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Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Thunuderfueler Member

    what is up with no way to get ahold of customer support? Ever since becoming Daybreak ,Phone support is non existant, can't complete a support ticket. Leveling merchant won't sell me stuff even though I have purchased the campaign
  2. Ambi Member

    If you have any software background you'll know this is jira board. These issues result in direct tickets that go either to a Kanban or an Agile board. That's really awesome.
    Previously we had no visibility into bug/feedbacks sent via the game or submitted on the forum unless we received a direct response.
    Assuming they actually give a damn about this, and product managers actually utilize this, we could potentially see things being prioritized and worked on. This is an extremely hopeful notion, but I appreciate that they're atleast willing to utilize an open jira board.
    Feldon likes this.
  3. Eyenstein Member

    Is the EQII team going to use and support this function? I would like to know as there are a couple bugs i would like to input but the data i am getting from that tracker states it is not being used by the EQII Team. So what do we do now?

    Issues: 28 created and 0 resolved
    Period: last 30 days (grouped Daily)
  4. Vlladimir New Member

    I can help you improve your game now, STOP WITH DAILY UPDATES AND DOWNTIMES!. It makes people mad and provokes executive decisions that mean you get axed as their gaming choice.
    Eyenstein likes this.
  5. azcn2503 Active Member

    Looks like it's up to 40 issues now, zero confirmed, zero closed. I wonder if they are using it too. I hope they do though! It would be great to have more visibility of what is happening and how they will be prioritising our reports.
    Eyenstein likes this.
  6. Sasfer Member

    Why should we help you make you game better???

    How about improving your damn Customer services? I'm still bouncing back and forth trying to solve an issue. So far I've been told to try the same thing twice. Asked questions I've already answered on numerous occasions and sent the usual copy and paste suggests that I've already tried and can easily find on the forums along with a suggestion that should help solve a problem I don't have! I even used frap to record a short clip showing my problem.

    The most recent response I received:

    "After looking at your video, we can tell you are using a custom UI. Initially we had asked you if you had a custom UI and you said you removed it and you were not using it any other then vanilla EQ. The video clearly show you have custom UI, we suggest you resetting the UI to vanilla and then test the game."

    I'm not using a damn custom UI! I wiped my system the other day. I have windows installed plus drivers and EQ2 that's it....well up until tonight when I installed Fraps to record the video but still no custom UI and not even antivirus yet. If the CS thinks its a Custom UI it shows they clearly have no idea what product their Customer Support is actually supposed to be supporting.

    Followed by yet another copy and paste suggestion that does not address the issue its just taken from a search through a database of issue linking certain key words but is not relevant to the issue shown in the video or described in the last dozen of so messages

    I'm hoping its just the individual CS person otherwise that's me done as they fired all the CS that know whan product their ment to be CS for.
    Crafti, Eyenstein and Thalador like this.
  7. Sasfer Member

    Woke up to a response to my ticket saying my issue must be unique to me as they cannot reproduce it suggest I try the forums. I tried that a month ago with no success but I will try again later this evening. The message didn't solve the issue but at least it wasn't trying to solve a different issue, asking me to repeat myself, or suggesting I tried stuff I've already tried multiple times already at their request. Most importantly it didn't call or imply I was a liar and nothing gets me more annoyed than that.
    Too honest for my own good ;/

    Feeling much calmer this morning, suns out gonna be a lovely day. Stuff to do and RL people to see. :)
  8. FriggaWitch Well-Known Member

    Honestly is it really necessary to have yet another site to visit to check bug reports? One would think that if DBG can't check the /bug, /feedbacks that are submitted in game at the occuring location why are they gonna check this? Instead of coming up with all these smokescreens implying that their is concern for the game and creating more and more forums and pages to check why not just fix the things that you already know need fixing? I am pretty upset at even looking at all this BS that you (DBG) has been dishing out since the SOE separation. Just because there is a way to track problems don't try to hard to convince the community you (DBG) are actually gonna fix 'em. Just like you (DBG/SOE) have always fixed everything.
  9. DarkTexasQA Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    Managing Bugs on here or Reddit would be too hard. Software like the ISSUETRACKER is awesome for us to track bugs and fix them faster.
  10. DarkTexasQA Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    The Issuetracker makes it possible for us to track all Bugs directly and give you guys an info about the current status.
  11. DarkTexasQA Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    I know some of you Guys will be angry about another not forumside thing, but I can tell you we had a great success in H1z1 and Planetside 2 with it. That's why we are trying to make it for every Daybreak-Game now. Please give it a try guys and help us @ making your favourite game better!
  12. Dilligax Member

    Want help with making the game better? how about this , Fix the Lag , Find and Fix the cause for all the zoning disconnects , its not just the players with low end PC's , players with high end PC's are having SAME problems. As far as Reddit or whatever its called i wont be signing up for yet another fourm, and personally i think H1z1 is what is effecting the game play of EQ2 as it seems it all started about the time H1z1 launched just a thought.. I wont ever waste my time with H1z1 or planetside 2 .... and oh yeah fix what ya got before adding more stuff to it..once again my 2cp Dilligad - - Freeport
    one more thing ! Hire some people and plug the phone support back in

    @ the Dev / moderator / person who changed my screen name for no reason please change it back to Dilligad
    GrunEQ and FriggaWitch like this.
  13. Taysa Well-Known Member

    Please cite an example that's in the same genre as EQ2.

    I love how people at DBG keep citing PS2/H1Z1 as "successes" and justifying the reasons for doing things. The sentence you posted is the exact same reason others rammed down our throats to go sign up for Reddit.

    Here's the thing though: H1Z1 and PS2 are not MMORPGs. You can't use FPS as examples and have it apply to an RPG. Those games cater to an entirely difference audience than this one.

    So please, cite an example of an MMORPG where using third party websites to track and report bugs (and thus, those bugs get fixed) that was more successful than the game's first party reporting tool.
    FriggaWitch and Eyenstein like this.
  14. Eyenstein Member

    My original post in this thread. now it is up to 40+ and 2 of them have been confirmed. At least there was some action on Friday? my point stands and has yet been answered. Is the EQII team going to use and support this functionality? 2/40+ is not supporting nor is it using it to its fullest potential. I like the idea. I like the fact i can go there and see what bugs have been reported. It just does not seem that with the current EQII FTE that this third party bug reporting system will be utilized.
  15. FriggaWitch Well-Known Member

    I don't care anything about H1Z! or Planetside 2 I do play Dragons' Prophet from time to time but I am an avid Everquest follower. I have never had an issue with customer support. I just wonder why, when we do beta testing or try out things on the test server there needs to be yet another place to post. I would figure that when we /bug or /feedback a problem in game it calls out the position and time where this occurred and thus seems more usable to the Dev team, guess not , whatever.
  16. Crafti New Member

    want to make eq2 better? bring back the devs you got rid of
    Feldon likes this.
  17. Crafti New Member

    oh yeah and bring back soe
  18. Aislynn Member

    Suggestions for a better game:

    * If you say you're going to fix a bug, fix it *before* announcing that you've fixed it. There is one bug that I /bugged and /petitioned about a few days before this latest 7-hour patch. The amazing part is that, despite the GM in the petition assuring me it was going to be fixed, and a thread here on the forum saying it was fixed, the bug is still present in game. What's that all about? Why are you folks not actually fixing what you say you're fixing? Please, start checking whether or not bugs are fixed *before* you say they are, it's just common sense.

    * Please, stop with the greying out of the all-access claim button on the day it's meant to work, then following it up (24 hours later) with a "Become a member" button for those of us who are already members. One of the perks of being a paying member is that we're supposed to get SC (or DC or whatever it's called now); it's stupid to have to pester you through petitions to get something that's supposed to be available to us - and I know I'm not the only one with this problem, nor is it the first time I've encountered this problem. Why not just bring back the automatic 500SC/DC each month? This new system seems to be geared to annoy people, and it's super buggy. Now, if it actually worked each time, no biggie - but it doesn't, and I know you've got other, more significant, bugs and petitions that require your time and attention - so why waste it here?

    * Please, please, please hire more customer service people - poor, laggy, or slow customer service is a sure way to anger what remains of your player base. Then again, not fixing bugs you announce you've fixed and not readily giving people the benefits of a paid account aren't helping you, either. Hire more people. You should be making enough money for more than a skeleton crew.
  19. FriggaWitch Well-Known Member

    Get back to the basics, customer service and community support. Don't mess with character attributes. Listen to your fan base while DBG still has one.
  20. Moonpanther Well-Known Member

    Ok, so we will not be using reddit but instead need to use this? Because before you said use reddit, made an account there...and now it's this. Please confirm.
    Griff likes this.