Emergency Server Downtime May 14th, 2014 for Hotfix

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Luperza, May 14, 2014.

  1. Feylone Active Member

    I second that Luperza. Apparently it's a case of shoot the messanger. :p
  2. Raff Well-Known Member

    No one can make a mountain out of a molehill like a gamer. Its 40 min give or take....not the end of the world as we know it.

    Chill, people.
    Feldon, Neiloch, Feara and 5 others like this.
  3. Sucha Active Member

    Not upset - just making a statement that I am sure many agree with.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Oberrill New Member

    I do not mind downtime to fix problems. Rather than fixing an exploit, I would like to see downtime used to fix other problems such as those mentioned earlier. I really do not care about exploits. If someone uses an exploit, just ban him for a day or two. If someone thinks exploiting is worth being banned, then let them have that choice.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Svetlanavera New Member

    Feldon, Feara, Finora and 1 other person like this.
  6. Arco Active Member

    I have a lot of patience, so it doesn't bother me.... but no matter how much time you take, or how extensive you test.... players will find exploits, or do something that was not intended.

    It only takes one person, doing something that other people haven't thought of or tried to do....
    suka likes this.
  7. Keylawler New Member

    Its the severity of the expoit that matters. They felt it was serious enough to do an emergency fix. Get over it.
    Feldon, Katz, Neiloch and 3 others like this.
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    A-freakin'-men! :-/

    who has many, many characters on Test, and would love the opportunity to use them as they were intended more often
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't matter; many mammals' males also have 'em, not just humans. Though why is anyone's guess... ;->

  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    That needed an emergency hotfix?! ;->

    who really hopes that was sarcasm ;->
    Naramsin likes this.
  11. Jarazi New Member

    Just want to state that for those complaining about things not getting tested, why don't you come to the Test server to test content then...test has never been real robust but if everyone that complained about things not getting tested came to test we could start testing content again but with average peak server population at under 20 kinda hard to test anything.
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Absolutely! The main issue I have there is that not nearly enough content is being sent to us like it was back in the old days. Nowadays we only get the holiday stuff ahead of time (which I am grateful for, believe me! ;->)... :-/

    who does think this about compensation: max. price for this game is $14.99/month. If the estimation was correct and the servers were down for 40 minutes (I haven't checked yet, just saw the announcement on the login screen and came here), that's 40 minutes out of..... /number_crunching .....43,200 minutes in a 30-day month, at $14.99/month, that's.... /more_number_crunching ..... $0.000346991/minute, times 40 minutes = $0.01387963 compensation (or, a penny for your thoughts ;->). Don't spend it all in one place (okay, granted, that's per person, worst-case scenario, but all totaled, it would cost SOE more time and money to figure out how many dollars that would add up to across the board, taking into effect everyone's various subscription plans. You want them to fix this stuff, or waste time on that? Spending 40 minutes at home looking for loose change in the sofa would net you better results ;->).
    Lala likes this.
  13. Almee Well-Known Member

    Ah, folks, your latest attempt to fix bugs you all created in earlier fixes keeps me from logging in now. I get a "the client's version doesn't match the servers" notification. It wants me to rerun the patcher. I re-ran Launchpad. Other than that I haven't a clue what they want me to re-run. I've checked all exe files and nothing except the game exe and Launchpad seem capable of being re-run. I'm using the streaming version so I can't imagine why any file, on my end, should cause the problem but I'll fix a file if someone will kindly tell me what file to fix and where I might find it.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and suka like this.
  14. suka Well-Known Member

    at least we can get on. In eq1, they pushed a fix for a security risk in the server. then half the people couldn't get on. so they pushed a fix to fix the fix. more people couldn't get on. so they pushed another fix to fix the second fix - now nobody can get on and more than that, half the servers are down and on the other half you get "an error occurred while trying to connect to the server". I will take the little bit of downtime here over the day and a half of down-time in eq1.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. suka Well-Known Member

    yeah- how about dungeon maker- new dungeon layouts and new spawners from the new zones

    oops- i was actually trying to reply to the "any more stuff" in your quote- got the wrong post lol
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. suka Well-Known Member

    yeah like i could actually play eq1 yesterday- oh well, there is still eq2
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  17. Finora Well-Known Member

    So you want to be monetarily refunded for the time you missed playing due to down times this month? That adds up to what? A quarter? 50 cents tops. Per hour MMOs are really cheap entertainment.

    Patches means the devs actually care and the game is being maintained. That's a GOOD sign. Be wary when we no longer get regular patches.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone, Martith and suka like this.
  18. suka Well-Known Member

    yeah but he has a point about stuff being ignored that needs fixing.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  19. suka Well-Known Member

    yeah that's kind of overboard. after all, soe doesn't determine when you can play, nor does it charge you by the amount of time you play. you get a month of time for your money and if you don't get to play every day, all day long because of real life issues like job, kids, sleep, etc, no one expects to reimburse you for it. the fact that sometimes more than once a week we get 2 hours of down time is no one's fault. that would be like charging the universe because lightening struck your power pole and knocked out your lights and you were in down time while waiting for repairs.

    in life, things break, if something can go wrong it will, and fixes are inevitable. life happens. get used to it. no one owes you anything special - be glad for what you have. having gratitude and appreciation can make life a lot easier to live.
  20. suka Well-Known Member

    if they are aware it is an exploit that is. there have been plenty of times i wondered if something was an exploit only to be told it was working as expected.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.