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Which tank is best?

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by ceto, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. Zaknaffein Augur

  2. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    Zak just won. I don't care if he died or not but that was awesome.
  3. Drogba Augur

    All being said, that is exactly what one would expect of the 3 tank classes in almost every expansion that has come out
  4. p2aa Augur

    Lol, that's what you call "being owned". Even with stacking every survival tool possible (not in disc window) like Pain doesn't hurt and using DPS disc in disc window and DPS disc in songs window, you don't live long. You can win 5 sec more survival by clicking Warlord tenacity which gives u 45 k + HP in the fight, but that won't change the income. You will die.
  5. Ghubuk Augur

    chuckle, I like how they compared with 2 different mobs and one with a merc and one without.
  6. Drogba Augur

    chuckle, i like how that isn't what happened at all
  7. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I don't see any mercs for either fight.


    On the surface, I think the SK actually faced a tougher mob. Probably more HPs, and it does come from the "hardest" zone in the expansion (such as it is). The silence from the warrior's mob might have presented a problem for the SK, but I'm not sure if that had much of an impact on the warrior? And Elkikatar's "Atrebe" abilities probably had minimal effect?

    But there's not much point debating the details. The real point is that we have a video of an SK soloing a named mob from the "hardest" zone in the game. And we don't have a video from any other tanks doing the same :) Can necro's or chanters or mages or anybody else solo these mobs still?
  8. Lianeb Augur

    Paladin Post #31
  9. Repthor Augur

    im a bit saddened that zak made a vid of him dieing to a red con named rather then going out and solo a grey con named like he can kill so we can have the consistancy of tanks soloing namers
  10. fortuneteller Augur

    IMO, the 3 types of classes(tanks, are probably rather close in powers, 1 class can do something the other cannot and other way around.

    It also depend a lot of the individuel playing the character, 1 person cannot do the same thing as another, even if same power level, just dont have the ability(skills)(only use 80% or below of what the character is really able to do. The difference between a below medium, medium, above medium, good, extremely good
    But also add the thing in that even if 1 person might be better, then it is not guarantee that the person is smart. And what do I mean with smart ?

    And what do I mean with being smart ? Make sure you play so your abilities go below the radar(do not brag), which could otherwise result in a nerf. And I think we seen some examples of being less smart.
  11. gotwar Gotcharms

    Not without a merc!

    drogbaa op.
    menown likes this.
  12. Ghubuk Augur

    Actually, you are correct. I was mistaken in thinking drog had a merc. But still, 2 different mobs. Also, don't know the gear difference and dont know if this was before/after the latest nerfs to defensive proficiency. As well, what drog does, 99.9 percent of the rest of eq cant do anyway.
  13. Ghubuk Augur

    Also should point out that sk's are probably better at a short fight than either of the other tanks if all their abilities are up, just due to the way their abilities work.
  14. mmats Augur

    The best part about a Drogba post is that it gives SK's time to buy the drugs and alcohol required to get them through the upcoming nerf.
  15. sojero One hit wonder

    Just means we will have to get better, just like after the last set of nerfs. Cant fix stupid, but you can adapt and overcome challenges.
  16. Brohg Augur

    Three mobs.
    Everyone involved has the best gear available to their class.
    Every video was made this week.
    "what drog does" is cast spells that every SK has. git gud son.
  17. Findictive Augur

    Ugh now I have to go solo a named just to tell Zak he is bad, gosh dangit Zak! This is why we can't have nice things!
  18. Ghubuk Augur

    Well, if you are going to correct me, at least know what you are talking about. The video from drog was uploaded in February according to the post. So back at ya...git gud son
  19. Brohg Augur

    Like I should know that the most recent mitigation nerf was last September, 5 months before the video, and that nothing has changed since? Is that a thing I should know?

    I'm not the one making excuses
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  20. Ghubuk Augur

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