The EQ/EQII Facebook Quest Continues!

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Dexella, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    Same here no booster packs from Priestess of the Anarchs. I do have my 5 monthly free choose a pack
  2. ARCHIVED-LittleSparkz Guest

    I petitioned it a day or so ago and got a response this morning saying that there may be a delay for full distrobution of the awards and if I don't get my packs by the afternoon of the 6th to update my ticket.
  3. ARCHIVED-Xaradt Guest

    I'm not fussed about boosters (which btw none of my families accounts has), but I'd really like the xp pot. 6 accounts between us, zero rewards. Not looking forward to submitting tickets for the whole lot tbh.
  4. ARCHIVED-Wingrider01 Guest

    Mephestopheles wrote:
    On the free packs - are you F2P or do you have a subscription - if F2P you will not get them
  5. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    I petitioned on Saturday and got 2 messages the 2nd which was yesterday thanking me for my patience and then nothing and no LON card from the facebook contest showed up.

    After the long wait for the servers to come back up I still have no LON booster decks from the facebook contest.
  6. ARCHIVED-pixiepuff12 Guest

    Xaradt wrote:
    You should open boosters! :) Sometimes they have fun stuff in them!
  7. ARCHIVED-Tylia Guest

    Twinklin@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Same here.. and as of the afternoon of the 7th, still no rewards. I updated my ticket.
  8. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    I have 3 accounts still active and not a single one has recieved any of the rewards from these promotions.
  9. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    Tylia@Butcherblock wrote:
    Same here it is morning of the 8th and no LON booster packs or XP potions. I also updated my ticket which I started on the 4th.
  10. ARCHIVED-SlashnGut Guest

    The answer to my petition filed last week was if no packs by Monday to update the petition. Did that and am still waiting for any type of reply to the updated petition.
  11. ARCHIVED-Onuron Guest

    No packs yet here either, any red name going to update us on this?
  12. ARCHIVED-Dexella Guest

    Hi everyone,
    There is a delay on the XP potion. I do apologize for this. I don't have a specific date yet as to when that will be awarded, but when I do, I will let you know.
    As for the Legends of Norrath booster packs, those were awarded last week. If you're looking for your LON cards, when you log into LON, you will recieve a delivery window. There is only one window for all the packs you receive.
    I have collected a list of station names from this thread who have said they did not recieve the packs and will look into it further.
  13. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    I have not got any LoN packs on any of my accounts. I have been checking almost daily and I double checked this morning.
  14. ARCHIVED-Zorash Guest

    Both of my accounts still have not received the decks. Both petitions were updated yesterday with this information.
  15. ARCHIVED-TorrynWoodsrunner Guest

    I too have yet to see any awarded LoN packs on my account. Figured I'd add my name to the list.
  16. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    Dexella wrote:
    I have been looking everyday since it was announced and no LON booster deck. and it is now the 9 thank you. for looking into it.
  17. ARCHIVED-arohanui Guest

    Same here! Haven't received the LoN Packs either. :(
  18. ARCHIVED-Paddyo Guest

    I petitioned several days ago; havent recieved a response to the petition, or the cards. Tried using the online chat. Sat in the queue as number 1 in queue for about 20 minutes, gave up.
    Help. Please.
  19. ARCHIVED-Onuron Guest

    Dexella wrote:
    THanks for looking into it for us!
  20. ARCHIVED-General_Info Guest

    finally got a response to my ticket and like others getting a looking into it response.
    Not sure if you tacked me onto your list i didn't specificly state before if i got them or not.