What did you name your monk and why?

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-Jay42, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-kerra Guest

    Arevirrr Nerrvantess is my monks name, the name Arevir has been my name for every character (that i love) since the Commodore 64:smileytongue: (and before that but, that would really give away my age :smileyvery-happy:) Arevir means strong coursing river and Nervantess is child of power. I added the extra "R"s for his Kerra decent.

    EDIT: Spelling*
    Message Edited by kerra on 03-01-2005 01:17 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-Yuna_Remedi Guest

    Heyas guys and a Special WOOOOT to Badbh Summit of Power in da house =) !!!!

    anyway on the names
    got two monks 1 male and 1 female =) had to start over due to my wife taking over my first account lol

    30 Ratonga Monk --- Stewert Little Just a neat fun name imo
    21 Half Elf Monk --- Xiaoyu The pretty and yet still formidable charecter of Tekken series was my favorite charecter and i got the name so i was happy tho i still havnt thought up a good last name for myself yet. so any ideas are welcome

    Abyssmal Tidings 26 Barbarian Shadowknight / 22 Weaponsmith
    Kublei Khaan 25 Ogre Berserker of Rallos Zek
    Stewert Little 30 Ratongan Monk of Terris Thule
    Xiaoyu 21 Half Elven Monk

    "Lifes a Journey not a destination"
  3. ARCHIVED-ForceUser Guest

    One of my favorite characters from EQ1 was my dwarf paladin Thune Underhammer. I wanted to play an unusual-race monk--some combination impossible in EQ1--so I came up with Thol Thunderhand, dwarf monk, descendant of Thune.
    Message Edited by ForceUser on 03-01-2005 11:48 PM
  4. ARCHIVED-Uthar Guest

    My monks name is Krische (no lastname for now).
    In EQ1 his name was Frische Krische (german), which means in english kinda "fresh hits" or "fresh beats", but its hard to translate, cause its more dialect and such. ;)
  5. ARCHIVED-Betchemin Guest

    Lloyds Farwalker is the name of my Dark elf monk. Lloyds was the name of my Dark elf bazaar mule in EQ2 and this Lloyds is her grad-daughter. Name started as a nit of a joke in EQ1, but the toon grew in character and I now think more of the character rather than the bank when I hear the name.
  6. ARCHIVED-bmcdsm Guest

    My kerra monk is Bhael Ironclaw, same first name as my eq1 Van Shir beast lord, and the last name is the same as all my kerra. I like to call them the Ironclaw brothers, Rhael, Nhael, Khael and Bhael.
  7. ARCHIVED-Nagasakee Guest

    My monk is name Nagasakee Waa, and was the same name I used as a Zan Fi Monk on the Brell serillis server in EQ1. The name actually came from a Dungeons and Dragons PnP game from years earlier. The game I was in had perma-death and was a lvl 6-8 adventure, we were fighting in a desert that had pyramids, and tombs in the sand. In one ofthe tombs were some large tarantulas. My Paladin was killed the second he climbed down the rope tothe tomb, and in the battle that ensued several more in the party died.

    Meanwhile I was busy rolling up a new character and got a natural "18" on my agility roll, so I made the new and yet unnamed character a monk. The monks had just come out in the game and none of the regular gamers had ever made one. He had all of 4 hitpoints at level one. I was able to get him into the ongoing game just as the very last part member, a ranger, died to two tarantulas. What I did not know was that the ranger had got one of the spiders down to 2 hit points and the other down to three.

    I got initiative and hit the first spider for 3 hit points, and the second spider missed on his firts attack. My second roll was a natural 20, and I killed the other spider too. The DM said, "wow monks hit like nuclear bombs!" and Nagasaki was born. His background was that he came from the DnD Island nation of Wa, and it was also his attack cry.

    With the name filter in EQ, Nagasaki Wa became Nagasakee Waa, and is very much enjoying the game...well, except for the crafting part :)
  8. ARCHIVED-digitalfreak Guest

    My Barbarian Monk is Ulem Bjorn. Bjorn means bear in Swedish. Went for more of a Nordic flavor than a traditional monk type name.
  9. ARCHIVED-Truly Devout Guest

    Feather, an orphaned Kunarkan (Amazon). Named by her foster parents for being the child of the druid Raven and the ranger Sparrow, who perished in the shattering.
  10. ARCHIVED-Vasaroth Guest

    I am thinking of making a monk or brawler but was not sure of what to name him. I was thinking of using my Family name Takamori but that lacks creativity so after some thinking I remembered of a story my uncle use to tell me when I was younger about Amatsu Mikaboshi "August Star of Heaven" which is the god of evil so more than likely I will make a bruiser and name him Amatsu.
  11. ARCHIVED-Vasaroth Guest

    Double post **
    Message Edited by Vasaroth on 03-02-2005 02:55 PM
  12. ARCHIVED-m_one Guest


    Figured a monk would be considered "holy" and to my suprise, the name wasent taken.
  13. ARCHIVED-Darkchida Guest

    Bishamonten - God of War and Warriors Also called Tamonten, The Black Warrior Guardian of the Northern Quarter.
  14. ARCHIVED-Dimgroth Guest

    Silvanoshei, because it was a good elven name (mine is a wood elf) and it also sounds monk like.
  15. ARCHIVED-diamondmage Guest

    named my monk sagara sanosuke after a series called rorouni kenshin. sano learned how to crush stone into dust later on in the series. used the name in swg and carried it over to eq2.
    Message Edited by diamondmage on 03-03-2005 11:19 PM
  16. ARCHIVED-budhamangler Guest

    Broho cuz he's got the Mojo.
  17. ARCHIVED-Treewhisper Guest

    Malte for

  18. ARCHIVED-onedeathonly Guest

    Got me a lady high elf monk(ess) and decided to use one of my old roleplay names :


    Why ?? because its palindromic, looks sort of exotic, and - did I mention, its a palindrome too !

    Ah well

    Its a game, my troll male Zerker is called Ssue Mme - because he hits everyone who calls him a
    girl because his name is 'Sue' -- havent you ever heard of Johnny Cash -- and yes it does make
    him VERY aggressive.
  19. ARCHIVED-Ethelwolf Guest

    Trectar, because it popped into my head and seemed suitable for a Kerran.
  20. ARCHIVED-ursula Guest

    Chula Salvador

    Chula ~ was a pet name someone called me in EQ1. Think it means flashy female or something in Spanish. Anyway, name just stuck with me.
    Salvador ~ that someone's ingame last name :smileywink:

    It's all about the ~ KUNG FU ~