Why does not TR have 167 dmg carbine?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by keqe, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. LowTechKiller

    Can we also have a 200 damage LMG with 100 round box?;)
  2. S0LAR15

    If you would trade either of the Lynx or the Jag for the GD-7F, or even the Serpent, then the only thing to say is:

    You do not really know the game.

    Simple as that. The 845 rpm guns, stats aside for now, in game, handle like ****. Simple as that, 750-800 rpm is the optimal RoF that does not bloom too fast, does not have stupidly high horizontal recoil, and doesn't waste bullets spraying around the target. The increased DPS, and theoretically lower ttk, is completely negated by horrific accuracy, so much so that the only place these guns guarantee better performance over others is at 0 m, that is right, point blank, which is ******* useless of course.

    The reason the Jag is the best carbine is thus:
    1. CQC hip fire CoF, = it has a small CoF default (so does the VX6-7)
    2. Has access to the Adv. Laser sight. (so does the VX6-7)
    3. Has 0.75 MS ADS modifier (which the VX6-7 does not, instead having +50 more rpm, approaching the ****** performance zone, saved only because it has a tighter hipfire than the 845 variants,)
    4. has 40 rounds per clip.

    3. and 4. are the key elements of OP here, it's hard to say which is the bigger cause, but seeing as 40 bullets is on every TR carbine, relatively, it is the 0.75 MS ADS.

    Why? Same reason ZOE strafe was OP, faster speed allows for much more dodging and throwing off of enemy aim, along with dipping in and out of cover on scope, faster, you can choose engagements and an 0.5 MS enemy cannot.

    Well lets put it this way, if the VX6-7 for some reason had 0.75 MS on ADS, it would transition from a CQC mostly/only carbine to a superior all round carbine, which is what the solstice should be, the VS all rounder. It would certainly be better for ADS fights than the solstice, solstice SF, and burst, with the 167 damage Pulsar being about equal due to attachments available to it for ADS fighting. The MS bonus is incredibly powerful for beating other players in and around cover, in ADS fights, at ranges beyond those which would be hipfire distance. In essence it gives the Jag, the TR CQC carbine, a stat which helps it dual better vs ADS carbines, than say, even dedicated ADS carbines like the AMC, which have better recoil, accuracy stats and better attachments for ADS fighting. So right now the Jag is pretty much the all round TR carbine, does CQC well, does ADS fighting, at relevant ranges the best. You don't need anything else unless you're one of these carbine users that likes to shoot at stuff 70+ metres and needs the better bullet velocity of the AMC; but if this was true, you'd just need to learn to play.

    I can only hope when carbines are balanced again they give all of them, or most of them, 0.75 MS ADS multipliers, so all factions can have this ability, and it will give carbines a more defined niche compared to (the relatively OP) LMG bullet hoses and ARs. Obviously some stats would need adjusted so that Jag and Lynx remained in the same niche.

    So sit there wishing for an 845 rpm carbine, if you actually got one, you'd see it's a PoS. I know people will come in and be like "my serpent rules" etc/yadada, but if you're actually good at this game, and by that i mean have 35-40% accuracy in ADS or hipfire, then you'll immediately recognise the 845's for what they are, a noob trap/crutch. If you are a skillful player your ttk is much better served by a more accurate, reliable at range, all round carbine. But TR whine being as good as it is, I can only hope they make the Jag a 845, and nerf its recoil, and make the Lynx a 950 or something equally derp. I would lol so hard as frothy mouthed TR kids couldn't hit the side of a barn whilst I kill them with the beamer LOL. Oh please make it happen SOE, please, these guys need their RoF faction perk, and i need a good laugh in game!!!!!

    As for why TR don't have a 167 damage carbine, I guess we'll talk about it when they dish out some 0.75 MS carbines to VS/NC, and the Jag isn't' the hands down best carbine.
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  3. Village

    If we can at least have a 0.75x ADS move speed carbine with 750+ RPM, then maybe.

    TR have by far the best carbines, with the Jaguar being the standout by far. 112 damage at max range, 0.75x ADS move speed, 750 RPM, 40 round mag, less recoil per shot than the VX6-7, more accurate while moving, balanced horizontal recoil. It's simply better in almost every way and neither NC nor VS have a carbine that compares. You should not be complaining about your carbine selection if you play TR. Take a look at the stats if you don't believe me.

  4. Outlier

    To the TR complaining that we do not have a 167 damage carbine: you'd be a fool not to acknowledge that we have by far the best close quarter carbines (Lynx & Jaguar) in the game.

    The TR don't have a true marksman carbine like the other empires, the T5 AMC doesn't do the damage or have the accuracy to reliably take out target at ranges longer than 40m. Still, considering most engagements take place at closer ranges it's a trade I'd gladly make.

    If SOE actually reads this: if you like buckets of money you'll release a marksman carbine for TR, since there is considerable demand to add this type of weapon to our arsenal.
  5. xArchAngelx

    Okay...first off let me say that not once in any of my posts did I say I would ever give up the Jag or the lynx. Please read before you start posting and do not make stuff up, especially when quoting me. Secondly, I was trying to point out to the individual that the GD-7F has very little difference to the Jag. The only main thing being the slight ADS Movement Speed modifier.

    I honestly have no objections to the VS and the NC having a .75 ADS MS modifier on carbines if we have them. However, I would like a 200dmg 100 round LMG and a 167 dmg carbine as well.
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  6. Mxiter

    Actually VS have no reason to complain about 0.75 ads move mult until they get 2 LMGs with it wich both are certainly the best LMGs of the game (orion & SVA-88).
    The one faction than can actually claim a weapon with 0.75 ADS move mult more are actually NC that just get 1 extra AR (VS/TR get 1) with that bonus.
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  7. starlinvf

    Thats the way its being done right now, and they are having major problems fine tuning balance. The high RoF weapons have an inherent low skill floor due to the relatively similar DPS, but much more forgiving mag size. Prior to CARV nerf and flinch fix, they also had an extremely low skill ceiling since the weapons used to be spot on, and the rapid flinch was a major hindrance to other empires. Post-fix the skill ceiling is a bit higher, but its still a lot lower then the heavier NC LMGs like the NC6 Gauss. Just look at the Orion. Its a fast firing weapon thats very stable during sustained fire. Even with a slightly longer TTK then some other weapons, its easy handling makes it a no-brainer for most VS Heavies.

    You'll notice from the charts that the fastest RoF weapons are still among the top ranked weapons in use. Since these are low-moderate skill weapons which retain high damage output, the skill ceiling will never go up for these.
  8. Goretzu

    Er.... no (again).

    What you quoted was a discussion about the GD7F and what beats it TR-wise (nothing to do with all TR carbines and the GD7F:

    Both the Jag and the Lynx do that for the reasons stated above.
  9. Van Dax

    Actually it stands to figure that if TR can complain that others get a higher ROF gun that we can complain about not having a single .75x move mult carbine while you have two.
    (you know our whole mobility thing)
  10. Timithos

    You guys are such dummies! Just loot their backpack and stick their weapons in your locker! .... oh wait
  11. Dingus148

    Reference your earlier post, I jumped in and played both Jag and Lynx for a few hours. Lynx I stand by, it's a CQB beast even if it needs the Adv. Laser...foregrip just isn't viable. The Jag I also stand by being a pile, and I've figured out why...they're 2 CQB rifles with ADS speed modifiers...but neither one of them is worth ADSing because a) hipfire accuracy is really good, b) ADS accuracy is pretty bad. Yeah, you move faster, but the accuracy goes to hell while you're doing so. If I'm going to ADS with these weapons, I'm going to be standing still. (I use ironsights mostly, but I also use 1x red dot and 3.4x holo.) I just feel that the ADS modifier that these weapons are penalised for having isn't worth it. I hope this clarifies my standpoint.

    If anyone disagrees or has an alternative playstyle, please enlighten me...I'm open to the idea that I'm just bad.

    EDIT: Obviously, my "ADS when still" comment is a generalisation, but I don't like doing it because I feel it's better to a) close the gap or b) stop moving and burst them down before they get a shot off. If I'm getting shot at, I'll find cover, and if that's not available, THEN I'll ADS and attempt to engage on the move. I'm not going to ignore that option because I don't like it.
  12. Goretzu

    Yeah YMMV, I ADS a lot on the GD7F, Jag and Lynx so that might be a difference in feel. Although I think the Jag works because it's an easier gun to use and control, than either the GD7F or Lynx, but is within spitting distance of them DPS-wise and beats it DPClip-wise still.

    If you're looking for a CQC hipfire weapon though, maybe try out the SMGs as well, and the NS carbine can be speced up that way too.

    Although it is, of course, impossible to balance for personal preferance, I know people that love and use the SAW as a CQC weapon (and are very good with it). :confused:
  13. Dingus148

    Na, not a fan of SMGs. They lack versatility lol...I'd rather use a semiauto shotty for charging or the T5 AMC for rooftop shenanigans. (Recently bought the NS-11C because apparently it's pretty good at the same role). The Lynx is for when I want to turn a flank and do some serious damage. I'm open to the possibility I'm just using the Jag wrong and that, with some more time, it'll turn out to be a great weapon.

    That being said, I'd still like some alternatives. Maybe not a 167 damage carbine, but just something that behaves differently to our left/right bouncing bullethoses...it's not a bad bit of flavour, but it's just variations on a theme. I know a lot of people will point to the large mags, but once you use TR weapons for long enough you'll realise a lot of bullets get wasted by the "bounce". Spammy is our trait, but perhaps lower damage, faster firing, more accurate? Sustained damage, where those extra bullets go to building up DPS instead of accounting for inherent inaccuracy if you know what I mean. Slightly longer TTK, but with a better practical DPS...more reliable damage as opposed to better theoretical damage. Just an idea, certainly one that's been discussed before, but one that circumvents the "we need a 167 damage weapon" argument. Don't know if it would be too similar to the NS variants though.
  14. S0LAR15

    As part of my post, giving all carbines 0.75 MS ADS, it would be removed from ARs and LMGs, and only be on carbines, SMGs, and shotguns.
  15. S0LAR15

    So you feel like me choosing you was wrong?

    Top tip, the TR are easy mode. The only thing you could say they have that is bad, is the fact that they bright red camo, and their female infiltrators dont have a nice booty.
  16. Satanam

    Says the guy who doesn't need to deal with bullet drop. lol But well, the ones complaining that TR is horrible or something are wrong. TR is fine, VS is fine and NC is fine. BUT, what we're talking here is about the weapons' specializations. High RoF is not a TR characteristic anymore. And, to be honest, NS has the most useful toys.
  17. S0LAR15

    Bullet drop has no effect up to 110 m for carbines, even further for LMGs and ARs (nearing 140 m, more with high velocity ammo), if you're trying to shoot stuff, not as a sniper, at that range, outside of maybe a few times a week, seriously, you are bad.

    No bullet drop is the worst perk, I wish they'd remove it and give us something better like a smaller moving ADS CoF on all our guns.

    Again someone who just doesn't know the game very well.
  18. Satanam

    Sorry, I will check my WikiS0LAR15 next time I post stuff here.

    I know the game for sure, I'm just saying your weapons are definitely nice as TR ones *plus* the no bullet drop. And yes, you can do stuff with non-sniper rifles for no bullet drop. And you didn't get what I tried to say, I also edited it later and you didn't refresh the browser to see it - you edited your post but looks like ignored the whole stuff -, even my first comment shows what I'm saying that everything is fine but it should be more extreme to give it the "specialization" taste for each empire. As for TR specialization, we have the extra ammo working which most of the time isn't used, but the great RoF is not a TR characteristic anymore.
  19. S0LAR15

    Mate, any claim to legitimacy on in-game knowledge goes right out the ******* window when people mention no bullet drop like it actually matters.
  20. Satanam

    It matters. The end. Didn't you get what I'm saying? Tell me that you can't use weapons as fast as ours and I'll say I'm wrong. You know what? I won't say that I'm wrong because you can't say your weapons are lack of RoF. And, as I said, I'm not complaining about TR weapons, I'm saying that every weapon should be readjusted (which is actually pretty hard and probably won't happen - at least not as fast as most of us would want). Then you get whatever you want, we get the fast-as-f*** RoF and NC gets something similar to what the have, perhaps more damage or something.