Six Months Seems Like A Long Long Time

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Phased Sullon Zek, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    I would love to see your facts.

    Go ahead, post the poll results. Per account. And cross reference them with the players now playing. Those are the only relevant facts to a discussion about proving whether this poll's results were valid.
  2. Fallfyres Augur

    "this pig of an era.....?????

    and get on to Kunark."
  3. Indigo Augur

    Why does anyone want to stay at level 50 and in vanilla for six months is beyond me. It's insanity.

    At least in Kunark, we have epics to work on. This era blows and is getting tiresome fast.
  4. Drexll Augur

    Been playing less than 4 days. Main is lvl 14. Alt is lvl 10. I want a revote. I didnt get to vote originally because I didnt play Live until Ragefire (Lockjaw, actually) was released.

    I didnt know that:
    Mana regen is *VASTLY* increased over what it was in classic
    There are no longer such things as corpse runs which can take hours or eat up most of a day's playtime
    There are no hell levels
    There is less running around looking for somewhere uncamped to XP due to instancing
    Things like spells cost far less than they used to, meaning less time grinding easy, non-xp mobs for that handful of gold to buy your next spell...
    etc etc etc

    I could go on and on. The fact of the matter is, 6 months would have been fine with me if things worked like they did in classic, but they DONT. Leveling goes WAY WAY faster now, meaning content gets used up WAY faster.

    How many of those folks play TLP, and how many of us actually ON the new TLP's didnt even GET to vote because we werent playing Live before these servers came out? The pre-release voting was a mistake. Voting should have been left up to the ppl that actually PLAY on these servers and experience what it's like.
    Aneuren likes this.
  5. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Snipped for brevity, not out of disrespect.

    I do not know. That's the entire point. But until I do, I will continue to defend replacing what you SPECULATE was a skewed vote with another skewed vote.

    And as I've already said, you could have voted. That's your fault.
  6. Indigo Augur

    DB understands it was not a legit poll, that is why they are considering a new poll in a couple of months. By then we will be ready to pass Kunark as a server.
  7. Kaneras Augur

    I'm really tired of power gamers, they will never, ever be happy. I'd like to delete their accounts and never let them come back but there might be a better option.

    Do another vote.

    Option 1 - faster progression.
    Option 2 - minimum 6 month progression.

    Those who vote option 2 are automatically transferred to (or stay on) Lockjaw, those who vote Option 1 are automatically transferred to (or stay on) Ragefire.

    This will put like-minded people together and end the bickering for good.
    Aneuren likes this.
  8. Giappo Augur

    You guys can argue forever and it won't change the fact that DB is going to allow us a legitimate vote in a couple of months. That's it. Now waste your time here if it pleases you, but it won't change anything.
    Drexll likes this.
  9. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Even this is speculation. DBG may think it was not a legit poll. It may also think that it will get more profit if Kunark is released earlier. It may think both of those things or something else entirely.

    I voted for Kunark + Classic release. Most of my friends voted for at least that. But the vote proved that we were in the minority for that poll. We lost.

    If you want a truly constructive revote, you first need to eliminate the problem of box accounts voting. And before you get to that point you should really be able to demonstrate that the vote resulted in something that the majority did not want.

    For example - the 50/51 server was a ghost town. Clearly, this did not represent a majority of the people who would play on this server.
    Ragefire and Lockjaw, however, are not ghost towns. The most highly populated servers in Everquest. The anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that the vote's results were accurate. But even that is speculation. Until pure, unbiased numbers are released and cross referenced with the people actually playing, all either side has is speculation.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  10. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    I might remind you they said they would consider allowing a revote.
    They never said the first vote was not legitimate.

    But why would you let facts get in the way of making an objectively true statement?
  11. Drexll Augur

    I had no idea these servers were in the works, or that said votes were happening.

    But that's fine. Not having experienced Live for like 14 yrs now, I may very well have voted for 6 months, too!

    BUT THEN! Look at what we have. See my previous post. I didnt know how ridiculously easy they've made leveling now. Having a vote before the servers went live was a mistake, imo, because even those who had the chance to vote may very well have not known what to expect. I mean really, never in *my* wildest dreams, at least, would I have thought there'd be ppl running around at 50 downing raid bosses after 2 weeks.

    A re-vote should be held, imo, because now that the servers are up and running folks have an idea of just exactly how quickly classic content can and is being eaten up.

    The other alternative, which I would be fine with, is to wipe the server, start us all out at level 1, and make leveling work the way it used to work in classic:

    Sloooooow, poopy classic mana regen
    Hell Levels (this is a big one)
    Corpse Runs
    High costs for spells considering the levels you get those spells
    No soulbinders
    No translocators
    Meaningful amounts of XP lost from death

    etc etc etc...

    THEN we wouldnt burn through content so quickly, and THEN all these folks screaming that "they want to experience classic" can get their wish! :D
    Fallfyres and Aneuren like this.
  12. Finwen Augur

    I guess they don't like money.
  13. Giappo Augur

    Well, you guys that had your bogus vote used any and every account to vote including the copied ones at Test. A vote on the actual TLP would better reflect the paying subs that are playing on the TLP. And if you pay for six subs, you should have six votes.
    Drexll likes this.
  14. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    I actually agree with everything you are saying here. I've limited my arguments solely to the same arguments used against the pro-instancers - that we should "need to prove" that raid zones would present problems before instancing was considered.

    But I have the additional concern that there are more box armies here than there were on Fippy and the result will skew the vote. And I have no desire to replace the results of a poll that I lost with the results of another skewed poll, EVEN IF it would give me a victory for what I wanted to begin with.
  15. Giappo Augur

    Dude, this server will lose subs if it is allowed to languish in oblivion. People need to progress to stay interested.
    Drexll likes this.
  16. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Your true motive speaks.

    You don't want a vote that is representative of what a majority of players on the TLP want.

    You want to be able to buy it.

    Two different things. One is representative, one is not.

    You're just trolling.
    Fallfyres and Drexll like this.
  17. Giappo Augur

    You are the troll wanting to argue with everyone. Your own logic was thrown in your face and you get hot and bothered. Oh well. Don't guess you would ever make a good 'attorney'.
  18. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    You are so far from the mark.
    Explain to me how a vote comprised of a significant number of box accounts signifies what "the majority of the TLP population wants."

    That silence you hear is because you can't.
    Drexll likes this.
  19. Porterz73 Augur

    Very interesting interpretation of the word consider. Not sure if there is a reading comprehension problem or your trying to Jedi Mind trick someone at DB.., time will tell
  20. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Wait, even better, let me try this WoW thing out, so many people keep throwing it around after all.

    If you wanted to play a game where you could do whatever you wanted by yourself and not care about what the majority of living people actually wanted (instead of a vote filled with results from box accounts), you should go play WoW.

    Did I do it right?
    Finwen and Drexll like this.