A Fae Flies into a Bar...2

Discussion in 'Roleplaying' started by ARCHIVED-llewenayah, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Ziqua nodded as Maheera rolled onto her back and sucked in her stomach.
    Nedrid glared at Calish “Fine,” he hissed
    Gregor sheathed his sword after the glow had faded. He rubbed his hand to help ease the burning he felt in his sword hand.
    Nedrid turned to look at his niece “The aura seems steady.”
    “I was going to make a chain for the coin... and possibly make the coin look a little less conspicuous...”
    Nedrid sighed. “That might work...” he swallowed. He contemplated trying to move but was afraid he'd scratch himself and having a divine scratch would not be pleasant.
    “I assume you mean after we escape.” Vonelix said “Well I have several experiments. One of course involves curing poor Elena, you could easily help me with that. The transformation is very painful. You could ease her mind. Actually playing that puzzle pie box might help her... or anger her... could be fun to see. I also have a device which attaches to the back and allows the wearer to fly as though they were born with wings... mine isn't ready for flight yet though...there will be plenty of gadgets you can help me test.”
    Alyerra decided she liked Rene but Alaric made her nervous. She smiled as the woman reminded her very much of her adopted Aunt.
    Kyriu turned to face the bard No,” she almost hissed “I'll play as much Dan or Llew in trying to keep it straight, but I am not changing my name.” she turned back around and continued to lead towards the ramp.
    Xia raised an eyebrow and sighed. Her father had always forbidden her to name animals because if you named them you couldn't eat them. “Have any food around here that um won't be missed?” she asked.
  2. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Brique laughed at the tiger. "Alright. Sunfish rolls, sunfish, muffins, milk and coffee. Coming right up, ladies." He patted Maheera's stomach and stood, hurrying back to the kitchen.
    Ross held the sword there for a moment longer and then withdrew, sheathing it and quenching the holy light.
    Nerry shivered. "No high flying for me, thank you very much." He was not very fond of heights. "I dunno about the pie box if she's not feeling well. You really have to know your subject to fit the right prank or joke with them."
    Rene watched Aleteriq's small Spirit Wolf jump into his lap and curl up. "And Aleteriq is studying to become a Shamen, correct?"
    Llew nodded. "Yes, under our Uncle Thrain."
    "There are qualified Shamen here in Kelethin." Alaric commented.
    Llew's gaze slid to her Grandfather. "I am sure that there are." She managed to keep her voice level.
    Aleteriq looked up at his sister, a confused look on his face.
    Aloysiius winced, realising he must have accedentaly hit on a sore spot. "Sorry. I didn't mean anything by that joke. your name is important to you."
    "Well th' kitchens are-" She paused and turned. "Oh. Yer mean like..." She tapped her chin. "We only 'ave pets 'ere in th' 'all. We've lil' 'uns tha' sometimes run through ter play so we dun really provide live foo' fer our Freebloo' members ter tell yer th' truth. Kinda a 'ard thin' ter explain ter 'em. Mos' o' 'em go ou' ter Antonica or Oakmist ter 'unt them selves bu' we der 'ave some jugs o' blood in th' cold storage fer emergencies. Er...we kin 'eat it up on th' stove if yer wan'."
  3. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    "Th-thank you," Ziqua said to the Halflinig as he headed towards the kitchen.
    Nedrid rubbed the back of his neck and hissed as he felt the slightly burned skin which had been left. He turned and knelt by Telsi's side. He analyzed the coin and his neice "Seems to be working. Of course we'll need a chain to keep it on her."
    "I said I was planning on doing that," Calish said through bared teeth.
    "Right because you've done so much already." Nedrid retorted "All you bring to her is trouble." he sighed "She also needs to feed."
    Calish stepped closer.
    "Now that is a brilliant idea," Nedrid grinned.
    Gregor pulled the Tier'dal back "You are covered in recent wounds and if I'm correct you fed her recently.... you need to give your body a chance tp recover. Aside from that her dependency on citizen blood needs to stop."
    "Is there anything around here in that case?" Calish asked
    Nedrid snorted "Why do you torture yourself Delmion?"
    "I don't know what your talking about."
    "You limit yourself to what blood you consume, it's all the same. Also has it ever occurred to you that reason you're hands burn when you cast is rejection?"
    "See to your Niece," Gregor snarled. His eyes were red with anger.
    Aly sighed. She thought perhaps this was a matter in which she should keep her mouth shut.
    Kyriu said nothing as she continued walking.
    Tetri sighed "Her name means Perfect Balance." she explained "In Mesena's family a child's name speaks volumes. She aspires to truly fit her name... she doesn't realize how much she already does." she smiled at the Bard "Kyriu has been accussed of being too serious. She'll get over it."
    Xia nodded "I think I understand, for now the reserves sound great... I haven't had breakfast yet." she sighed "Oh how rude of me, I don't think I introduced myself properly to ya. Xiaminara Crimsonsong." she curtseyed "But my friends call me Xia,"
  4. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Sylvie turned to the priestesses. "I'm Private Sylvie Grayhaze, by the way."
    Ross growled at Nedrid. "I am very tempted to put a muzzle on you just to shut that mouth." She turned to Calish. "I will send someone to see if there are any animals in the Elddar Grove or Oakmyst that will suffice."
    "I can do that, Captain." Herrigan volunteered.
    "Illasko Silktree is looking for apprentices." Alaric continued. "He is very skilled."
    "Uncle Thrain is very skilled too and is much closer to home." Llew said. "Aleteriq can't very well come into Kelethin every day for training when he lives in Qeynos."
    "Perhaps he could live in Kelethin." Alaric said. "With us to look after him."
    Llew felt her cheeks burn.
    Aloysiius nodded to Tetri, but then leaned down to whisper. "Uh...'Alriu' doesn't mean anything, does it?" He asked, worrying that he might have called her something improper.
    "Ay'm Asphodelus Amandier!" Del bowed with a flourish. "Th' galley is this way." She went through the archway to the right.
  5. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    “Priestess Anna Cooper,” Anna answered.
    “Elena Mune`va,” Elena sighed. The food seemed to have improved her mood some.
    Telsi slowly opened her eyes tried to sit up but she clearly still weak.
    Nedrid snorted. He muttered under his breath in Thexian oblivious that the human could understand it “I'd love to see you try stupid human,”
    Calish bit back a laugh.
    “Make sure they're living,” Nedrid warned.
    “Uncle Nedrid what are you doing here?” Telsi whispered.
    “I thought you might be in trouble... and I was right.” Nedrid said. “Telsianya listen to me I did not...”
    Telsi cut him off “I know what you're going to say we've had this conversation before. Don't you dare make me choose,”
    Nedrid stared at his neice “You need to feed, after that I'm sure things will be more clear.”
    Telsi rolled her eyes.
    Alyerra swallowed “I understand you're his grandparents but what you're asking would tear him away from the only family he has ever known and trust me it's not pleasant. I've been there. Someone determined that my mother was unfit to raise me... I was about his age. Suddenly I was among strangers who said they wanted to help me. All I wanted was my Mom. I just wanted to go home.” she sighed “Luckily some friends managed to persuade the people to allow me to go home, those were the worst two weeks of my life.”
    Tetri thought about “Hm well Alyerra means Song from Curse... trying to remember which part means which...” she sighed “The only one who could tell you for sure.... would be Kyriu's mother... so either you called her Song Balance or Cursed balance...”
    Xia smiled. “The Galley?” she queried before following after the Wood-Elf.
  6. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    "It's very nice to meet you." Sylvie smiled.
    Brique wound his way through the crowded tables and to the ladies, pushing a cart this time. He placed a plate of muffins, a jug of milk, a coffee pot, a plate of sunfish rolls and a pat of butter on the table before setting plates and cups before the ladies. He held a plate with a raw sunfish on it. "Where does this go?" He was unsure of whether or not the Warder ate at the table.
    "Just give me a reason." Ross hissed back in Thexian.
    Herrigan nodded. "I'll be back as soon as I can." He slipped out of the door.
    Norna knelt down to help Telsi.
    "That's terrible." Pepin said. "I know I would have been angry to have been taken away from my family like that."
    Aleteriq's eyes went wide and he leaned over to cling to Llew's arm.
    Alaric's eyes narrowed at Alyerra but Rene broke in. "Oh, of course that's not what he meant. We want the family to be together again but I do hope you will visit us and we can visit you in Qeynos. How much of our heritage do you know?" She turned to Llew.
    "Oh-uh, not much, just what Mom taught me before she...left." She glanced at Al and then back at her grandparents. "I would appreciate if you could teach him what I cannot."
    Aloysiius winced. "Me and my big mouth."
    "Oh, kitchen, sorry. Ay'm used ter bein' on a ship most days, so feel free ter poke me if Ay start talkin' bout goin' port or starboard or babblin' bou' th' bilge an' yardarms an' all tha' salty talk." She opened the door to the kitchen and went halfway up the stairs, past the dry storage and into the cold room. Even as tall as she was, Del had to stand on her toes to reach a red clay jar on the top shelf. "'Ere it is. Der yer wan' it warmed?"
  7. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Maheera crouched and then pounced on the table. She avoided everything that was there and sat on empty spot looking expectantly at the Halfling. “Tell him it can go right here.” She moved a paw to point in front of her.
    Ziqua giggled unable to translate.
    Elena laughed a little too.
    Anna smiled to see the girl looking a little happier.
    Nedrid's mouth dropped.
    Calish laughed.
    Nedrid turned to the Dark-Elf “So you think this is all funny Matriel?” he snapped his fingers
    The tentacled feline pounced knocking Calish to the ground with a sickening crack.
    Telsi turned to thank the human helping her but stopped as she saw her fiancee hit the ground. She turned angry white eyes on her uncle.
    “Telsi it's for the best,” Nedrid explained.
    Gregor knelt by the Dark-Elf and prayed silently for Marr's healing. His hands began to glow.
    “Gregor don't be a fool,” Nedrid sighed as he approached his fiery companion which was still standing on the unconscious Teir'dal.
    Gregor said nothing as the rest of his body began to glow with holy light which spread around him and the young man.
    Nedrid screamed as the holy light touched him. He backed away.
    The cat returned to it's master as though seeing if he was alright.
    Gregor closed his eyes and collapsed as Calish opened his eyes and sat up.
    He swallowed “I'm completely healed.... how?”
    With Norna's help Telsi managed to sit up. “I want you out of my sight.” she hissed to her Uncle.
    “But Telsi...”
    “I've heard that you murdered someone,” Telsi continued
    Nedrid glared at his niece “She was only... never mind that's beside the point. I did not save your life Telsianya so you could throw it away with that scum.”
    “I have a guess what you were going to say....” Calish interjected “She was only human?”
    Nedrid turned.
    “Look around you,” Calish muttered “You really need to mind your surroundings.” he nodded towards Ross and Norna.
    Aly nodded. “In that case my apologies, it just was beginning to sound that way.” she smiled “My mother is Senriala, she runs the Tainted Eagle here in Kelethin.” she explained. She clutched the stone in one of her pockets and focused on Llew “Do you know if he has any sort of heat vision or how observant he is? It seems since we got here he's been suspicious of me... maybe it's because my complexion screams Tier'dal blood and he hates that... or could he suspect my condition? If he has any sort of heat vision... my body doesn't radiate heat... it's a dead give away.... ugh forgive the pun that was unintentional...”
    Tetri smiled “Don't worry too much about it Cub. Out of all of my Cubs I have three Bards. All three of you have one thing in common, you talk a lot. I think if a bard were to be silent it would mean they were sick.” she turned to follow the group up the ramp.
    Xia nodded. “Forgive me for being so naïve.. It's just I was born underground... it's very rare for Freeblood to have children but it does happen.” she sighed “I grew up hearing about the wonders up here, but until recently we had to hide because your world wasn't ready. I've heard of ships but I've never seen one.” she sighed “If it's not too much trouble warm would be preferred.”
    ((Wanted to apologize if I seem anti-social sometimes on Xia... yesterday (Saturday) I was having some trouble with my guild chat. There was another guildie on Roquefort I think. I finally fixed my guild chat just before they logged out. /sigh. Truth be told I rather like the peacefulness of Gotterdamerung it's a nice break from the demands of being loot officer in a Raid guild which I enjoy but sometimes it's nice to slow down and forget about it for a little while at least.))
  8. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Brique laughed and put the plate down for the tiger cub. "Is that everything, ladies?"
    "Dare you attack someone in the House of the Qeynos Guard?" Ross growled as her eyes began to glow. "The human that you murdered had a brother who is full of hate right now because of your actions."
    Norna shuddered. She knew that her sister was in complete control of herself, but it was never something she could get used to seeing.
    Alaric turned back to his porridge, eating slowly. Llew furtively reached into her pocket and grasped the stone while Pepin and Toska began to chat about the weather.
    'I don't really know. It might not be personal. He does not strike me as the type of person to be trusting or accepting of anyone. He hasn't even said a word to Toska or Pepin since we got here.'
    Rene finished her bowl and wiped her hands daintily on a cloth napkin. "What is the Tainted Eagle?" She asked.
    "A tavern." Alaric said, with some disdain.
    "Oh, you must perform there." Rene said to Alyerra.
    Aloysiius laughed. "True! True!" he followed her.
    Del nodded and headed out of the coldroom and up the stairs to the kitchen. "Well, yer ever wan' ter git yerself some sea legs, Ay go gallavatin' out o' th' 'arbour quite a bit, if yer inter tha' kin' o' work." She pulled a pot down from a shelf and set it on the stove, pouring some of the red liquid out from the clay jug. "Sailin' be 'ard work, 'specially wha' me an' me crew does, but it 'as it rewards, it does."
    ((It's alright. Roquefort is one of my Dad's toons. He sometimes forgets that there is a Guild Chat and doesn't always see when people talk in it. He has trouble typing sometimes too, so if he takes a while to answer that's why but if you can engage him he's quite talkative, in and out of character.))
  9. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Maheera used her paws to hold the fish and tear it with her teeth. “Tell him I said thank you,”
    “S-she says th-thank you,” Ziqua stammered.
    Anna nodded “This should all we need, thank you,”
    Dana picked up one of the muffins “Thanksss,” she said.
    Nedrid swallowed “Well you see... I...” his voice squeaked. He looked at his niece.
    “Don't look at me for help.” Telsi hissed “I told you not to make me choose,”
    Nedrid glanced again at the angry Paladin. “The beast has a mind of it's own,” he lied.
    Telsi shook her head “Uncle you're surrounded by Paladins... followers of Marr the Truthbringer...”
    The Assassin turned her head.
    Calish withdrew his twin Rapiers
    Nedrid swallowed again “As for the brother you must mean Simon... hatred can be used as valuable tool.”
    Calish turned as the sound of another sword being unsheathed sounded.
    Simon stepped forward with his sword drawn. His eyes fell on his unconscious mentor. His sword began to glow with a yellow light.
    "Um would it be too late to beg for mercy?" Nedrid squeaked.
    “Most of time I do,” Alyerra answered “I travel sometimes too.” she sighed “Mom needed a way to make a living with her skills. She cooks mostly.” she decided to leave out her mother's knowledge brewing because something told her that wouldn't score any points. She clutched the stone to respond to Llew “I see what you mean. Your Grandmother seems nice though. Reminds a little of Aunt Mesena...”
    Kyriu stopped to wait for the group.
    “Are wes theres yets?” one of the tiny Ratonga asked.
    Canty pranced back and picked up Fayberry who was lagging behind.
    “Almost,” Kyriu answered.
    People turned to look at the large group.
    “Whys ares theys starings at us?” Fayberry asked.
    Xia followed “I'd be willing to learn if you and your crew wouldn't mind some music perhaps in the evenings. Also as I said I'm interested in seeing the world. A ship seems like a great way to that... besides I hear that there's plenty of food on a ship in the form of rodents. No matter how long we sailed I wouldn't starve.” she sighed “Sorry to be so much trouble now.”
  10. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Brique patted Maheera between the ears. "You're welcome. If you need anything, give me a call." He turned and began to take orders from other tables, glad that he was back in his element instead of doing actual Guard work.
    Sylvie cut open a muffin and spread some butter onto it.
    Ross raised an eyebrow at the yellow light. "Put that sword down, Squire."
    Norna tapped Telsi on the shoulder. "Can you stand?" She did not like the idea of her being on the ground if fighting broke out.
    "Well, I shall have to come visit sometime, then. I'd love to hear your playing."
    "Is there no one in Qeynos to teach him his heritage?" Alaric asked.
    Llew, concentraiting on the stone, did not hear her grandfather. 'The schism was mostly Grandfather's action, I was told. My Grandmother cried when mother left.'
    "Th-there was someone from New T-Tunaria who said he'd teach me, but he-" Aleteriq said quietly.
    Alaric's brow furrowed. "You met someone from New Tunaria in Qeynos?"
    "It was a scam, actually." Pepin cut in. "The man tried to kidnap Aleteriq and other Koada'dal from Qeynos."
    "Tongas is accepteds in the cities nows, buts is still rares to sees so manys of uses in a groups. Don'ts worries." Bella said, but Rothgut felt uncomfortable with so many eyes on them.
    "Aye, we always welcome th' music!" Del pulled a stein down from another shelf and poured the blood into it. "'Ere yer go." She offered it to Xia. "Me crew an' me, we ain' jus' sailors or traders though. We've go' a purpose yer shoul' be aware o' afor signin' on."
  11. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Simon kept his sword out “He's the one!” he shouted
    “I suggest you listen.” Calish said “You need to calm down. I'm sure this is not what your sister would have wanted.”
    “And how would you know!” the boy snapped at the Dark-Elf.
    “Because I lived in Haven for awhile and I saw people in transition.” Calish answered “There was a Paladin, I'm not sure what he did, but his blade glowed like that. He went on to become a Shadowknight.”
    Nedrid watched with interest. “Anger and Hatred... perhaps someone could teach you how to channel it. I could also bring her back.”
    “I-I think so,” Telsi answered as she shakily let go and managed to stand. She swallowed. Her eyes were white with anger and the need to feed.
    “Um sure. If you wanted I could play some here.” Alyerra offered. She turned to grab her guitar from behind her. She stopped and let out a gasp of pain. Her hand flew to her side where the gash had re-opened.
    “I sees,” Colby answered.
    “Dads looks ats alls the Arasais!” Limberger shouted.
    A group of Fae started shouting in Faelie before turning and gliding away.
    Kyriu turned “Um those weren't Arasai,” she explained.
    “They looks a lots likes Ms Brienae,” Fayberry chimed in.
    Kyriu nodded “Brienae is actually a Fae. And her people tend to not get a long so well with the Arasai.” she swallowed unsure how to explain “It is insulting to them to be called Arasai.”
    “Buts theys looks the sames...” one of the children said.
    Kyriu bit her lip in thought. “Er well there are a few differences...” she looked at the large crowd with her “Um is Sholt still with us?” she asked
    Xia took the stein “I'm listening...” she said as she analyzed the mug before starting to drain it.
  12. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Ross glared at Nedrid before turning her still glowing eyes to Simon. "You are at a crossroad, Squire. You can kill him and tread a dark path of hate and fear or rise above it and let justice's course take action but know that neither will bring your sister back. Will you meet her in the Ethernere knowing that you did good on Norrath, or with your head hung in shame for the destruction of your own soul?"
    Norna pulled Telsi back, away from the glowing Paladin.
    Sylvie bit into the warm muffin and chewed. "May I ask what brings you to the Guard today?" She asked the Priestess.
    "Oh, that would be lovely." Rene said with a smile.
    Llew noticed the movement and leaned over Aleteriq. "Are you alright, Alyerra?"
    "Aye, Ay'm still here!" Sholt fluttered his wings in agitation, right behind Kyriu. "Wha' do yer wan'?"
    "Well, hereabouts, Ay'm known as Del, or sometimes Cap'n Del, but ou' on th' sea, Ay'm known as The Slaver Slayer. It be our Lurln'Ley's mission ter rid th' seas of th' scum slavers. Most o' me crew were rescued from tha' fate an' offered ter 'elp others do th' same. We figh' wit ships an' crews larger than ours bu' we 'ave a cause tha' means more than jus' coin so the gods smile upon us. Yer shoul' be warn' tha' there be a lot o' battlin' an' a lot o' dealin' wit people in between th' shore leave."
  13. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Simon dropped his sword as the glow vanished. Tears streamed from his eyes as he fell to his knees.
    Nedrid sighed “Destruction of the soul? Seriously?”
    Telsi vanished from beside Norna and reappeared behind her Uncle. Her claws at his neck “Uncle Nedrid that's enough.”
    “You dare to threaten me, Telsi? After all I've done for you?”
    “You're talking like a Necromancer... yet you cast as a Conjuror. You can't have it both ways.” she swallowed “I'm sure Windfoot would be very interested to hear how sincere you are.”
    Nedrid's eyes widened “You wouldn't dare,”
    “I'm an Assassin Uncle, I know how to find people.”
    Nedrid smiled “That may be true, but I've heard rumors that they might be allowing Necromancy to be practiced here. If that happens then I may get to see famed Windfoot behind bars.” his grin widened “You're shaking, niece.” he managed to grab her wrist and pull her in front of him “You forget one tiny significant detail... I made you what you are!” with that he threw her into Ross and began casting his call back to guild hall.
    Telsi screamed as she impacted the glowing Paladin.
    “Yeah,” Alyerra managed. With her other hand she managed to squeeze the stone “I was injured during my time with Desmens and his lovely apprentice... she tortured me using a dagger laced with divine energy... one of the wounds is pretty deep and keeps re-opening. Hopefully you're the only one who noticed. ”
    Kyriu turned to look at the Arasai “Your help in explaining the differences between Fae and Arasai would be much appreciated.”
    The children all looked at little winged man intently.
    “Sounds noble. I can fight. Fighting for a cause like that would be great.” Xia sighed “Truth be told I'm trying to find a stable job. Just starting out singing songs doesn't pay very well and to be completely honest I don't need the money for me...” she finished the stein of blood and continued “Mama is human. When they took Da' I promised I'd look after her. I found a place for us to stay... but there's the matter of she needs food...” she met the Wood-elf's eyes to confirm that she was telling the truth. “If I could earn money by working for a cause that would be so much better... of course I don't have to tell her exactly what I'm doing. Just so long as I can meet her eyes and not be ashamed.”
  14. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Ross stumbled back as the Freeblood fell into her. The holy light dispersed as she lay on the ground. Norna called out and cast Speechless at Nedrid, hoping that her spell would be enough to thwart his escape.
    Llew bit her lip but before she could think of an excuse to leave the room with Alyerra Alaric spoke up. "If you are alright why do you clutch your side like that? Surely it is nothing that the Paladin couldn't heal." He indicated Pepin, who looked up uncertainly.
    "I-I'm just a Squire, sir. I'm not that skilled in healing just yet."
    Sholt frowned. "Well, we Arasai are th' chosen of Christanos and have wings like bats and cave moths while th' Fae are th' creations o' th' Elves' Mommy Goddess an' 'ave weak, frail wings like...Ay dunno, leaves an' butterflies."
    Bella folded her arms across her chest. "You's shoulds nots talks abouts Tunares in that tones."
    Del nodded. "Ay pay me crew well if they put in th' work. But be warned, tha' while fightin' be a part o' it, much o' it be dealin' wit th' aftermath. Th' people we free from th' ships be a whole mix o' emotions. There be fear, an' relief, happiness an' anger an' some o' 'em seem 'ollow. It be our work ter git them back 'ome, or to a place they kin make a 'ome if they kin't go back. We listen ter 'em when they need an ear and give 'em comfort when they need tha' an' some o' em need left alone an' some o' 'em we kin't save." She found a plate of cookies and picked one up, nibbling on it. "Dealin' wit th' 'ollow ones be th' 'ardest o' all. Th' ones who are so far gone inter despair tha' they don' care an' don' realize they are free."
  15. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    Nedrid started to say something further but found he couldn't. The spell did interrupt his casting. He started casting again not needing sound.
    Calish dropped his rapiers and dashed to Telsi's side. He picked her up in his arms.
    “Don't let him get away,” Telsi whispered.
    Nedrid gave a silent laugh and vanished.
    Calish cursed. He glanced around him “Simon check on Gregor.”
    The boy looked up “How?” he asked with a choked voice.
    “Hold your hand a few inches above his mouth. You should feel his breath.” Calish answered.
    Simon did as he was told. “He's breathing,” Simon answered.
    Calish nodded.
    Simon stood and knelt by the Captain to see if she was alright.
    “Just a minor wound, hardly worth the attention of a Paladin and definitely not worth the attention of a priest.” Alyerra answered. She hoped the fear in her voice would be taken for pain. The thought crossed her mind: did Alteriq know that she couldn't be healed?
    Kyriu sighed “Where is Brienae? Then again I'm not so sure her explanation would be much better.” She stood and headed towards the Tainted Eagle. “Bella I think Senri might need some help baking for this crowd... she normally has a few regulars but rarely does she have this many... would you mind lending a hand in the kitchen?”
    Xia nodded “Actually that part sounds more interesting to me. I said I was willing to fight not that I really look forward to fighting. I have seen what music can do. It can make people feel better. I don't know if it will help all of them... but I'd love to try.”
  16. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Norna let her hands fall to her sides and paused before running to her sister's side. "Ross? Ross, are you alright?!"
    The captain squeezed her eyes shut. "There's no need to yell." She muttered, pushing herself up to sit. "I'm fine."
    "The blood on your head says otherwise." Norna said, exasperated.
    Ross felt the back of her head and felt something warm and sticky. She winced. "Did that blasted half-Necromancer get away?" She asked.
    Aleteriq looked from Alyerra to his sister. "Is-is it your stomach? Does it hurt because you healed me?" He bit his lip.
    "Why would it hurt her to heal anyone?" Alaric asked.
    Hoddmimir chuckled but said nothing.
    Bella nodded. "Oh, yisyis. I's cans cooks ups somethings goods." She was really rather happy at the prospect of being back in the kitchen again. "Let's sees, whats does you's likes?" She asked the little Ratongas.
    Del nodded. "Try is all we ask an' sometimes all some'un needs." She glanced at the door. "But afore yer git yerself some proper sea legs on yer, Ay think we need ter talk o' yer kin they mentioned. It ain't slavery, Ay dun think, bu' it be no more reprehensable. Ay dun like th' idea tha' some 'ave been welcomed inter our fair city only ter be rounded up like Ay've 'eard they 'ave been."
  17. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    “Yes,” Calish answered “Maybe this Windfoot can straighten him out.”
    “No... I can't...” Telsi whispered.
    “Of course you can find her, Telsi you have never failed to find anyone you were assigned to find.”
    “She'll kill him... I told him I'd find her... because I was hoping he'd listen to me. From what I've gathered if she talked to him and he's pretending to be a Conjuror... she won't give him a second chance,” she swallowed “Please tell me the Barbarian returned with food...”
    “No...” Calish sighed “Focus on me Enavra,”
    Simon sank against the wall “I'm such a failure...” he sighed. “I want Kayla to be proud of me when we meet again... but I let him get away again.” tears filled the squire's eyes again.
    “No, no Alteriq it has nothing to do with that.” Alyerra answered quickly “It's an injury that someone else gave me.” she chose to pretend she had not heard Alaric.
    “Cheesecakes!” Limberger said immediately.
    “Limby you can'ts haves cheesecakes for breakfasts,” his mother interrupted.
    “Fayberry tarts?” Fayberry asked.
    “Nos Jum jums,” a few of the boys said together.
    “They's eats justs abouts anythings,” Calarys said.
    “I don'ts likes anythings greens,” Limberger said.
    “I hides vegetables,” Calarys said with a wink to the Bella.
    Xia nodded. “There's more to what's going on than just being rounded up. Soon after being taken into Nettleville Da' contacted us and told us he wasn't feeling so well.” she swallowed “I managed to sneak in one day after we'd stopped hearing anything. I found him but it wasn't him. He didn't know me and he was ravenous kept saying he needed to feed. There were others in the same shape and nothing anyone did seemed to help them.” tears welled in her eyes. I left him... the only cure was to end his misery... I couldn't do it.” the tears began to flow down her cheeks “He was my Da'. Now he's a monster. I can't go back. Rumor has it that the Freeblood in there were poisoned and that's what made them sick...” she sat in one of the chairs at the table. “He was my Da'” she said again before she collapsed into her tears.
  18. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Ross started towards Simon, but Norna pulled her back. "Would you heal that wound? You're bleeding all over the place."
    The Captain glanced at Telsi before nodding towards her sister. She reached up and pressed a glowing hand on the back of her own head. The divine light faded and she went over to Simon. "He will see justice met, Squire." She assured him.
    Herrigan opened the door, a brace of rabbits in his hand. The two animals' twitched their noses curiously. "Uh...i hope this is alright."
    Aleteriq relaxed a little at hearing it was not his fault. "Will you be alright?"
    Rene stood. "I'll get you a bandage." Before anyone could say anything she left the room. Alaric glanced at Alyerra again.
    "What exactly did you do for the boy to heal him?"
    Bella grinned. "I's cans makes muffins and turnovers. Tarts and cheesescakes is nots really for breakkist."
    Hoddmimir folded his arms. "Tha's too sweet still. Why do you goody-goodys all wan' sweet foods?"
    "I's is sure there is others options. Miss. Senri has a goods kitchens."
    Del put a hand on Xia's shoulder. "Ay woul'nae been able ter do tha' either. Th' Circle 'as gone ter far."
  19. ARCHIVED-lisemanta Guest

    “Perfect timing,” Calish muttered.
    Simon nodded. He looked towards Telsi “You said you were an Assassin?”
    Telsi looked at him with white eyes.
    Calish nodded in answer for her.
    “I thought Assassins were all evil and not allowed in Qeynos?” the boy continued.
    Calish set his Fiancee` on the ground and took one of the rabbits from Herrigan and gave it to her.
    Telsi bit into the animal's neck.
    Simon turned his head and began to shiver. “If she's an Assassin then when she becomes a Ranger...”
    “Not going to happen,” Telsi said looking up from the rabbit “Assassins are allowed in Qeynos and secretly they have been for some time. The Eye of Bayle is a group Assassins which serves the Queen directly.” she took another sip from the rabbit's neck “I could track down my Uncle... but...” she sighed “He has to be stopped.” she drank her fill and then pulled out her canteen and drained more blood from the animal into it. Her eyes were pink again. “Captain, I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused.” she took a deep breath “If you would like I will track down my Uncle and bring him here so that he can face Justice.”
    Alyerra nodded to Alteriq. She sighed as she realized she couldn't really ignore Alaric. “There was a dark energy inside him that was killing him from within.” she took a deep breath “I took that energy into my own body.” she swallowed as she waited for the response she was sure was coming as he put the pieces together.
    “Canty lets us haves cheesecakes,” Limby answered.
    Both parents turned to their niece.
    “Wells yous weren'ts homes ands I trieds tos makes somethings buts its didn'ts turns outs wells ands wes hads cheesecakes froms the nights befores. It hads fruits, and cheese... it's healthys.”
    Calarys sighed “You're takings cookings lessons whens we gets to Qeynos.”
    “Buts Aunts Calarys I needs times to practice for the Dance!”
    “Yis buts I don't wants yous starvings tos deaths when yous are alls growns.”
    “But... buts...” the teenager protested.
    “Perhaps Ms. Bella could teach you?” Colby suggested.
    Xia nodded and wiped her eyes “I'm sorry about that. It's just still a bit raw in my memory. I think I would be fine dealing with people recovering from trauma such as slavery. It's just so hard when you look into the eyes of someone you know and they don't know you.” she swallowed “Point is I still want to try to help the people you were talking about, but I need time before I can go back into Nettleville.”
    ((It's been a month since we heard from Ssen... I hope everything is alright.))
  20. ARCHIVED-llewenayah Guest

    Without thinking Herrigan held the other rabbit, patting it between the long ears to calm it. Ross frowned and took a moment to think. "If you feel you are well enough for the task at this moment, I will not stop you, it is your decision, but I do not think I can offer any of the Qeynos Guard's resources to you, unless someone files a formal charge against him." Her eyes slipped to the Squire briefly. "A crime that is within the jurisdiction of the Qeynos Guard."
    Rene returned with a roll of linen bandages and a floral scented jar of salve. "Let me have a look, if you wish we may go into the other room."
    "I am gratfull for your sacrifice for my grandson, but will not this dark energy kill you?"
    Llew glanced at Alyerra. "Al is a child and cannot endure as much. Alyerra is stronger and if the energy is kept under control it will cause her no harm."
    Aleteriq scooted his chair closer to Llew. He shifted in the seat and stared at his feet. He did not like discussing this.
    Bella grinned. "I's likes to teach cookings. I's cans takes anothers students, yisyis." She leaned over and dropped her voice to whisper to Canty. "You's cans practice dancings in my's house too, if you's doesn't wants to learns cookings sometimes."
    "How are Llew's cooking lessons going?" Aloysiius asked.
    "Nots as wells as my's Illusion-y lessons. I's don'ts burn myself with spells anymores." Bella sighed. "Llew is better ats building stoves than usings thems."
    Del nodded. "Ay unerstan'." She stretched. "Ay nee' ter git me crew together agin, afore we set ou'. We're quite diligent in our work, bu' Ay know tha' shoreleave be a goo' thin' fer us."

    ((Me too, especially since she last mentioned being ill.))