The people who say they are leaving, but why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chilly154, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Gisgo

    And what exactly this has to do with my attention span?
    I have enough attention span to play europa barbarorum, actually i have enough attention span to develope a mod for a total war game.
    Stop blaming the players because the game gets boring after 2 weeks, plenty of PS1 veterans are leaving because the game is too easy and absolutely lacks tactical playing.
    Just to not mention groundbreaking bugs like players (not) rendering that we are not even sure they will be able to ever fix.

    But yeah the problem is our attention span :rolleyes:.
  2. Goden

    The entire game is nothing but one big TDM. There is still no metagame or over-arching objective. Once you've had one battle you've pretty seen all there is to see.
  3. JaxsonFive

    That is a pretty funny claim. People leaving because they have short attention spans? God forbid anyone actually not liking this game.

    "Good riddance" to those people who don't think like you, eh? Typical fanboy jargon.
  4. ArrowRL201

    People say they leave but no one makes threads saying "I've just joined". You're also looking at only one forum - there's also PlanetSide 2 universe.

    It looks like everyone is leaving, but that's because these are the official forums and quitters believe they can get the attention of Sony by posting these "I QUIT!" threads.

    Unfortunately they do not know that these ragequit threads happen in every official forum no matter where you go, and thus Sony and everyone else takes them with a grain of salt.
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  5. xxJackallxx

    This,1000x this...

    Sure the game has its flaws and problems but I am patient and will wait and continue playing as they hopefully get fixed.

    And being an MMO that will never be finished I agree IS a great means it can continue to be expanded on as it progresses.
    Just as the devs at Blizzard have said for WoW..that game will never be "finished" as they always have new ideas or things they want to add to the game for the players.
  6. Gisgo

    Yeah in fact PS2 population is steadily growing... oh wait, its not! :rolleyes:
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  7. JaxsonFive

    Here's the thing. I was with SWTOR at the beginning and that game had hella problems with almost everything at the start and this started with the right thing in mind. F2p out the gate.

    I don't know how much lnoger I'll be playing the game but one thing I do know is that it'll always be f2p and because of that one little thing there will always be people playing.

    Server merges are inevitable. That's all the game needs to feel alive again.

    Trust me when I say this doesn't come from a fanboy. Telling it how it is is my motto.
  8. Gisgo

    Ever heard about SWG? Check its story, how it born, and how it died.
  9. Degenatron

    If the game gets boring for people after two weeks, then that is absolutely on them. There are TONS of things to do. I've hardly even scratched the surface. The problem here I think is that Planetside doesn't drag you along like a rail shooter telling you "Here, do this now. Ok, now do this. Now do this." Instead, they simply gave everyone a set of tools and said "make your own objectives". But the vast majority of game players CAN'T do that. They need thing carved in stone, written across the sky, and spelled out in the most basic terms.

    People complain about the meta-game, but REFUSE to create the meta for themselves. All they can think of to do is empty-cap bases. I solo'd defense against three guys empty capping outposts last night just to have a little grudge-match small-match fun. I kicked 'em off a point and...they gave up and went somewhere else. I found them attacking another empty base a few minutes later. That saddens me. In this case, it's not the game that is broken, but the players themselves. And this happens over and over in different iterations. The big zerg swarms - they aren't looking for a fight, they are looking to farm base cap points and make quick work of whoever gets in their way. Last night I saw two zerg swarms intentional avoid each other - that's not a broken game, that's broken players.

    Do you really want something that's so restrictive that it ceases to be what makes Planetside great? Because that's what it will take to "fix" this game so that it's "never boring".
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  10. Terrex

    I am maybe playing 25% the amount I used to. I disagree with a lot of their recent changes, decisions and where I feel this game is going. They had a crappy launch, wasted time, people quit and they aren't doing anything to get those players back or to keep some of us around.
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  11. Gisgo

    After you scratch it you will realize there is nothing below it, and this is why many are leaving.

    You are putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my mind. I never asked for anything "restrictive".

    Play another couple of months and we shall speak again.
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  12. ArrowRL201

    Thanks for agreeing with me =D

    I can ignore post sections too!

    It''s the repetition for most. I have been playing since early beta. The beta was great, epic battles every day. Then something changed. I don't know if it was the devs changing things or what. PhysX was gone in the graphics settings etc. for the release, I miss the beta war. Everyone was a team mate. Excitement was through the roof. Then the You Tubers started sweeping servers with "Zergs". I still play every night hoping to bring back the fun from beta...
  14. JaxsonFive

    OMG that was the worst thing to ever happen to a game. I was there. I was there before Pre CU. Actually I just hopped into the SWG EMU and relived a lot of my memories. There's some work to be done still like adding repair droids and mounts and a slew of other things but the game is mostly all there with them continuing to work on it (though at a snails pace.).
  15. mancho

    Why i'm leaving ? Let's say it simple.

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  16. Degenatron

    If people don't like the game, then they don't like it. Why would I want them to stay? The last thing I want is for this game to be something that it is not just to garner more players.

    And yes, the irony of that statement is not lost on me when it it compared to Planetside 1. But I like Planetside 2 far more than Planetside 1, and I LOVED Planetside 1. I personally think that the devs are doing Planetside 2 right. And I use the present tense verb on purpose because it IS a work in progress. I think that their community involvement is great and I have contributed tons of CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.

    One final thing: "People who think like me" PAY for this game. They carry a subscription and they purchase station cash. Money talks, bull$h!t walks.
  17. JaxsonFive

    Repetition is probably the most common reason for people leaving. The zerging goes to show the game lacks a meta game. Zerging took the strategy right out of the game.
  18. Degenatron

    Good luck! When you find an online multiplayer game without hackers, please come back and let us all know about it.
  19. JaxsonFive

    Yeah and this is another thing.

    I love what someone said on the first page "short attention span" was their excuse. lawlz
  20. Degenatron

    You didn't ask for it on purpose, but that is what you are asking for. "Tell me what to do! I need direction."

    This is the EXACT same thing I saw with the community around Test Drive Unlimited 2. A game I still play to this day.

    If you can't find your own way, that's fine. You need a single player game full of scripted sequences or a FPS that has set goals for you to achieve. Planetside isn't going to offer that to you. If you can't set your own goals, then there is nothing here for you.