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SK dps vs Pally dps

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iamgreatness, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Ravengloome Augur

    Didn't Shiftie and Dalerian quit?
    Beimeith likes this.
  2. Behelit Augur

    There's a Paladin in my former guild that would beat some of our dps classes in RoI, you tanks wouldnt stand a chance.
    Kunon, Iila, Enkel and 1 other person like this.
  3. Enkel Augur

    I guess you could say shiftie quit, and Dal.... the euro nightmare is no longer with us, he retired. The first time I encountered Shiftie was during an Eq anniversary. He was helping someone try to get their fable pet weapon when someone tried to KS the person he was helping. He hit his burns, got the credit (other guy was boxing) and got the weapon for the grouper. That formed my opinion of shiftie and how he plays a pally. I joined Realm after he left, which is unfortunate.

    To respond to the sk in our guild (on cell and multi-quoting is a pain) I'm not going to say anything negative about our guildies, but if you want to argue, you come off decently aggressive, in game or in discord, hit me up!

    Edit: changed general to game, because phone is awesome.
  4. Behelit Augur

    bwoooook bwok-bwok-bwok-bwok bwoooooook
    Enkel likes this.
  5. Riou EQResource

    What is wrong with this? The gap between Tanks survivability and DPS survivability is the largest gap it has ever been.
    Enkel likes this.
  6. Abazzagorath Augur

    When do paladins ever get to burn? =/
    Enkel likes this.
  7. Enkel Augur

    If you do, you're too busy being a dad to notice! Hope the kid and family are doing well!
  8. Kamea Augur

    I know.
  9. Iila Augur

    When they're not dying to emotes!
  10. Ravengloome Augur

    So never
  11. Behelit Augur

    Vim and Vigor: at any point really.
    Anashti Sul, Lady of Life: right at engage, or really at any point before first golem.
    Wither and Decay: right at engage on Decay since its always behind Wither.
    Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay: probably no clean time for a burn on this one as there's pretty consistent action.
    Emollious: at any point really but particularly the opening adds and/or healers.
    Grannus: right at engage, or any of the times after empowered add dies and portal is already down.
    Akkapan Adan: right at engage, or any time before 50%.
    Grummus: on Grummus (even if 2 pally are kiting Medo+Qezzin the other 3 are free to burn and you can rotate who kites and who burns).
    High Bokon: should be able to drop a burn on the last 40%
    Anashti Sul: right at engage, should be able to even AE agro and get some padded riposte dps outta the adds while burning (if I can tank them I know you can without your defensive discs running). failing that the final part after minis die is pretty calm where you can burn.

    So thats 1 out of 10 events where there's no realistic way to burn without neglecting your raid role. The other 9 events there's at least 60-90sec for you to drop your main burn, usually more.
    Drogba likes this.
  12. Drogba Augur

    in god-easy events like vim & vigor where you don't need to worry about anything else
  13. Ravengloome Augur

    Vim and Vigor is awesome for paladin burns since undead and they hit like girls. Think my best burn so far in TBM was on them (though my guild takes alot longer than yours)
  14. Abazzagorath Augur

    Considering I'm rampage on that event about 90% of the times we do it, not so much =P

    But I was just joking anyway.
    Drogba likes this.
  15. Ravengloome Augur

    My DA hammer is a 2hander.
  16. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    He left RoI and then eventually sold and quit iirc. He came back and plays a different character now.
    Kamea likes this.
  17. Enkel Augur

    I said "I guess you could say shiftie quit" for a reason.

    Edit: I've heard a few things about him leaving, but that doesn't belong on the forums. He's back and playing a Paladin now, and enjoys it.
  18. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I was there, I know what happened, lol. He was in the right, but that's all I'm going to say about it.
  19. Ravengloome Augur

    lol fire away
  20. Drogba Augur

    I'm sure he's real cute ;)