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SK dps vs Pally dps

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iamgreatness, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Linden Augur

    I would have to search my archives, but I have hit 261...
    /GU Render in 52s, 12496k @240300sdps --- #1 Linden 11400k@219236sdps (219236dps in 52s) [91.23%]
    while tanking
  2. Linden Augur

    This is the result of that combination for spells, and this is what it turns out

    Lidia the Castaway in 46s, 11116k @241654sdps --- Linden 11116k@241654sdps (241654dps in 46s) [100%]
  3. Xanathol Augur

  4. ~Mills~ Augur

    Then show a heal parse for a pally.
  5. Rhodz Augur

    Dont take things so literal, of course DPS matters but it is immaterial in relation to far more important matters when tanking for the tank. DPS is going to happen anyway, one can up damage pretty easily but not beyond a point, stressing over which tank class does more DPS is like stressing over which glass cannon tanks more effectively, immaterial to the purpose.

    I have literally on a goof seen how many mobs in a row I could keep agro without even auto attacking on the SK with three J5 damage mercs on balanced and healer/enc PCs.
    Answer was as many "normal" HA mobs as I wished though it slowed things down a bit and cost us mana so not a great plan (well maybe by accident if I get distracted) but agro never got beyond the occasional yellow, I have my answer. Learned a bit from it also like just how many tools the class has to do this and their use.
    Now one could say and rightly so I could not do so with out good DPS but neither could I do it without excellent agro control. Only the agro control is the tank's responsibility and concern. Maybe I will try it on burn...

    Though I like to keep an eye for ways to increase tank dps on general principle I do not go to any great lengths at all. Far more concerned over the more important issues.
    As long as the tank survives and agro is held solid things work.

    As for your point that enough DPS buys one out of poor healing and tanking, there is a point that fails utterly because there is a limit to dps like everything else. In fact sub-par DPS can be offset by superior healing and tanking just as well if a bit slower unless one figures in the wipes right. But we dont do foolish things like that do we?

    To put things in perspective the SK holds agro so well we have to take the cleric and enc to the arena from time to time to work up their defensive skills when they begin to lag. PITA but actually just a job well done.
  6. Linden Augur

    OK let me clear that up a little. First I am referring to solo/molo with that line up set for a high dps burst on a named. Not for a raid target. "Thinking outside the box" is getting away from the mindset that you need to go into defensive mode while engaging a named target in end content. Yeah do the opposite. I also believe in groups, since aggro gets annoying, Chain stunning still, does the job and keeps it off group members. it will make you're mana go much faster and in the long run, It will actually do more dps then if I am going with 3-4 nukes in my line-ups. no downtime with stuns. And in this expansion they work well. Stuns reduce the need for healing, proc group heals, cost little to nothing to cast, generate decent aggro, so even if aggro is not held, the mob is stunned. And that's just my experience trying different strategies. If I could achieve better things using more nukes, I would. I am always open to suggestion trying different things.
    Although On the raid level, I question whether or not PP is more valuable then another Burst heal or group heal. I have been experimenting with that and seems to be parsing lower when using it but that does not take into account your mitgation boone that helps in that area. So I keep it in my line-up. But being a Warrior, Bhohg, I listen to you and keep it in my line-up, along with admonish.
  7. Linden Augur

    Maestro is a good one to burn on, Perfect opportunity for us. I will hold off on Valorous rage though, until after the first one or 2 waves of adds come, I try for the blessing proc then turn on valor and max out on the boss. Doesn't always work like that but sometimes it does. High Bokon is another good one to burn on and proc blessings., hopefully off the adds, without neglecting primary role.
  8. wingz-83 Augur

    Paladin damage is best measured in DPM.

    You know...so it looks better.
    Rhodz likes this.
  9. Rhodz Augur

    Heh ouch funny that, SK isnt any better though life taps can bring it up fairly well when burning for heals.
  10. Linden Augur

    A minute? Show me a mob that will endure my burn longer then a minute and ill show you a longer parse. But until they increase mob hit points, that is the best I can do.
  11. Rhodz Augur

    Yeah but how long before you can do it again?
  12. Ravengloome Augur

    4 hour recast on 7th
  13. Rhodz Augur

    Yeah, I know. Once every few hours a lot of classes become supermen but then it ends...
    Useful on raids and perhaps an occasional boss in an HA (though we have rolled three in a row with bosses man I hate those timers).