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TOV experience design will hurt raiding

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    It was just fine before Overseer and the raid xp change...
  2. Xerzist Augur

    As someone who raids on a tank regularly, the experience loss is negated by overseer tasks and keeping your AA's at 90% when killing. After a raid, I always re-do 5 of them and just accept the experience before next raid. Plus, you die less-ish later on. :p:oops:

    I've always been a big fan of the model:

    * Reward folks who want to do progression greatly, after all, they are doing the hard work, going through the content and ropes that the developers designed. Hero's stats were a good push towards this. I like being able to level quickly, but that isn't really what this game has ever been about.

    i.e. if you complete all quest progression, mercs, partisans, heros, the reward could be better than a griffin mount. It could be a way to port to each zone in the expansion directly, I don't know, you are all very smart people. Insert ideas there.

    * Let normal folks grind away. If they don't want to do progression, don't see why it concerns me.
  3. Tappin Augur

    It’s wasn’t until the last few months that most people stopped caring about exp on raids. But this has absolutely nothing to do with overseer or change in exp. People just maxed out exp and don’t care anymore.
  4. Cuuthbert Augur

    There are really 6 pages on what is obviously a horrible post made by at best a marginal player... WOW
  5. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    You would be incorrect.
  6. Natal Augur

    Well, they are giving 90% resses to HIM! ;)
  7. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur

    ^ What he said.

    It is almost like there was this daily ability called Lesson of the Devout that allowed you to rapidly get a influx of xp.. And if you were to use it once or twice a week along with a group of guildies bet this xp loss from rez loss would be negated.

    With that said imo the normal xp and the aa xp has just become silly (I quit at 100 pre Daybreak.. come back this year to DBG mass inflation). But your argument is ridiculous.
  8. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    That is the problem.

    I know it was mentioned 'raid' so this doesn't apply but, silver status mercs are 90%

    What server you on?