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Raise Heroic characters to 100

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Traxen, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. So Happy Augur

    You are correct.
  2. Beggly Augur

    Nah, just add another kind of character costing more station cash, the Superheroic Character, which costs $45 in station cash instead of $35. Why give something for free when you can charge more for it?
  3. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    How about a 400% XP bonus that lasts for 4 hours and only applies if you are under lvl 100 for 2000 DBC?
  4. Kragin Augur

    Not 100, but atleast 90 or 95, FOR THE PEOPLE!
  5. Whulfgar Augur

    I say leave them where they are at. Do not give people an easier time to create toons only to sell them after getting them raid geared ..
  6. Prepared Lorekeeper

    I fully support the raising of heroic characters to level 100. Just not right now. Do it around the time of the 20th anniversary (the week of March 16, 2019) and give it to everyone that is a subscriber. Others have to pay 3500 daybreak cash.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Barton like this.
  7. Venau Augur

    This is beyond the scope of the game. It's your decision how to view this.

    One point of view may be: Poor me. I can't afford to buy endless heroic characters. Let's prevent money from flowing into the game

    Another might be: Dammit! I worked hard to progress my toon. But it was fun........and all those rich guys sure are pumping $$ into the game. Maybe more resources will improve the game.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  8. xcitng Augur

    I don't fit in either of the above, just thinking about others, like returning players, players that don't have a lot of time here. Level 85 HC can already group with level 110, why make it harder than it already is for lower level players to get groups by making it so a lot more players are out of reach?

    To each his own way of thinking tho, that is just my 2cp.
  9. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Those are good points. My (opposite) view is, if the player is all-access, they don't have to get any AAs til 101 anyway, and just leveling, especially in that example you give of grouping with 110s, will go by VERY quickly. So it's a case of a small payoff vs. another thing we want the very small team of devs to accomplish. For me, it's not so much a case of, don't do this, but more of, sure put it on the list of things to do, but it's a pretty low priority.
  10. Barton The Mischievous

    Level 100 minimum please. Level 105 would be better because they won't be updated for years. Let's see introduced in March 2014. Ya make it 105. Then they won't have to do it again for years. Have them launch for the upcoming Anniversary. Advertise it send out emails to lapsed subscribers with a sale on them or give one to everyone maybe get some people back for awhile at least. I'm only playing on TLP at the moment but I would buy one just to help out. probably one on each of my 3 accounts just to mess around with on when I'm bored
  11. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    When they release the 115 level cap in another 2-3 years, then level 100 HCs might be reasonable to consider.
    xcitng likes this.
  12. Dropfast Augur

  13. enclee Augur

    That’s funny, considering it’s the one of the only topics moving on the forums.
  14. Barton The Mischievous

    Sure wait till even more money for the game dries up and other newer games are coming out to try. Why not make changes that might bring back some players and infuse some cash into the business now or around the 20th Anniversary Events . Seems reasonable to me . I'm afraid if they wait 2-3 years that by that time it will as usual with DBG and EQ be too little too late.
    Pirlo and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  15. Kase Augur

    Why make the game easier? That's the beauty of EQ … it's not an easy game. NO! my vote to raising the heroics. If there were no heroics in the first place then there would be less of a lack of groups in pre 85 levels. As it is, the game in pre 85 content is dying and hurting the game. Time lock servers have high populations which shows how many still enjoy early level content, lets not try and split servers to either time-lock(experience all content) vs live servers (give me everything now for a low $ amount).
    If you all want higher level heroics why not just complain about not starting at level 100 period then?
  16. Flat Toad Elder

    Yadda, yadda, yadda... just give the whiners an "I won EQ and it only cost me $XXX" T-shirt.
    mph88delorean and Kase like this.
  17. Barton The Mischievous

    1) Be respectful and courteous
    - The purpose of these Forums and other official, Daybreak Games-maintained communication channels is to create a positive and constructive atmosphere for discussion about Daybreak Games Games and topics meaningful to our communities. While we may at times disagree with one another, it is important to maintain an atmosphere of civility and respect so that all voices may be heard. Disagreements with others are acceptable, but must be expressed in a reasonable and polite manner.
  18. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Except for the fact that EQ is a long term investment not a short term one. The change in population EQ is minimal. However when changes are made which disrupt the playerbase and throw newcomers into the fire too soon result in a larger drop than when there is a smaller disruption and a slower learning curve. There will be no influx of cash as it will be countered by the losses over the long term.
    Kase likes this.
  19. enclee Augur

    1. Heroic Characters aren’t exactly a hot item among new players, even if it’s free they’ll be hesitant to use it.

    2. This is more of a target towards returning players, that already are familiar with their class.

    3. It’s a long term investment, because you have potential to for players to get into groups, make friends, and enjoy clothe content. It’s more detrimental to the long term health of the game to have people slowly soloing their way through the deserted wasteland of old content.

    4. You’re going to get current players to consider adding an alt or another box, because it’ll be more ready to play.

    5. It’s not disruptive to the player base to have more people, they weren’t going to group with anyways.
  20. Evertrek Augur

    just 100??? there should be an instant 110 token with the next expansion. in addition one should be sold for $60 per. that's a small price to pay considering time it takes to level. gear should be good enough to join groups to do the latest expansion yard trash and dungeons (to gear up for raids).

    DBG inherited a confusing paywall of a mess free to pay your way setup. they have not done anything to resolve the confusion since 2012. selling instant 85 tokens still, locking characters from raiding without sub or buying the rights to raid is just confusing.

    instant 110 will sell and support returning and new players. remove all the silly free-to-pay-your-way stuff.