random CoF bloom headshots to know I'd be frustrated by it at the same time. That said, something absolutely needs to change. I think a simple 30 second cooldown on being revived is the way to go at this point. Long enough to curb the medicball zerg, but short enough that it doesn't have a major effect on small squad play, and if you're dying multiple times in that 30 second window, maybe you should be spawning somewhere else anyways.
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  3. z1967

    I could see this become a thing if it was a special feature of some new sniper rifle ammo. Like a poisoned round, or a round that explodes like an AP mine whenever you try to revive them. Or something simple like an incendiary round that causes sever damage that nanites can't repair or something. I like the concept though, just not that everyone with a sniper rifle could do it.
  4. CrashB111

    I don't think Headshots should since they are a very constant and common thing in this game. But some way to force a respawn on an enemies corpse is needed, like a press E to execute them for good that causes their body to fade immediately so you don't have to play guard duty over that MAX corpse to make sure no Medics come along.
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  5. Hiding in VR

    Thats a much better idea that this headshot thing. The way to prevent revives SHOULD be by gaining ground and nothing else. This suggestion supports that.
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  6. ZeroErrorz

    medic actualy rez people ?, wow most of the time you cant rely on them, i just skip ahead and hit the deploy button
  7. JudgeDeath

    No thank you.

    Does not add fun, only downtime.

    Considering you could be revived after receiving 2 antitank shells to the chest from a main battle tank .... It would feel stupid and artificial.
  8. Goden

    You forgot the one key problem with the "watch for snipers" idea.

    They're kinda invisible. Any sniper with half a brain cell uses their cloak to make sure you never see them. Even if they are visible they are probably in some crevice on the side of a hill 3/4 of a kilometer away. My base is under attack I don't have time to sit there spamming my spot key on every patch of grass or hill that I see.
  9. Azarga

    In my experience headshotting a Medic already prevents revives.
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  10. smokemaker

    I vote yes.
  11. Zorro

    This is not a RPG.
  12. SLiCKRiCK

    Unlimited revives is good for everyone. Good for the medic, good for the soldier, and good for the people killing the soldiers over and over to cert farm. I'd be sad if I knew that lone medic behind the rock wasn't there to revive all those noobs who just keep popping up and getting head shot.
  13. TheBlindFreak

    As a sniper, I say no. I like it when medics come to rez my victims and become victims themselves.
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  14. Earthman

    Headshots are so common these days (through scripts or otherwise, flame away) that it'd greatly reduce revives overall. Something to consider, for good or for ill.
  15. Phrygen


    People justifying their preference based on "logic"
  16. reticentbassist

    I think it is an idea that should be tested on the test server.
  17. Earthman

    Internet people like to say the word "logic" and pretend it makes opinions logical and that it silences all disagreement and commands respect. Sort of like an internet version of that idol Belloc was holding in the air and yelling about in Raiders of the Lost Arc.

    It is overused and empty, and only sounds neckbeardy.
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  18. Niamar

    If you die you should have to create a new character fresh with no certs or items. How about this, if you die from anything, you spawn at the warp gate, stupid idea as is the one this thread is about.

    Revives is what allows the attackers to sometimes overcome the defenders.

    To many cheaters that can headshot at will with any weapon.
  19. Pingonaut

    Nanites turn even holes in the brain into mere flesh wounds.
  20. Hoki

    lol you first