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Which tank is best?

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by ceto, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. Brohg Augur

    It's time for a Deep Breath here, y'all. Be less defensive, be less hostile. p2aa's nonsense aside, there is nothing wrong with Drogba & Allayna's party tricks, just like there's nothing wrong with any other class occasionally doing something powerful if they loot all the things and hit all the buttons. Here, here's me getting equal ADPS in an exp group and wtfpwning a couple lazy bois who forgot I'm always watching

    Magma Basilisk (1), Elder Ekron (1), Ellarr Stormcloud (1), Bonebound Dragon (1), Travenro the Skygazer (1) in 278s, 231512k @832777
    Szilent + pets 92055k@(331132dps in 278s)
    Ranger + pets 59332k@(218936dps in 271s)
    Monk 41224k@(203073dps in 203s)
    Camraderry (Szilent's alt) + pets 22304k@(85130dps in 262s)
    Shaman + pets 10579k@(40533dps in 261s)
    Toegre (Szilent's alt, just cast Dicho from out of group) + pets 4725k@(17629dps in 268s)
    Cleric 1294k@(92418dps in 14s)

    With a convenient teleport in the middle, I can solo (actually solo, not p2aa-solo) six CotF HAs in the span of a Lesson of the Devoted!
    CotF HA in 860s, 404705k @470587 | #1 Szilent 404705k@(470587dps in 860s)

    And - get this, AND - I can do it without hating on my paladin guildmate who has an extra spot to hand out in his Fell Foliage groups because he doesn't need to make sure a "healer" role is filled.
    Thunderkiks, Sheex, Drogba and 2 others like this.
  2. Cicelee Augur

    Well. Kinda sorta maybe yes. To some, that is.

    I mean if everyone playing could have "too much fun" then there would not be the animosity that there is. But as we all know, not everyone can have too much fun (in this situation, soloing ROS named).

    The issue is that everyone wants to solo, or have the capability to solo. Well, not everyone in EQ can solo. Whether it be gear, AA, talent, attention, etc etc... only some can. And when those that cannot see others doing what they cannot, then animosity and jealousy and resentment settles in. And when that "cannot do what others can" starts taking on even bigger rewards (ROS named, soloing missions, etc)... Then that animosity and resentment magnifies tenfold.

    I am not speaking for myself per se. If a SK solos a mob, yay. If a paladin solos a mob, yay. If a warrior solos a mob, yay. But there are too many blurred lines nowadays between classes, which has resulted in solo/box play for the majority of players. And those that cannot solo, or do not box, are left in the dark. And thus they worry about others having roo much fun when they, themselves, cannot...
  3. Lazipuppy Journeyman

    I'm always under an impression that warrior tank raid boss better, and I think with all other stuff knight can do, it should be happening that way. I don't raid so I have no idea if that's the case atm, but seems some warriors here disagree, I think it's probably the main reason they are a bit upset.(not that knight can have fun soloing current exp named while they can't.)
    PS: I hate nerf, please don't even consider that, especially don't use raid-geared skilled player against group named/mob scenario as a reason to do that, just make no sense.
  4. p2aa Augur

    Keep to yourself your little sneaky remarks in your wall of text.
    As you decided to target me, I will answer to you.
    The one who is posting nonsense is you.
    You link us a DPS parse. So what ? SK are able to burn very good too with proper ADPS.
    As to your tanking parse, you can solo light blue mobs. Is that a joke ? Woot, that's hard, clearly warriors are uber !
  5. p2aa Augur

    Good knights can MT Raid bosses. You are more likely to see this in high end raiding guilds than low tier raiding guilds because these guilds have more skilled players than the later.
  6. Lyquid New Member

    One of the best Sk and Ranger in game post a video of them solo'ing named and you think everyone else should be able to. Go get some skill and gear and maybe its possible as well. But if you don't like what your class is capable of then go make a new class. If other people of your class can do something and you can't well maybe you should find out what they are doing that you aren't.

    What''s the point of this thread? Nerf classes some more or make everyone OP? Never ending crying on these forums.
    Sindaiann likes this.
  7. Cicelee Augur

    El oh el.

    First off I play a magician. A max AA, near ROS raid geared, 17 years played magician. I think I am doing OK in the "soloing current expansion named" category.

    Second off, I do not think everyone should solo. If you happened to read the middle part of my post, you would understand that. Instead of just copy/paste the first part.

    Third off, I do not care who can solo what. Which if you would have read the last part of my lost, you would also know that too.

    Fourth off, I am still waiting for my 2018 magician nerf patch. So I could care less if other classes get nerfed, I am waiting for mine to be.

    But thanks for looking at the first part of my post and jumping to some false accusations. The EQ forums are the winners again today!
  8. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    It’s been what, ~2 years since the shared stances patch? And you’ve pretty much being going on about it in some form or another on Forum Quest ever since?


    This should be stickied and part of the Forum Quest guidelines.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  9. p2aa Augur

    Prove it, that I made posts asking to nerf knights in these last 2 years.
    Spreading false accusations is bad

    Speaking of forum guidelines, apart doing personal attacks in most of your posts, what is your positive contribution on these boards ? Constantly doing personal attacks is against the forum guidelines.
    Yimin likes this.
  10. GeauxTigers Elder

    Comes down to the player in a min/max situation. A good player on any of the tanks (and even a ranger) will do a great job.

    If you're talking about pure mitigation it's situational.
  11. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    You’ve made regular requests to have knight shield proficiency weakened over and over and over again, and that’s what I was referring to in this case. Not digging through your post history to copy paste them, but we both know they’re there.

    Regarding “personal attacks”, if you consider a pretty benign Frozen meme to be one, not sure what to tell you other than you might want to develop thicker skin on the interwebs.
  12. p2aa Augur

    Nope I never did that. It's completely false. Once again, spreading false accusations is bad.

    I'm going very well don't worry. If you want to turn this thread into a personal confrontation, i'm ready though.
  13. p2aa Augur

    I'm trying to sort out this personal confrontation with Sheex in a personal conversation. I just sent him msg.
  14. sojero One hit wonder

    You asked before what Sheex contributes, its amusement, please keep them here, we need more amusement from him.
  15. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Ok since you want to double down....took ~3 minutes to find an example with search, from perhaps the longest and most epic thread on the stances topic, post the stances becoming shared patch:

    New players - pick a knight if you aren't a boxer

    And amusingly enough you try brand it something else there, too, after multiple people make the same observation. Sorry dude but asking for another class to have their abilities reduced because you think they’re “overpowered” is a nerf call, regardless of whatever euphemism you want to use for it.

    So nope, not false, and there are plenty of examples in that thread alone.

    That’s all I have to say about that.
  16. Warpeace Augur

    What do you mean a certain member here would call for nerfs and then deny it?

    Calling almost anything a personal attack in an attempt to then hide behind forum rules after stirring the pot themselves....

    Now who could that be?
  17. Yimin Augur

    I like a Pal tanking for me in group content in undead camps! Plus i like good over evil :D

  18. p2aa Augur

    Are you serious ? I try to fix things in personal tell and you go on posting in public ? You found nothing on search, you just used what I wrote to you to post this
    Here is the message I sent to you :

    "I made a search in my post history.
    I suggested a lower defensive proficiency % in the threads "How does the dev team sees SK ?" which happened around september 2015. And in one other thread "New players-pick a knight if you aren't a boxer which happened around april 2016. And it was suggestion. So 2 threads in total. Looking back really lot of drama in these threads haha.
    Knight received Defensive Proficiency around April 2017. I never made regular requests for a lower defensive proficiency for knights.
    The last time I spoke of it was in September 2017 in this thread "Your own worst ennemies" :
    Post that you liked."

    Knights received defensive proficiency in February 2016 and not in April 2017, I made one typo here.
    But for the rest, as I said, I only made some suggestion on knight defensive proficiency %. Like many have given their opinion on this subject.
    I repeat it : I never made regular requests for a lower defensive proficiency for knights, nor doing posts asking to nerf knights. I gave my input on this in 2 threads in total, threads that have been made more than 2 years ago.
    is a lie.
    Also I regret some of the drama that could have happened as you can see it on the post quoted.
  19. p2aa Augur

    Fun to see that one thread in the veteran lounge forum has been closed just after you started to create drama targeting Yimin again. So yeah, you are the king of personal attacks. What is your positive contribution on these boards ?
  20. Mokumara Elder

    p2aa you need some fresh air man.
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