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Which tank is best?

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by ceto, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. Brohg Augur

    ah, I guess they're just disappointing juxtaposed with golems & giants from EoK. those really stood out that piles of hp was their special challenge.
    NameAlreadyInUse likes this.
  2. Findictive Augur

    It's just different groups and or alts with me for lesson burns and what not, I burn always so sometimes I have nothing up for nameds because it's more efficient for EXP to burn often and always instead of save it for if named spawns. Like 1 of those nameds was at 1.3m DPS and another at 288k. The pull and locking agro/popping discs before swapping to DPS alts to handle will also drag the time on and the DPS down as well. Nothing really to wonder except which alts were where so we can poke fun imo ;P
  3. p2aa Augur

    Can you link me something a warrior is doing that a knight cannot do ?
    Honestly, the only advantage of a warrior is in a box group, where to keep a good mitigation baseline you have less buttons to push than a knight.
    But for some tanks mains, knights can do everything warriors are doing. That includes the area warriors were the best at, MT Raid Bosses.
  4. p2aa Augur

    Must be this, warriors of high end raiding guild aren't good, so knights in these guild shine better haha.
  5. Brohg Augur

    well most warriors are playing without whining about knights
    Elskidor and Outlander Engine like this.
  6. p2aa Augur

    I'm not whining about knights, I state some truth about class balance atm. If I was whining, I would call for nerf to knights. You didn't answer to my question btw.
  7. Lianeb Augur

    You should probably go review some tanking parses.
    Or better yet give a knight in your raid a shot at tanking a raid boss.
    I am going to bet you are going to be surprised at the results, on either of the above.

    I posted this in another thread. You can go on and on about mitigation higher AC/HP blah blah whatever mechanic. But when you look at the numbers at the end of the night parses, knights are blowing warriors out in equal gear and or equal roles, in the raid game.
  8. Seldom Augur

    Yes, Warriors are being blown completely away by Knights in the raid game. Just look at ALL the parses which by no surprise have not been posted. Raid bosses can’t be tanked while dual wielding or anything like that. Warriors go splat and a Shadowknight or Paladin appears to save the day. Too bad there’s SO MANY Warriors in every top guild roster for SOME unknown reason and not more of those spell casting OP KnightWars. Man, must be rough taking up all those raid slots out of sympathy.
  9. Lianeb Augur

    Nailed it
  10. Lianeb Augur

    I don’t believe I said anywhere a warrior can’t tank a raid boss, I said knights do it better. Warriors are single tanking every event in RoS start to finish. Knights are single tanking raid bosses in RoS start to finish. In the end the the knight will have a more favorable tanking parse.

    They actually can, but that is not what I am talking about. I guess equally geared in your mind means one is using two weapons and the other is using sword and board to you is equal.

    Almost a 2 to 1 ratio in my guild
  11. Seldom Augur

    Of course I nailed it. Perfectly explains why your guild has ZERO Shadowknights. Let me guess, without the two apps you guys would be doomed every raid LOL
  12. Lianeb Augur

    Doom and gloom it all you like. We finished 4th in progression with 4 warriors and 8 knights. 2 of them shadow knights but certainly cherry pick our roster at a time when we have clearly been recruiting for SKs for about two months now.

    And again for the reading impaired “I didn’t say warriors couldn’t tank raid bosses”
  13. Seldom Augur

    Uh huh, get back to me when your roster has zero Warriors. Hint: it has NEVER and will not ever occur. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. By all means, continue the propaganda though lol
  14. Lianeb Augur

    Interestingly enough I raided with another guild last week without a warrior in the raid. Guess what? We won a couple events
  15. p2aa Augur

    I'm curious that Seldom tells us what warriors can do that knights cannot do.
  16. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    You calling for knight nerfs? Unpossible! <3
  17. Elkar Headhunter Elder

    All of these opinions on either side of the fence don't change the facts we see in the videos that have been posted. All of you on the 'we are all equals' side of the fence I beg of you to get them warrior vids out there. I stand by my opinion that the knights ability to self sustain stacked with their ability to tank as well as warriors sets us worlds apart and it shows clearly in the videos.

    I don't think I should be able to solo a named in any current expansion as I have already stated in an earlier post. I don't believe any tank should be soloing current content named. And if I did not misinterpret him it seems to me that even Drogba feels this way?

    If you can actually sit here and argue this you are either clueless, set on an argument, or just getting out front on the please don't nerf me defense.
  18. Ghubuk Augur

    One thing that seems to never get considered is how many more aa's a knight needs than a warrior by a very, very large margin. One would think that having to have that many more aa's would allow for a knight to shine under certain circumstances.
    NameAlreadyInUse likes this.
  19. p2aa Augur

    This AA number reasoning is stupid. If I follow you, knights should do so well because they have a higher AA amount total ? Getting AA is so easy atm in the current game, that it isn't a challenge at all.
    Speaking of AA, we received the least amount of AA of all classes in RoS. Other pure melee classes, who have a lower AA total than other archetypes too, received much more of them.
  20. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I hope the devs don't care about your opinion on this matter :) I happen to very much enjoy playing my SK, much more so than I have ever enjoyed any other class. Taking away my (and every other SK's enjoyment) does not seem like a good plan to me.

    Is this breaking anything for anybody? Aren't we a little late in EQ's life to be worried about people having too much fun?
    Khat_Nip likes this.
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