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Which tank is best?

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by ceto, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. Warpeace Augur

    Selective amnesia?
  2. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    It’s the only explanation. When multiple people point out a glaringly obvious trend and it’s reduced to “lies” and “personal attacks”, mental gymnastics are the only way.

    Let’s all take the meme advice and let it go, so we can resume this direly needed and derailed Knight v. War opinion dramathread #14482375246, for the good of the nation.
  3. p2aa Augur

    What a lack of imagination from you and your friends. When you have nothing else to answer to the false accusations you made, you start a new personal attack. Pathetic attack btw. Really.
  4. sojero One hit wonder

  5. p2aa Augur

    If you want some entertainment, I suggest people having a look at the thread "How the dev team see SK ?"
    It's fun seing Sheex, Sojero and Warpeace crying like some little chickens whining that knights need a boost.
  6. sojero One hit wonder

    Yep crying the tears to fill your river :)

    Good post to bring up, from 3 years ago when knights were in one of the worst places tank wise they had been in, thus one of the reasons we got stances, but yes please tell us more. and also please share how we were crying?
  7. RangerGuy Augur

    Don't want to burst your bubble but having no dog in this fight I know from past experience to take anything you, brohg, francisco and a few others say with a hefty dose of salt.
  8. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I think it's very informative to see that this thread hasn't been shut down by a dev (EDIT: DBG Employee) days ago for the personal attacks and non-productive comments. Informative about how often they read these threads, and how much of our breath is wasted :D
  9. Warpeace Augur

    Yes lets talk about personal attacks ^^^

    Personal attacks - Do not insult, degrade or criticize any person or group of people. Personal attacks are hurtful, often lead to response in kind and destroy useful discussion.

    Nerf Calls - Openly calling for "Nerfs" (blanket reductions to abilities) is not allowed. If you feel something is overpowered or needs to be toned back, post your constructive comments and explanations.
  10. Warpeace Augur

    Now what was the result of that thread....that's right Knights received Stances.
  11. Zaknaffein Augur

    Nerf Knights.
  12. Maedhros High King

    Too late!
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