[TLE] Results of the Desert of Flames Expansion Votes

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Windstalker, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. Wirewhisker Well-Known Member

    No you don't. You've got 1/10th of the people on the server mad about the lack of new content because the other 9/10ths voted No to expansion.

    Coincidentally, I am getting people in my guild on Stormhold (who are enjoying the joy of being closer to the original game, and working hard, and all that goes with TLE) who have told me they left Norrath after playing for a long time to see the TLE content on the new servers.... and Guess What? They Love It! After trying it, they decided to resub for a year and play the game with actual other living people who communicate and aren't box teams, and we've got them in our Guild! Our guild is growing by leaps and bounds!

    See how easy that is to write? It's almost like anyone can make it up to support their position...
    Sapphirius likes this.
  2. Vinyard Active Member

    Classic EQ2 is snoozeville. Get to EoF ASAP for maximum fun. Once this game gets into Faydwer we will see subs surpass world of warcraft because of how good the game is.
  3. Arconiat New Member

    Loving the conspiracy theories from a couple of the very small minority of Yes voters

    Happy about this outcome and hope it stays for a couple more months at least on Stormhold
    BulletCatcher66 likes this.
  4. Arconiat New Member

    /tinfoil hat

    Nice Ironic sig btw, you are the most vocal whiner in this thread
  5. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Want me to dig up the logs? And I've proposed more than a few solutions, but I guess you would call anyone who isn't in emphatic agreement with the system and outcome a 'whiner' since they don't agree with you.

    The 50's aren't going to make a bunch of alts for the low level 'no' voters to play with. You really need to wrap your head around this fact. You basically just decided the majority of the level 50's won't play on the server until DoF unlocks and a decent chunk of that not coming back at all.

    You just executed a portion of the population because you didn't want content that has little to no impact on sub level 50 content. No AA's, no new 1-50 zones. And any calls against 'op players' and what they can do is already taken care of by summoners, new xpac or not.

    There is no rational reason to no vote this particular xpac, which makes it a purely malicious and/or ignorant act.
    Maergoth likes this.
  6. Reginod New Member


    Same attitudes I see ingame I see here from those who want the vote passed.

    Ingame.. people expect you to be an 11 year vet (especially if you're a tank my god) and know up and down zone layouts, rare mob spawn locales, the limits of your class survivability etc.

    On here you're expected to be an 11 year vet who's played thru all this content several times.

    A lot of us havent. This is a lot of peoples first real experience with the game.

    Suck it up buttercups. Wouldn't be so angry if you didn't rely on eq2 SO much in your life. I am happy some of you say you're going to do something else now, not because I want you off the server but because it seems like a healthy choice for you to make.
    Sapphirius and Chocoholic like this.
  7. Belenos Well-Known Member

    Yet you logged-in and voted for content to be opened? /boggle

    It seems pretty ridiculous to me that you logged-in and voted on a server you do not play on, and admittedly have no interest in playing on.

    I quoted one above--your post that states you do not play on the server, yet logged-in and voted to unlock anyway. How can that be seen as anything other than malicious?

    Sorry, but I would have to call logging-in and voting on a server I do not play on, about issues that have zero effect on me, rather toxic.

    Yet you logged-in and voted 'yes' to unlock, even though you do not play there and admittedly have no interest in playing there? How is that not "malicious and ignorant" as well?

    When I left Stromhold, I deleted my character there, and stopped posting on TLE issues. Maybe you should do the same. And no, this post does not count as posting about TLE, as it is exclusively a post about a person who voted in a server poll in which they have no stake at all, a malicious act, while deriding others for their supposedly "malicious act" of voting in a poll that does affect them.
  8. Gaigex New Member

    I voted no and will do it again . I am enjoying the content. Not our fault a small percentage of the population decided to power level. You 50's need to shut up and/or go away. The big guilds need to stop whining about the lack of gear. You have no influence over the masses despite your attempts. You will not have a gear advantage over the majority. You will not dominate the server because the people have a voice. In the meantime, I will enjoy killing you with my twinks because I am the better player. I catch you alone or without a healer, you will die.
    Mitten, Arconiat and Ardur Duradan like this.
  9. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    I'll be waiting bae
  10. SinR New Member

    Windstalker just confirmed on the TLE server that Stormhold was 80% NO on DOF.

    Happy Days :D
  11. Arconiat New Member

    Yet you saidyou don't play on these servers, but managed to log general exactly when this happened?, I've been on stormhold pretty much constantly and have never seen any of your tinfoil hat crap

    You also are deciding that 50's don't make alts? Wow the ignorance is strong with this one...
  12. Sapphirius Well-Known Member

    Clearly most of the server wants to keep it where it is for just a bit longer. 80% voted no as opposed to 20% yes. 60% is not a small margin by any means. That's a landslide.

    I won't even address the other conspiracy theories as one of the most vocal people in this thread has already admitted he doesn't play on the server. No sense in trying to reason with someone looking for a fight. ;)
    Arconiat likes this.
  13. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    TBQH this just shows why level 40+ should of been the voting requirement.
  14. Ripp Savage New Member

    As the saying goes, "be careful what you wish for."

    With each passing poll that fails to usher in a new expansion, there are those that are going to stop playing. And in doing so, that will leave fewer people to vote yes in the following polls. It's possible that TLE will never see an expansion and instead will wither away and die due to subscription loss.

    Something to chew on in between the gloating.
  15. SinR New Member

    Windstalker "confirmed" that 1-5 voters was a VERY SMALL portion of the vote, like less than 1%
    Sapphirius likes this.
  16. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Can she confirm people under 40? 45? 50?
  17. Mitten Active Member

    All of my toons are under 40 in adventure. I do however have three level 50 crafters.

    Everyone that has a toon on the TLE servers should have a vote. If DBG were capable of limiting it to played time, that may be a better way to go.

    I'm glad the vote was no. For the players claiming they're going to stop playing now because the vote was not yes, you're not as great a loss as losing all the players that voted no, as no was the majority vote.

    And a side note for the players that did roll a toon just to vote. Honestly, you are a word I can't use in forums.
    Moonpanther, Arconiat and Sapphirius like this.
  18. Ripp Savage New Member

    That is the kind of elitism that EQ and EQ2 are notorious for and is harmful to the community and the overall health of the game(s). Each and every player should be considered valuable and every player lost should not be taken lightly. It's exactly that kind of "nani nani" attitude that destroys community and threatens the very game that you will no doubt claim to be trying to support and defend.

    Perhaps it's time that a new kind of community be born parallel to the new server, one in which we can all support each other and carefully consider the words and feelings of those we disagree with.
  19. Mitten Active Member

    Do I need to quote what you said? You are claiming you will leave because the vote was no. Me, I will just go with the majority.
    Nothing whatsoever elite about that at all.

    Maybe this new community you speak of, will also go with the majority vote without threatening to leave?
    Arconiat likes this.
  20. Ripp Savage New Member

    I'd love for you to do that but you can't because I never said I would. You're reading into what I said what you want to and that's been part of the problem with the Everquest community for many years.