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SK dps vs Pally dps

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iamgreatness, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. iamgreatness New Member

    In raid gear and max AA,
    1) which tank does more dps. undead vs non undead
    2) which tank is "tankier"
    3) which tank is more useful on raids.

    Thanks! im trying to decide what tank I want to make.
  2. Xanathol Augur

    Smells like a troll thread but wth...

    1. vs Undead, Paladin (and you'd be surprised vs live)
    2. coin toss
    3. Paladin
  3. Iila Augur

    1. Paladin
    2. Paladin
    3. Paladin
    sojero likes this.
  4. sojero One hit wonder

    Why you gotta go off and crush Xan's dreams like that.
    Xanathol likes this.
  5. Weebaaa Augur

    I agree
  6. Kamea Augur

  7. Iila Augur

    There's definitely a place in a raid for one or two good SKs. But overall, a mildly competent paladin brings so much more value to a raid.
  8. sojero One hit wonder

    This is as rare as finding a natural unicorn in the plane of hate.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Iila like this.
  9. Warpeace Augur

    Why are you looking at my lower horn?
  10. Drakang Augur

    Despite SKs supposedly being the DPS tank and paladins being the healing tank Paladins can out DPS SKs on just about any mob if they know what they are doing.

    Tanking it depends on the length of the fight. If the fight is fairly quick its hard to out tank an SK using Reavers Bargain. Slow refresh and being left spent after use means this is for special occasions not routine tanking.

    Outside that case it really depends on the player but again Paladins have a slight edge. Thanks again Daybreak.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. Seldom Augur

    Much of the answers to your questions depend on what type of raid force you're looking to join iamgreatness. Both Knight classes have their advantages and disadvantages. Shadowknights are better at AE aggro and short duration tanking challenging encounters when under geared/learning events in comparison to Paladins. However, many higher end raiding guilds have plenty of Warriors, which also excel at those things and lower the need of an abundance of Shadowknights for such. Paladins bring extra healing and curing which is often very welcomed on a raid, especially if tank duties are already covered. DPS wise, you will hear many conflicting things. This is also because much of it depends on your raid team, as well as skill levels. With abilities like manaburn going from a Wizard, Paladins can obtain impressive numbers damage wise on living mobs during a burst etc. Without such factors, Shadowknights have a very nice edge in burst and sustained versus non-undead.
  12. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Didn't I hear one of you say y'all had an SK that main changed to a warrior during TDS? If so, that guy's gotta be sadpanda that he didn't go with a Pal instead :(
    Nightops likes this.
  13. Iila Augur

    He switched back to SK recently, he wasn't having as much fun on the war as he thought he would.

    The class most constrained by its players.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  14. Abazzagorath Augur

    I promise I used to be better when I was less sleep deprived =(
  15. Triconix Augur

    I know the feeling. If a warrior isn't actively tanking he's just about as fun as watching a game of cricket.
  16. Drogba Augur

    1. SK
    2. SK
    3. SK
    4. SK
    5. SK
  17. Ravengloome Augur

    I totally agree there's nothing to see here.
    Drogba likes this.
  18. Arcainos Augur

    One question that's as important, and glaringly missing is:

    1. Who holds aggro better in various situations?
  19. Enkel Augur

    Answer: who cares!? Paladin dps omg!!! To answer the OP:

    1: Paladin, especially in burn.
    2: depends on the situation, both tank really well.
    3: lol, paladin.
  20. Whulfgar Augur

    1) which tank does more dps. undead vs non undead
    2) which tank is "tankier"
    3) which tank is more useful on raids
    4) Who holds aggro better in various situations?

    1) Pallies are kings of undead dps.
    2) Depends entirely on who is the more knowledgeable player of their respective classes
    3) Depends entirely on who is the more knowledgeable player of their respective classes.
    4) Depends entirely on who is the more knowledgeable player of their respective classes.

    I've seen Beast mode Sk's who were so far ahead of pally's (outside of undead killing) in overall skill level its not even debatable (looking at you Tearsin)

    And I've seen on other server's where a Pally knew his stuff so well, he would tank better then half the warriors in the guild (Looking at you Dhahab)

    So to sum up, its HIGHLY .. dependent upon the skill each player has in their respective class.