Server Downtime for Hotfix December 20, 2013 6AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Raxxyl, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. AirSuicide

    Dude... My gal was shot out of the air by a vulcan just yesterday in about 30 seconds, (After the PUO2 patch) and its a max Gal, So i'm a Call BS on this. The Vulcan is still extremely powerful. It's just not the most OP weapon in the game anymore able to melt anything it shoots in less then 10 seconds.

    Personally I wouldn't give a care if they nurfed its damage even more. It needs it. Melting a max Gal in 30 seconds is ridiculous, for a weapon that is intended as "ANTI INFANTRY", not ANTI EVERYTHING.
  2. Niamar

    Stuck at 96%
  3. GAWD

  4. Lamat

    I was stuck at 96-98% load as well for some 10 minutes or so. It has got to the character screen, but loading a character is now stalling also.
  5. Lamat

    then crash to desktop, no error message...
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  6. Mastachief

    Tried multiple times now and still not getting in 10-15minutes each time, don't even get to character selection and yes i've verified files.

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  7. Lamat

    Maybe so many trying to log in at once, the log-in server is overloaded
  8. MonsieurRabbit

    my loading screen gets stuck at 96% any help :(
  9. AirSuicide

    Actually your wrong on several points here:

    Um... No.

    I am a Gal pilot and I kill pretty much any ESF, Lib, or other Gal, that engages me even if it means killing myself in the process or dieing right afterwords.

    People on my server see my name and they dont try and shoot me down with an ESF, Lib, or Gal (For the most part), they use Anti Air from the ground. Because they know if they try and engage me in the air I will ram them and kill them, or do a double flip and a spin and send them into the ground or the side of a mountain.

    Either way they die. And I fly on.

    Wrong again.

    It's called using a blockade sunderer, deploying and switching to your gunner seat. Engage my sundae when I'm the only one in it with your tank. You will die 75% - 100% of the time.


    Part of Tactics and planning is knowing the enemies vehicles and your own and their capabilities, which you apparently have no clue about any of it. Which makes your entire reply irrelevant and pointless.

    On another note, My AV max and Heavy have no issues killing MBT's and other vehicles, in fact my chances of killing a vehicle are higher then my chances of killing another Infantry. Because vehicles are big and slow, and their occupants generally do not think in terms of (How do I avoid this wasp) When the wasp (The infantry) has a stinger which will easily kill the big bad bulky vehicle.

    Instead they think they are safe inside that metal shell, and let their guard down.
  10. Luperza Community Manager

    If you're getting kicked from the server, we're investigating the issue, but you should be able to just log back in.

    If you're stuck at 96%, it's because the log-in servers are having a little trouble because everyone and their momma is trying to log in. ;) It should resolve as the load decreases. Thank you for your patience everyone! We shall all get on the server and the snowman killing (or should I say searching) shall commence!
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  11. Ketadine

    Can you guys please set up another server, just temporary for logging in after these big patches ? This is not the first time this happened ... :(
  12. GAWD

    Moms play this too? :D I KNEW IT
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  13. Airazor

    I'm glad you took my idea for the snow man hunt! Seriously good! haha I made a post way back in the day asking for this!
  14. Kiff

    Someone, help. Anyone. :( My loading screen was stuck at 96% once but since last night I've not been able to get into any server.
    My last update was the 1.3gb one.
    Launcher says up to date.
    When I launch game it brings me to character creation. Where it makes me choose faction and server.
    However when i get to server selection the server list is completely empty.
    :( my friend says there's been updates but i don't seem to be getting any.
    I've tried validating files.
    I get:
    "Checking game installation...
    All files are up to date
    Checking all game files...
    All files are up to date
    Help, anyone, please :(
  15. BioDefault

    Take that nerf TR. Your maxes shall destroy that much less!
  16. Fireflower_Dancer

    totally agree LA is a Skill class and c4 was is spike damage and main threat.
  17. RockISonner

    Manage to get in.... But still crash with no explanation every 30 damn minutes! This was never a problem before your so called "Performance optimization"
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  18. Juno

    All the ESF "pros" must of been mad because they couldn't solo strafe armor columns anymore. Pretty upset with this, whatever though. So basically it went from the Basilisk getting a buff, to getting a nerf.
    Because now the only difference with the old Basilisk is a 51 RPM increase, and a damage reduction and maximum range reduction.
  19. pavelman

    This is EPIC game over.:D
  20. Theghostwad

    What the hell is going on? I finally get in, play for a bit - try and log in to my other characters and I'm either stuck at the log in screen of the game crashes after 6-7 min.

    Get it together SOE! If you can't patch right - just stop patching!