Parallax should 1-hit headshot players w/nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. PhilDun

    The most powerful bolt action rifle in the game - Parallax - does not 1-hit headshot players that have nanoweave armor. It takes down all their shields and leaves them a sliver of health, but they survive.

    Does anyone else thing that the most powerful sniper rifle in the game should 1-hit kill someone when it hits them in the damn head?
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  2. CrashB111

    If someone has Full Nanoweave they should survive since they are fully certed into lowering bullet damage.
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  3. Phyr

    That's kinda the point of nanoweave. Just like flak allows you to survive AP mines.
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  4. PhilDun

    The only advantage of bolt-action rifles is that they can 1 hit people. A 2 hit kill is meaningless - enemies just run away after you hit them the first time. As time goes on, more and more people are going to have/use nanoweave, and eventually there will be at least 2 classes that Infiltrators are useless against.
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  5. PhilDun

    The same argument could be made on the other side. I spent 1000 certs purchasing Parallax - the highest damage sniper rifle in the game, and therefore I should be able to kill people with it.
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  6. MarioO

    That's the point. The only reason some people prefer nanoweave over flak armor is that you can survive more shots of a sniper rifle. When you take away that little advantage everyone will use flak armor and then mines and all explosives will be useless.
  7. CrashB111

    You can kill people, Just not people that are certed into countering you.
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  8. Joe-H2O

    No, there won;t be "more and more people" using nanoweave, and if there *are* then you are doing your job, whether you kill them or not, since they won't be equipping flak armour, which is much, much more useful.

    In the unlikely event that you run across someone with full nanoweave, then alas, you're one kill down. There are plenty more to choose from.
  9. PhilDun

    Sniper rifles aren't the only reason purchase nanoweave.
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  10. Radec594

    Only one way to fix this: make more powerful sniper rifles, and put their price to 1000SC.
    I'm sure SOE will concur. At least with the price part.
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  11. PhilDun

    Less expensive sniper rifles also 1-hit kill people without nanoweave. I purchased the more expensive rifle to people who try to counter these lesser rifles.
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  12. Munq

    How often you go against a full nanoweave enemy? Really?
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  13. Phyr

    For 200 certs you can OHK them with an AP mine. What's it cost for full nanoweave? Pretty sure it's more then 1000 certs.
  14. CrashB111

    No, you purchased the most expensive rifle so you can kill people with Nanoweave 4 or lower.

    Accept that you have a counter in players with Nanoweave 5 or stop whining cause it ain't changing.
  15. MarioO

    They are. That or the fact that many people think it will help against normal weapons.

    Yes, nano weave also lets you survive one more shot of every other weapon, but one shot out of an assault rifle, carbine or even LMG is not important because of the high rate of fire these weapons have. So to survive one more shot by a "normal" weapon does not help at all.
    But to survive a sniper shot is very helpful, because snipers have a very low rate of fire.
  16. PhilDun

    The argument is circular. "I purchased X to counter Y" vs "I purchased Y to counter X." Both players have purchased something; it is ultimately a judgment call about which should prevail.

    I do not think that the game should have hard-counters; Nanoweave 5 is a hard-counter to sniper rifles. Besides, 99% of headshots occur when enemies are standing still. The game should reward skill, not noobs who stand still.
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  17. Shasbot

    It's a good thing most people in this game are noobs with level1-2 certs or none at all or this indeed would be annoying.
  18. Vaphell

    why it is not a hard counter to a no skill ohk shotgun then? Hitting a pixel sized target at 400m is very hard and rare. Not standing still is already a very powerful hard counter to sniping, do we really need another one?

    assuming top tiers cancel each other out, ohk should be the case as its the default state (basic rifle vs no NW = ohk)
  19. PhilDun

    I had it happen 3x in a row earlier today. Three perfectly placed headshots. Not one kill.

    EDIT: And it's not like I killed the same person 3x in a row. This was a crowd situation.
  20. Zaik

    lol. It has to be nanoweave 5 at some ridiculously long range. There really needs to be some point to spending 1211 certs on that garbage.
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