RoS T1 raids [Seal of Charassis]

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Blitter, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Bigstomp Augur

    Mid Tier expect to finish slower. They tend to finish though.
  2. Cleaver Augur

    They did :) GOD was the biggest mass exodus EQ ever seen.
  3. skabe Elder

    22 guilds have reported beating Tier 3 EoK event(s), 26 Tier 2, 38 tier 1. That means 22 guilds meet requirements for RoS, 4 more should meet them very soon, and 16 will eventually or not at all. Even if requirements are changed and events are tuned down is that really going to solve the issues for those 16 guilds that got stuck in tier 1 EoK. They are still going to have to find a way to finish EoK before they can progress in RoS. Or they going to be stuck raiding same 3 events in RoS for an entire year.
    Call me elitist if you want but I don't think it is unfair for access to be limited by merit. Just because I can throw a ball and swing a bat doesn't mean I automatically get to play in Yankee stadium. I can sure as heck go out and play baseball though, and maybe on a field the Yankees play on during spring training. Or on a field that a current pro played on when they were much younger and hadn't developed the skills or talent that got them into the major leagues. Nor do I expect access to the same compensation as a major league player.
  4. Warpeace Augur

    Your sources are horrible, get better ones that have actual facts.

    One of the Developers has already put that to rest by the way. Are you trying to make it sound that bad because there are mobs in some zones that require the essence blocker in RoS? Dec 12 is still a bit away to go get that progression done and remove any self imposed limitations players might encounter.

    So....excuses right? It has to be current and quick? How about the path for Essence 1 already exists go do it. If people can't take time and do the required tasks they don't want to raid or be successful at raiding.
  5. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Hmmm back to the other thread - LOL.
    But yes - EXACTLY.
  6. Ratbo Peep Augur

    That's what I'll never understand.
    There's no reason the high end types would / should care or comment about ANY of these factors that will never EVER impact their game at all. (flags / clock-blocks etc) Lower guilds that raid at a level WAY behind them will never be a threat. I don't understand the continued arguing from people without a dog anywhere near the fight. (And I can think of only one possible ulterior motive)
  7. bigpapa Augur

    EVERQUEST running since many years , and we don't want it to end too early , and having high req for raids won't help lower / mid size guilds.

    ELITE guilds will not have any issues with these req's , they will finish all raids pretty easily anyway.
    we need raids that scale up in difficulty so lower guilds could still raid in new contents.

    could have last 1 or 2 raids to be designed to be very hard , but give some candy for the lower guilds at 1st.
    we are in a joint guild to kill queen / vault and we are struggling it's still a hard work for us , we average a win every 2 or 3 tries . we get destroyed in t3 ( labs ).

    **** so for the health of this awesome game , give lower / mid guilds a chance to be able to kill entry level raids in ROS ****

    we will have to level up to 110 and hoping we can kill T3 raids in labs .................
  8. Ratbo Peep Augur

    That's what I'll never understand.
    There's no reason the high end types would / should care or comment about ANY of these factors that will never EVER impact their game at all. (flags / clock-blocks etc) Lower guilds that raid at a level WAY behind them will never be a threat. I don't understand the continued arguing from people without a dog anywhere near the fight. (And I can think of only one possible ulterior motive)
    noclue likes this.
  9. Reval Augur

    I feel like Ash in Army of Darkness here. Let me just get this analogy straight. You feel like every year, baseball should have fewer and fewer players allowed to play until the Reval of baseball stands alone on the field because no other players were deemed worthy to play baseball with him? That isn't how baseball works. If every year, you lopped off 16 teams, the game would be dead right now. So where do you think this kind of elitism (if you could call it that, it's more like a suicidal tendency) is going to take the game?

    Your other point, that people are still "allowed to raid" in older expansions is crazy. Absolutely bonkers. You want prestige? What was the eyes of life and decay? What was the aug you get from doing all the raid achievements in EoK? That's prestige. That's something that shows you really worked at the game. That's elitism as it is meant to be. And that is healthy. There *SHOULD* be something like that, and maybe even *MORE* of that. Like I said, do the time trials for raids, and make them hard. Do challenge of toughness for raids. Add a second reward for those. Add a third reward for an extreme time trial of all of the raids. Tack things on like lockout detectors, where the last event of the tier you are on that you decide to do (make them doable in any order) is super hard, and if you beat that version of all of them, you get another reward for your skill. That is what elitism should be. You should be able to shallowly brag about your neat items that you won that lower tier guilds just can't win. But instead, because there is nothing that is truly elite in your eyes, you want to literally lock paying subscribers out of the expansion for months if not forever even though it doesn't benefit you whatsoever to do it? Gross.

    Let them raid the current expansion if they can do it. What you believe in isn't elitism, but rather a way to kill the game.

    Here, to satisfy your sick cravings, I have found a funny skit that shows your attitude projected onto others. We both know that you aren't good enough at everquest or at posting to have earned it in english. This is the french version, and it too is better than you deserve. I just couldn't find a bad enough version, but it doesn't affect me that you get to watch it in french instead of sign language, so here you go.

  10. Cicelee Augur

    This past season, the Detroit Tigers finished last in MLB with the worst record in the league. Meanwhile the Houston Astros had a record that allowed them to not only make the playoffs, but in the playoffs they won the World Series.

    I am a Tigers fan. I know that the Tigers team wants to win the World Series too. I think they should petition to the Commissioner of MLB to change the rules so that they can also win the World Series too. Maybe Tigers can pitchers can throw one strike for a strike out, instead of three. And Tigers hitters will be allowed five strikes before they strike out, instead of three.

    Or, you know, they could just abide by all the rules of the game and get better. Which I am hoping they do...
    Seldom and Metanis like this.
  11. Fian Augur

    "Or they going to be stuck raiding same 3 events in RoS for an entire year." We have been stuck raiding 3 EOK events now (we can't get past Queen). That is better than not being able to raid any events in the current expansion. To put it simply, we are quite capable of determining for ourselves which is better 0 or 3. You don't need to make the decision for us.

    "Call me elitist if you want but I don't think it is unfair for access to be limited by merit." - Strawman argument. We aren't asking for an I Win button that awards raid loot. We are asking that the merit required to beat RoS T1 raids not be increased, that they should be of comparable difficulty to TBM/EOK.
  12. Reval Augur

    If they didn't win the world series then kick them out of league completely based on this garbage that keeps getting brought to the forefront. Oh wait, we live in the real world where people want baseball to continue as a sport, and not in crazyville where the goal is to end every game on earth by doing everything we can to eliminate the bottom 50% of players.

    The analogy you're looking for is "My bad baseball team didn't win the world series. I hope they get better and win the world series, because they are still completely allowed to play baseball in a reasonable capacity that happens in this upcoming year, and not just in previous years.

    If you want equality for your bad analogy, then "winning the world series" would be like finishing the expansion first. That sort of thing is where the competition is. Not stepping foot into the expansion as a raiding guild.
    Ghubuk likes this.
  13. Fian Augur

    Talk about a strawman. To make your analogy better, how would you feel if as a Tiger's fan you were told that the team that makes it to next years World Series would be the best team with the best record for the past 2 years? Even MLB resets the standings every year. But if MLB did change the rules to 2 years, would you not be justified in complaining about the rule change?
    Ghubuk likes this.
  14. Metanis Bad Company

    Free market capitalism could solve this problem easily. Package your raid strats and sell them to struggling guilds. Drag guest raiders along... for a price. Rent out your top players on appropriate alts to coerce lower guilds across the finish line.

    I know I'm being sarcastic, but for the sake of the game itself it is in all of our self-interest to boost the number of players at or near the end-game. Or at least the number willing to pay for end-content even when they can't play much of it.

    Of course nothing will ever help the guilds that won't hold slackers to account. To successfully raid EoK or RoS you must put raiding above friends and family. You can't do both. I think DBG has made the calculation that their bread is buttered by catering more to the raiders than the casuals. At least for this expansion. Maybe the next one will be more casual friendly.
  15. Cicelee Augur

    If that was the rules and policies of MLB then so be it. Then my Tigers would need to work hard, improve, and get better so that they can have the best record for the past two years in order to make it to the World Series.

    But it is not. They know the rules of MLB. The Tigers play a game, and are abiding by the rules of the game and not asking for them to be changed so they can be successful. EQ players also are playing a game, and we all know the rules of the game...
  16. Reval Augur

    Can we just say you guys are locked out from making analogies already until you make some post that has some quality that makes up for the baseball analogy? You don't cut 16 baseball teams from Major League Baseball every year to the point where they can't even try next year. Hit the reset button on the bad analogies. You might be good at everquest in your own minds, but you are good at analogies in no one's mind.
  17. Seldom Augur

    MLB resets the standings but the top team still has a target on it's back. Every single team will bring their A game against them and if they don't, they know they will fail. Asking the commissioner or team owners to lower the skill curve of a the game they've played for years is not even an option in their mind. Of course, even the Tigers are a group of pros and pros tend to take accountability. Pee Wee leaguers tend to want rule changes, trophies and make claims/excuses that the whole other team must secretly have older kids and ulterior motives. Except for those Pee Wee leaguers that know better and seek greener grass. They end up in the evil ubber/elite guilds errr I mean College/ Major Leagues
  18. Reval Augur

    Don't try to salvage it man. You're not going to be able to.

    Hey which 16 MLB teams were cut and not replaced last year again?

    The answer: Bad Analogy.
  19. Intenso Augur

  20. Reval Augur

    You want to save stuff like that for when your side has made a point that actually stands on it's own merits. Don't waste it.

    Plan well because things like that can easily be turned against you later on by people with strong wits.