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TOV experience design will hurt raiding

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Tucoh Augur

    This is pretty presumptuous. I'm a non raiding member of a raiding guild ( Ring of Valor) and I can't recommend it enough. Every guild is unique, and they don't carry people, but the raiding force in RoV provides tremendous benefit to non raiders in a variety of ways including information, rotting loot,a supply of group members and help through tough fights.
    Riou likes this.
  2. FawnTemplar Augur

    This is gonna be a bit harsh but here we go:

    If your raid tanks don't have enough of a buffer to not de-level after a month of the expansion being out and they want to skip raids because of it... it is time to look for new raid tanks.
    Sumonerr_Tunare, Whulfgar and svann like this.
  3. Laronk Augur

    I agree with Fawn, they just need to pop lessons and go kill a bunch of things in 30 minutes to make back the experience though I'm only 114 so my opinion doesn't count =)
    svann likes this.
  4. Fian Augur

    It is more of an issue of maintaining your level. The kills required to recover from a death is too high, and raiders die a lot, especially tanks.
  5. Whulfgar Augur

    As what I would call .. new to casual player status..

    The xp gains per kill is a bit on the low end.100th of a % xp per kill only need so many for a full 1% gain. Per death loss is 0.06% (?) yeah one lesson should put any raid tank VERY much well back into the good ..
  6. Angahran Augur

    Just pop lessons ?
    You do realize it takes approx 100k mobs to get a level at 112!

    Sure, you get a chunk of xp for the progression but how much of that can you repeat ?

    Getting 0.001% per kill is a great way to drive players away.
  7. Riou EQResource

    Every 96% rez you take at 115 is equal to killing about 10 mobs at 100% to regular exp, each mob takes 20-30s to kill, so guess just need to know how many times a raid tank typically dies to see how much "extra" grind a tank has to do per raid day
    Whulfgar likes this.
  8. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    If you want to go kill Arx mentis mobs or something to level, that's on you.
  9. ROFL@mycorpse Journeyman

    The fix to this is have the raid gear and T2 gear be usable at level 111.so when your tanks die and lose their level they can still wear their gear and don't have to have a back up set saved in the bank.

    Because of how the xp/gear is set up. It's not good enough to just put on the new gear. You have to have so much padding into 115 to wear the gear...

    I also pitty anyone who is 110 and takes the task ad early. Imagine taking this at 109 then having to grind away for even longer.
  10. Nennius Curmudgeon

    For me at least, this is the best argument offered and a sign that whoever put the required level on the equipment was not thinking clearly that day.
  11. Angahran Augur

    Arx Mentis ??
    That's killing mobs in Tov. Crystal Caverns, EW, Kael.
    Roughly 0.001% per kill.
  12. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Your wrong by at least an order of magnitude on the exp gain per kill. Took me a whole 2 days of straight exp without any achievements to polish off level 114 … the exp gain is slow but its no where near the hell days of old.
  13. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    No it's not. Quit making stuff up. Even at 115 it's about 0.04% per kill. 111-114 it's about 0.1% per kill.

    Edit: Hell, I just killed a giant in EW with 90% going to AA. 20.325% to 20.329%. In level 115, the slowest level of all.
    Bigstomp, Laronk and Daedly like this.
  14. Daedly Augur

    At level 114, been getting .052% killing blue con ghost scholars on second floor of ToFS.
  15. Laronk Augur

    It's just pop lessons to get back your exp losses from 1 night of raiding and you get more than 0.001% per mob in TOV.

    per the OP
    its like 10-13 mobs a death (half if you use lessons) and if you take a group of raid geared players (your friends) it's all going to go pretty fast.
  16. Cloud the Third Augur

    I lose 0.35% exp per death. I get more than 0.035% exp per death so if I was to put 100% to exp I could get back missing exp in 10 or less kills depending on if lessons is going. It isn't that bad I have 10% going to exp and even on days of 10 deaths I can grind back all the lost exp so that I am staying about even.
  17. Bigstomp Augur

    The fix is to play the game, and XP just magically happens.
    It does not happen in the forums.
  18. ROFL@mycorpse Journeyman

    It's not the same game as before.

    Another fix is make the exp required to go from 115 to 116 a smaller number. So that padding your level into 115 is not an issue.

    You can then again make 116 a hell level and it doesn't matter much since when 116 to 120 is released most players will be 99.99%into 115 anyways.

    In the old days after the help levels. The actual high level was easy to pad.
  19. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Last night in Overthere I was getting 0.037% XP on my 112 main and 0.066% on my 110 box. That's 97 thousand less kills than suggested above in a T1 zone from 2 expansions ago.

    The arguments about huge XP curves are grossly exaggerated.

    This is nothing more than a gross lack of gratitude for the ACH XP. Looking a gift horse in the mouth.
  20. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    tl;dr People do not want to do the missions. They want to grind the levels out. This is a mistake in ToV.

    Tucoh did the missions. Tucoh is level 115. Be more like Tucoh.