Constant plat spam in channel.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Charlice, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. Airros Active Member

    Lol, really "get sued"?!? What a load of hogwash...when most of you donkeys don't have the money, time or inclination to challenge a corporate entity in court especially over a freaking f2p mmo game. Get a real argument, ffs. /rolls his eyes

    I say, if you can't beat um...join um. Stop buying Krono from Day Broken....errr Day Break...and buy the plat from them, instead of selling Krono's on the get a better deal anyway (at least on Freeport where it's 6k per Krono). Maybe then they will get a clue and start banning these botters, eh? what I do...stop whining about it in game/on the forums and '/ignore botwhore3791'...I feel sorry for the Joe Blow who random picks one of their recycled names though...wondering why he/she never gets any responses to their chat messages. LOL! :D
    Wirewhisker and Awkk like this.
  2. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I just looked around on the account pages....where would I find the "buy plat" option?

    BTW, care to mention the name of your main on Freeport? I'll definitely make sure to have you on the /ignore list.
  3. Awkk Well-Known Member

    Did I say that you should be banned?

    I said that the spammer accounts should be banned, and you argued that this could not be done. Because of the minutes it would take, and the gamers that would sue, and airport security.

    I do wonder what is up with the people who insist that spammer accounts cannot be banned.
    Charlice likes this.
  4. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Haven't we already been told that if an account is hacked it's just bad luck and they will do nothing about it? wasn't that in the new 'customer service' list?

    Fix it already DeyBREAK, it's beyond pathetic. Same toon for days, same message for weeks, if your filter hasn't picked it up as spam yet, you're not trying hard enough.
    Wirewhisker and Terrius like this.
  5. Gharyn Well-Known Member

    I can't believe that, not only is this not fixed, but it's getting worse. Bad enough that all the chat channels are getting plat spam from the same name every few minutes for hours... no, scratch that... forever, because it never stops but I am now getting direct tells too. They used to be marked as spam and sent to a window I never looked at. Now they are coming in my main window. This is just ridiculous and it's really pissing me off.
    Wirewhisker, Charlice and Terrius like this.
  6. NickStern Active Member

    Soon to be available on the SC store Insta Spam Blocker only 2500 SC

    Or bundled with the next new Campaign only $5.99 extra.
  7. d1anaw Well-Known Member

    I did use ignore the other night on Unrest. But the bigger issue is that someone is accepting their service or they would not waste their time doing this. Those who are funding them are the ones you need to go after. Without a customer base, they will go away.
  8. Mermut Well-Known Member

    They need to do both. Yes, the 'customers' are a problem that keeps the spammers going, but there is something wrong with deciding the customers are 'worse' the then suppliers.
    That's analogous to saying junkies are 'worse' then pushers. Can't have one without the other.
    Wirewhisker, Losadunai and Awkk like this.
  9. Healious Active Member

    This is nothing new. Bid deal. move along.
  10. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Spammers getting through the filter into general chat channels IS new for EQ2.
    Wirewhisker, GrunEQ and Awkk like this.
  11. Terrius Well-Known Member

    it's certainly getting tedious, and the filter is still not blocking the spammers on Freeport from what I've seen. I now have to ignore the spammer otherwise it's just a constant annoyance since they spam every available channel (Auction, General and sometimes LFG.) The message hasn't changed over the last week either, just the name of the spam bot.
  12. Awkk Well-Known Member

    Not only are players accepting the service, they are now basing the price of kronos and expansions that they resell, on the price of plat, as it is sold by these spammers!

    There was a discussion in chat a few days ago, in which the spammer's price of 3000 plat for 7 dollars, or whatever it is, was used as justification for setting the price of krono, and of the price of Rum Cellar expansions, which were being "gifted" or sold for plat.

    So now, the spammer's arbitrary price, on plat sold for real money, has become the baseline value of plat to real money in game. The spammer's price on plat sold for money is arbitrary, meaning, they can set it at whatever price they like, and change it at any time. The spammers have gone from being prohibited, to setting the baseline value of plat to currency in game. And they can change that value at any time.

    I still think all plat sellers should have accounts banned. Maybe the buyers too. But since Daybreak is an investment company, which is required to maximize profits for the parent company, most likely, this will not happen, and things will continue as they have been, since banning accounts could lead to a loss in profits.
    Wirewhisker, Charlice and Dorofei like this.
  13. Dorofei Member

    I'll just throw this out there as a general trend I've seen in MANY MMO's over the years. I actually think they let the Spam through like a trickling spout because it boosts some of the player base who will play the game more if they can buy the plat. Whether or not they pay membership fees, or annoy other players, at the end of the month, it looks like that many more people are populating the server. That looks good for quarterly reports. Based on what you have said, if there is any truth to it, and based on the fact people seem to see an increase in spam after DBG took over, I wouldn't put it past the point of common sense that they altered that trickle spout intentionally just to see how things might go.
  14. Charlice Well-Known Member

    You must be new here. We have not had plat spam in EQ2 almost since day 1.

    While you might enjoy the plat spam, I do not.
    My wish is that everyone that buys, or has ever bought plat, has their account hacked and they never get it back. Maybe then we'll see the end of the putrid sacks of crap. aka: plat sellers.

    And I still don't understand why the plat seller accounts are not being banned. Is this really true?

    So when the plat sellers are also found to be selling duped krono on the broker, Daybreak will be good with that? Do players really think that the level one plat sellers, that sit and spam in starting areas, are actually making plat to sell?
    But yeah thanks I guess Daybreak, for effectively helping to reduce the price of krono. I sure as hell will not be spending a cent of real money on this game, until these pos are gone.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  15. Awkk Well-Known Member

    Great now regular players are offering to sell plat for money. Right now a player on AB is offering 200,000 plat for 150 or 160 bucks cos he is sick of the game.

    Also yesterday some one was selling their account. No point in reporting such things, anymore, is there?
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  16. Caethre Active Member

    If I see that, I will report and petition immediately.

    Plat-sellers and plat-buyers always exist in online games, but they can be tracked down by logging plat exchanges and investigating goods exchanged between the two accounts concerned over a period of time. This requires good software and/or considerable manpower, but it is far from impossible.

    Back in the day, Verant/SOE used to be pretty hard on this kind of behaviour. Investment in good filtering, combined with severe penalties for those caught (including perma-bans) were the norm.

    The introduction of free-to-play has made it easier for the sellers, who can pull up roots and create a new free account and carry on. That half the the problem is now much harder to police, with improved filtering being the only realistic option, at least as far as I know.

    However, targeting the buyers could continue, were the manpower available. Combine this with sever penalties (including permanent bans) would dis-incentivize the buyers, and hence reduce the scale of the issue.

    No-one should be in any doubt: the EULA is and has always been very clear - buying plat from third-party sellers is against the rules. It is not acceptable, and decent players have always agreed with the game-providers and condemned it.

    Personally, every time a plat-buyer is found, I'd recommend a permaban. Kick the door shut behind them, and if the door catches their virtual head on the way out, good.

    Plat-buyers are MMORPG scum. Apologists for these people are little better.

    (I really sit on the fence on this issue, that is clear).
  17. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Why all the rage at the buyers and none at the sellers? In my opinion both behaviors should carry the same penalty as they're two sides to the same coin.
    Losadunai and Awkk like this.
  18. Charlice Well-Known Member

    how's the spam filter coming along Daybreak? maybe you could hire some school kids to fix it for you?
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  19. Apan Member

    I came on the forums today to put in a complaint about harvesting the primordial rare and how it;s broken and needs to be fixed.
    I came across this tread and seen so many people gripping about this and I'm kinda of confused.
    There is some things about his game that needs to be fixed that affects game play but It's spam that's it people writing messages to sell their plat. I really don't see why players are so over reactive about this.
    It doesn't affect game play at all.
    Will one of you please explain why this is hurting you and why there is 15 pages of replies.
  20. Losadunai Active Member

    It's messing with the value of plat itself in game, and with prices for things in the broker market at a result. People who are playing the straight way and earning their plat are having to deal with the repercussion of the price fluctuations and devaluation of plat and that stinks.

    That, and if it were as simple as putting someone on ignore, then it would be fine- but these people are making new characters so it's a constant dance to try to get the incessant messages out of ones face.