Six Months Seems Like A Long Long Time

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Phased Sullon Zek, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Vlerg Augur

    Fippy is your concrete numbers.

    People wanted a super slow progression and ''max nostalgia'' experience back then... 2 month after fippy release, people where screaming for kunark release. it's the same story again.

    due to instances ( thanks Daybreak). the overcrowding issues arn't as severe and even if you don't always have the camp you want, you can usually find something somewhere to camp and get XP ( wasn't the case on fippy). However, there's already a bunch of people sitting at 50 asking '' what now?'' well, there's nothing now. lvl an alt or go camp something faraway for a meaningless +2 stats.

    there's even a super-casual joe higher in this thread who work 7 day a week + wife/kid and he's lvl 19 ( ragefire has been out for 3 weeks?). so even Mr super casual will hit 50 waay before the 6 month mark hit

    long story short... there's jsut an extremly limited amount of content available in classic. especially 40+.
    Drexll likes this.
  2. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    I'm not disagreeing with this either. I have two extremely specific problems with this thread.

    1) Forcing a revote is essentially as bad as never having a vote again. There's zero point in trusting DBG's decisions when they claim they are based on a vote if they openly go back and nullify those results on a whim;
    2) People that argue the need for instancing is based on "speculation" but have zero clue about the cold facts for the original vote numbers.

    I already stated my problem with 1, and my point with 2 is that it's hypocrisy. Same thing that bugs me about the elite that want to argue they can come swoop my group triggered name any time but the EQ Gods should protect their precious triggered raid mobs.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  3. Vlerg Augur

    1) a revote is not as bad as never having a vote again... that imply people had a wrong conception of what Ragefire would've been and also imply the vote was skewed by people not playing on the TLP. it's basicly them asking '' are you REALLY sure you want this?'' because... you may think 6 months of classic is gonna be fun, but when your 3rd alt reach lvl 50 and you are still sitting in Lower guk with nothing to do, you may think back on your decision.

    Just like people have the illusion kunark hold a tons of content when in reality, once they are done with their epic ( or suddenly remember they have to compete for rare raid target for their epics). kunark won't seem that big either.
  4. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    It is though. The great many people calling for a revote here are the select few (though not all) who have already hit 50 and happen to post on the forums. They knew coming into this server that it would be a six month procedure to get out of classic. This is what the largest majority of Everquest players voted for - overwhelming, remember? - even when able to pick a non-committal option (of course we must necessarily assume they didn't bother to read the choices or else the entire opposition's argument goes out the window).

    It's simply rank speculation. The voters don't play here. The people that didn't ever intend to play here didn't pick the non-committal option because they don't care or can't read. They wanted to screw TLP players. They wanted to help TLP players. It goes on and on, nothing factual to support any of these arguments. But DBG is supposed to ignore all of that and host a revote just because some people lost a vote? Every vote has winners and losers.

    So now, instead, ignore the original vote that players had the chance to participate in and foist upon them a new one. Except now we have tons of box accounts running around who will all vote the same way. So instead of it being a polling of actual players, it becomes nothing more than a matter of who is willing to spend the most money to buy this vote. It's a complete farce. No vote can ever be trusted after that. Why not have another vote a few weeks after for that matter? "Are you really sure vote?" "Are you really really sure vote?" "Are you really really really sure vote?"

    It's disgusting.
  5. Meteor New Member

    What you neckbeards who want classic for 6 months do not realize is that the initial vote was skewed. If you do not know what skewed means since you have never left your parent's basement I will tell you. It means that the results of the poll were not representative of the player base.

    Based on this fact alone, there should be a vote with the real player base to determine the correct route.

    I am glad DBG is open to this option. I cannot wait to see the time reduced.

  6. Finwen Augur

    You seem confused.
  7. Fallfyres Augur

    Comeon Rainbow, you know these instances can't be exploited...after all they have to wait 5 WHOLE MINUTES between instances.

    (*Shhhh...there ain't no organized tag-team instance hopping going on here. Anyhow, even if there is, remember, it doesn't matter what gear or plat or Krono's other people in EQ have, it doesn't affect your gameplay whatsoever.)
  8. Drexll Augur

    This, I believe, is VERY VERY true. I havent played live since the end of LDON way back when... got back into EQ (my all time fave game by far) when I heard about Project 1999... then I heard about the TLP's and whipped that wallet right out... (P99 is stopping at Velious. forever., heh)

    Soooo.... I start playing Lockjaw and start seeing these Krono thing's being sold (for a lot of money given the age of the server)... had no idea what they were. Oh boy! Being able to buy Krono on one server and then sell it on another server is a HUGE bad thing, IMO. Why should a person/guild be able to dominate a new server just because they have plenty of money on another server? This is crap, imo, and a serious issue that hoses the very spirit and intent of signing up for (and paying rl cash to play on) a new server.
    Aneuren and Fallfyres like this.
  9. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    You seem confused. Please cite your non-speculative source for exactly how the vote was skewed. Moreover, please cite your non-speculative source that shows even IF the vote was skewed, it does not represent what the majority of non-box accounts on this server still want. When you can establish, with facts, both of those points, I will immediately cede the point.

    If YOU make a claim, you need to be able to back it up. I can claim the flying spaghetti monster infiltrated DBG's server space and changed all the votes to max nostalgia but that doesn't mean anybody should give that argument a shred of confidence.
    liveitup1216 likes this.
  10. Vlerg Augur

    once again. Fippy beginnings. the majority voted for the slowest progression possible. 2 months later the majority screamed to release kunark out of boredom / lack of stuff to do / extreme overcrowding at everything worthwhile to do.

    the '' select few'' who hit 50... that was weeks ago. Just look at sol B - Lguk. there's hundreds of lvl 40+ people soon to be 50...some a motivated enough to start an alt... most just log in less and less... eventually stop loggin in at all.

    I'd wage the majority of the server reached the 30s by now, and ragefire isn't a month old...
    Drexll likes this.
  11. Drexll Augur

    You guys seriously over-generalize this issue. I am not blowing through high-end raid content waiting for more. My main character is *level 14* right now. BUT... it took me like 3 days of non-poopsock playing to get there. I have no doubt I'll be lvl 50 and out of meaningful things to do on that toon WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY before we get close to 6 months being up. That, AND I not only play that toon limitedly (I only play it when a rl friend who wants to level together can play,) I have an alt I play, too when she's not around. With how uber EASY leveling is now compared to back in REAL classic, I already see it's only a matter of time before my face smacks into that brick wall.

    SO, it's not just basement-dwelling neckbeards with nothing but time on their hands who think 6 months of classic is too much. Besides, as someone else said, classic gear is crap, especially for casters. I have no problem whatsoever with being able to have nicer gear that drops from Kunark, whether I'm "ready" for high-end Kunark or not. I actually got spoiled on P99, of all places, where Kunark has been out for 5 yrs and my classic content-dwelling self was able to run around in decent gear I bought in the EC tunnel. What's wrong with that? How does that "ruin classic" for anyone else?
    Aneuren likes this.
  12. Hateseeker Augur

    Just curious, where was the post(s) that provided evidence that most of the ones calling for a revote are the ones that hit 50 already? The requests for a revote and discussions of poll skewing began before the server even started, so it was physically impossible for it to have been started by level 50s. I mean, if people keep saying this, then at some point in the future it will become true, as people level up.
    Drexll likes this.
  13. Drexll Augur

    Case in point: Me, and my 500-person guild from Project 1999 (that I dont play with on TLP because they're on Ragefire and my rl friend and I wanted to be by ourselves on Lockjaw as I'm an officer with little time to do jack on P99, heh.)

    I/we didnt get to vote because I/we didn't play (the garbage that is) Live until Ragefire/Lockjaw was released. I personally know of a LOT of ppl from P99 who came back to live JUST to play TLP. None of us got to vote because we weren't already Live players.

    The sentiment is just. Only the TLP players should be able to vote on progression timetables.
    Aneuren likes this.
  14. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    So I see you continue to be unable to use any facts from this vote to defend Detheb's point. That's fine, you can continue to speculate based on a server that didn't have any instanced content at all.
  15. Drexll Augur

    Please explain how unlocking more content for others is going to prevent you from exploring classic content.
    Aneuren likes this.
  16. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Your point would be stronger if I didn't admit in my opening sentence that not all players calling for a revote are the ones that hit 50 already. But I do recognize many of the posters as ones that are 50 (or very close).

    Here, let me restate your argument for you, it will be easier this way.

    The original vote polled all players to give them the chance to decide what kind of TLP we would receive. Many of them voted. A minority of them (that's how votes work) lost and may or may not have decided to play here. A majority of them (again, that's how a majority-based vote works) won and may or may not have decided to play here. And many more people may not have ever heard about the vote.

    The people that already won the vote, should not have to defend their vote. That makes their vote meaningless. Moreover, as I've already noted, there are many more boxes on this server, which means that a revote will also be skewed, and I refuse to defend using one skewed vote to try to adjust what some people are arguing was a first skewed vote.

    The people that didn't vote, should have.

    The people that lost the vote, lost it.

    Your argument is the people that didn't vote and lost the vote should have a new chance to change the results from the first vote because the first vote didn't accurately represent what the majority of players here actually wanted. And I'm saying fine - prove it. All of the elites demanded proof that the raid scene would be a problem before instances should be considered. It's now been tendered on several levels and it proved what everybody already knew - that the raid scene would be a problem. I am demanding the same thing. Prove it first and then I'll fully concede you should get your vote - but only if this vote can be absolutely guaranteed to be a representation of the majority of players - not boxes. I will not defend replacing one skewed vote with another.
  17. Indigo Augur

    DB heard us, and we will have our vote. Let's wait another month or two and most everyone will be ready to get out of this pig of an era and get on to Kunark.
    Drexll likes this.
  18. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    I'm sorry you couldn't have been bothered to take a minute, patch a live client, and have voted?
  19. Vlerg Augur

    I guess you have a hard time see'ing facts.

    oh well, they might be more evident after two or three week at max level.
  20. Finwen Augur

    I never said you were a high-end player blowing through content. All I said is that Kunark is almost as "boring" as classic, and people will be calling to unlock Velious literally days into Kunark being unlocked. Unlocking early will solve nothing UNLESS Daybreak is losing tons of subs at the 4-5 month mark due to too many max levels, but only they have access to that data.

    As someone stated before, Kunark will trivialize almost everything that happens in classic, and there will be 1500 people trying to level in KC. Unlocking early just doesn't solve any problems except caster gear being crap, I guess(?). At least you'll have company.
    Glistarian likes this.