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Which tank is best?

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by ceto, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. Ghubuk Augur

    Should also point out that one is using sword and board and other is using a 2 hander.
  2. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I think gear is obviously a huge factor, and any discussion of "nerf" should take into account that anybody geared well enough to solo this content also has no interest in this content. So any "nerf" would only affect players that can't do this.

    Nerfs are just stoopid anyways. Focus on making new content that challenges and balances, if that's the concern. Don't waste time making old content more difficult for the players that are still coming up!

    Actually, and this is not taking anything away from Drogba, outside of his gear (which is a function of the guild, not so much the player), every SK in the game could do what he did. He literally video documented everything he did.
    Quatr likes this.
  3. Ghubuk Augur

    I meant it in that he is extremely good and very few other sk's can pull off what he does.
    NameAlreadyInUse likes this.
  4. Brohg Augur

    He is competent, and practiced in his competence such that a demonstration of that competence doesn't take exceptional effort. It's not special talent, not irl magic, not resources that aren't available to a hundred other SKs. There's no popup of his inventory in the video, but you can see in bandoleer he's even using weapons from EoK! To say other knights can't do what he does strongly insults much of the player base, imo.
  5. Zunar Augur

    As a mostly always soloing beastlord, I can say that I can also accomplish near impossible feats on my bst...atleast some people seem to think so, but really, so many players these days are leaning on other classes to do things easy/relax mode, which holds them back from exploring their own class more.

    If you want to really learn how to do these things, you need to solo more. Explore your classes abilities and learn when to use what until it becomes second nature and you feel confident to handle any circumstances, but also know your limitations.

    Hundreds of hours of trial and error when soloing and dying a few times will teach you how to how to do these kinds of feats, but as said...most players don't care to push the limits when it's easier/relaxed and more efficient to just box it or find a group :)

    Raid gear helps lots, but it can only do so much to compensate for low skill, but in competent hands it can really make a big difference.
  6. Elkar Headhunter Elder

    Is this meant to imply that if a fully raid geared skilled warrior practiced killing himself to one of the less difficult current expansion named mobs more often he could eventually solo more difficult named mobs?
    The fact that some are here acting as if nothing is out of balance doesn't surprise me at all. I have always known the clueless are out and about.

    I have been playing the same warrior main since 1999 and I know I am very skilled at what I do. On all fronts. I don't have to go waste my time to know a warrior cant solo a current named mob and I don't believe that I should be able to do so.

    This being said we are becoming a forgotten class in some areas. You don't have to take my word for it just look around you. You don't see pal/sk rerolling as a warrior but I myself know of several warriors who have gone the other way and also other classes who have changed over.
  7. Outlander Engine Elder

    In todays game, where boxing is nearly the norm and mercanaries are a button click away, why is the warriors inability to solo without an outside healer relevant to balance?

    And for the record, I switched from my paladin to warrior last year and I find the warrior to be more powerful in every situation I've encountered so far. But then , I box and take advantage of group synergies.

    Why I started tanking in this game again is a mystery to me. I should bill my buddies who talked me into it for my bourbon habit. It's almost masochistic.

    For the group game, IMO, it goes SK > WAR >> PAL. But the difference between SK and WAR is small and can swap depending on group composition.
  8. Lianeb Augur

    I guess you have never been in a lesson burn group with an SK tank and no healer or merc healer. Just the SK tapping and what ever it is they do. An before you say i am not talking a group pulling a mob every few minutes waiting on discs or in older content i am talking in current content and chain pulling.
  9. Elkar Headhunter Elder

    In a thread that has morphed into a streaming thread about Shadow Knights and Paladins soloing named mobs and warriors dying solo to named mobs where are mercs and boxing relevant?

    Knights can stand up a raid boss just as well as a warrior now days but have way better self sustainability. This is the main unbalance I speak of. Meanwhile in another thread warriors struggle to get a 6 second agro ability returned to them. Let alone the ability to mitigate damage and self sustain.

    Welcome to the very small minority. It doesn't change what I know to be true. You are the first I have heard to do so.


    Oh wait. Now I am confused. This just seems conflicting.
  10. Ghubuk Augur

    If your warriors aren't able to stand up to raid bosses better than knights, then your warriors aren't very good.
  11. Elkar Headhunter Elder

    It could be that your knights are not very good.
  12. shiftie Augur

    It could be that you are looking at a raid geared knight soloing group content and whining about it. Here is a helpful reminder, this has been happening for almost 20 years. There is no imbalance ... it is an obvious game design choice. You people act like you are brand new.
    Drogba likes this.
  13. Derka Power Ranger

    Wait til a Ranger posts a solo vid, then people will really freak out!
  14. Seldom Augur

    Warriors, Shadowknights and Paladins each shine under the right circumstances. All three also have moments where clearly they’re not the best suited. Nothing new from days of old for most part OP.
  15. Outlander Engine Elder

    Been there. It's fun. I've also been in a group with a warrior surviving off nothing but druid remote healing, various skin buffs, and the odd off heal. Grouped with a raid geared paladin once who did it all. Tanked, group healed, and handed out some nice dps. What's your point? Different groups work differently.

    It's really not. I think SK and WAR are really close. Equivalent even. I chose WAR instead of SK because of personal style preferences.
  16. Findictive Augur

    I found the first named that wasn't camped and already up so there is my selection process. HUZZAH!
    Also sorry if quality if kind of bad, not exactly pro with the VIDZ
  17. Derka Power Ranger

    Very nice! It was almost over in the beginning there lol. Golems have high hp so that was a good choice.
  18. Brohg Augur

    Not in RoS, Derka
  19. Findictive Augur

    I mean they kind of do, just not by leaps and bounds. Just went through my log file from my named hunting excursion the other night. Please forgive the DPS, I don't try very hard when boxing. A slew of T1 and T2 named in the list. Dragoflux = T1 and has more HP than ALL of the T2 named (Not by a lot, as you can see but still more) EXCEPT the T2 Golem named, which has more than the other nameds of its tier by an ok margin.

    Golem T1 /GU Dragoflux in 122s, 45855k @375857sdps
    T2 /GU Gnaw in 146s, 43887k @300594sdps
    T2 /GU Overlord Teralov in 141s, 43915k @311457sdps
    T2 /GU Wulthan Elder Priest Ovun in 112s, 43127k @385058sdps
    T2 /GU Wulthan High Inquisitor Kraz in 64s, 44135k @689609sdps
    T2 /GU Elkikatar in 103s, 43955k @426748sdps
    T2 /GU Hissilith, the Brittlebones in 77s, 44461k @577412sdps
    T2 /GU Overlord Tevik in 152s, 43878k @288672sdps
    T2 /GU High Arcron Zeklor in 80s, 43920k @549004sdps
    T2 /GU Head Boiler Akett in 100s, 43900k @438997sdps
    T1 /GU Observer Eyrzekla in 79s, 35247k @446164sdps
    T1 /GU Banshee in 64s, 35814k @559594sdps
    T1 /GU Myrmidon Tundak in 132s, 35252k @267063sdps
    T1 /GU Janissary Virzak in 59s, 35151k @595772sdps
    T1 /GU Bloodstalker in 93s, 35688k @383737sdps
    T2 /GU Nureya Arisen in 112s, 44167k @394350sdps
    T2 /GU The Arisen Admiral Tylix in 54s, 44187k @818280sdps
    T2 /GU Tormented Adalora in 56s, 43938k @784607sdps
    T2 /GU Deka the Reaper in 68s, 44108k @648652sdps
    T2 /GU Vermistipus in 42s, 39698k @945194sdps
    T2 /GU The Arisen Dragoon T`Vem in 34s, 43901k @1291211sdps
    T2 /GU Embalming Goo in 131s, 43985k @335761sdps
    Golem T2 /GU The Great Sentinel in 153s, 55112k @360209sdps
  20. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    It does look like the golems have more HPs in general, but I also notice that your DPS on those golems is on the lower end of the range for all the fights in your list. How much regen do mobs have, and how much does the longer fight (from lower DPS) inflate their total HP scores?

    Regen might be negligible, I'm just curious.
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