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TOV experience design will hurt raiding

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Riou EQResource

    Well if you lose roughly 0.5% with a 96% rez you should expect in the 1-1.2% ish range with a 90% rez, so the answer should be 15-16 max deaths to perma de-ding, with 4 or so deaths before you de-ding every death (and re-ding on each rez until the perma de-ding)

    To regain 10 deaths worth of 90% rezes you would have to kill about 333 mobs or do Ada or hero missions or equivalent like 9 times total, so 1-2+ hours of grinding or like 4-5ish hours of AFK solo Ada's (less if pile in other tasks in between)
  2. Szilent Augur

    All of them, to then go on to win the event.
    Bigstomp likes this.
  3. Bigstomp Augur

    Win the event. Help the people who actually need the help from the 90's after you have some new fat loot in your hands that makes xp easier later.

    They do play other than during raid hours right? if not how did they get to the point they aren't de-leveling from every death?
  4. Fian Augur

  5. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I was told there would be no math.
    Deathly likes this.
  6. ROFL@mycorpse Journeyman

    This is not the case because the rez is a percentage number. You get 96%back of what is loss. So if the number is larger then it takes more mobs to make up the percentage loss.
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Doh basic math error on my part.
  8. alycin Journeyman

    Easiest Fix would be for them to just make the xp once 115 is reach, to return basically to what it was. So 111-114 would still be "hell levels" but once you reached 115, the xp to move toward 116 would be more on pair of what leveling from past xpansions was. that way raiders dont have to worry bout 90 rezes and to many deaths
  9. Ibudin Augur

    All those people not grouping who you reference here not with friends, become friends and group together to get them done. I was under the impression GD wasn't able to be done with our a tracker - wrong, sense undead for the win and every achievement. Make it happen, slap together a group and try,
    Derka likes this.
  10. Natal Augur

    That is kind of like the "get gud" argument....it is does not recognize the reality a lot of players face.

    We are not talking about getting a group together for a one time ach here, but a group to recover experience lost through deaths while raiding. Your ability to do that efficiently will be strongly affected by what sort of social connections you have. If you have access to uber groups you will be able to do that quickly, but if you don't you might end up spending most or all of your non-raiding time simply recovering from deaths. For example, the deaths I had raiding last night required just over an hour of solid grinding afterwards just to recover what I had lost. And that was pretty much more time than I had available for doing that, so yes, it is an issue. Later on when everything is maxed out people might not care as much, but right now it is pretty painful considering the number of deaths I might expect as a tank on the average night of raiding (outside of trivial events of course - you don't get many or any deaths on those)
  11. CelesitneP New Member

    Totally agree.
  12. CelesitneP New Member

    So just let everyone else who is hardcore figure out the raids, watch on youtube and repeat. LoL
  13. Scornfire The Nimbus Prince

    5m of overseers twice a day is more XP than I can even attempt to lose
  14. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Ah, forgot all about this thread!

    Even on casual raids where I play my Warrior and I die a lot. I got down to 89% XP a week ago after a month of not putting it back up to mostly regular XP. Yup, affecting things very badly!
  15. svann Augur

    Recovered my 40 aa glyph during the next raid night.
  16. Riou EQResource

    This plus the increased Raid EXP has been a crazy boost to EXP rates for someone who pretty much never plays outside of raid time, have maxed both regular and AA via these boosts :p
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'm burning glyths like they are going out of fashion, both in and out of raids!

    I have more exp than I know what to do with. :mad:
  19. Bigstomp Augur

    But but but what about the poor raiders who will die and not be max xp for 8+ months as we wait for beta?
  20. Riou EQResource

    Overseer and making raids give like 5x the exp they used to fixed those things :p