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Raise Heroic characters to 100

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Traxen, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Ghubuk Augur

    I definitely like idea #5.
  2. Nifty Slacker Augur

    I think heroic characters are mostly ok starting at lvl 85. You can still group with max level players, so you need to find a guild and ask (beg) for some xp somewhere. Now that dead hills only scales to lvl 100 higher level characters can swarm all three gribble missions in less than an hour sometimes. I personally 5 box, and can tell you that DH is still the best way to go to get to lvl 100, and at that point you can probably find some more groups.

    All that being said, it would be nice to get heroic characters to lvl 100 and skip over the boring DH grind.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  3. Nolrog Augur

    I don't know for sure, but I would guess it's a similar size. But EQ2 was very likely developed with the tools that the EQ team couldn't have (because the way the game is designed) so they are able to do things faster and more efficiently (allowing them to spend time on other things.)
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Since it was launched over 5 years after EQ1 I am guessing that they put a lot of the lessons learned from EQ1 into making EQ2 easier to work with.
  5. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Heroic characters starting at 85 are fine still. They are still within the 30 level range for getting xp and participating in the same mission/dz/adventure. I think we have at least 1 (maybe 2) more level cap increases before they need to worry about an updated version of HC. Also, like other's have stated, a minimum gap of 20 levels really does need to be maintained. So depending on if the cap is at 115 or 120 when they do add a new version of HC then it should just go to 95 or 100 respectively.

    I would also bet that they do not replace HC but instead offer a higher level version; like Epic HC.
  6. svann Augur

    If begging is required there is a problem, imo.
  7. Leigo You come here often?

    It should be 95. When heroics came out they were supposed to stay around 15 levels under cap. That puts them close enough to find a group but not so OP that anyone should be complaining. Now if the cap goes to 115 they should naturally advance to 100 keeping within the 15 level spread.
    mph88delorean likes this.
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Just because that was what was good for design when they where introduced doesn't mean that is good for the current game. When they decide to increase the level of heroic characters they should increase it to what they think will be best for the game at the current time, even if that means making them a lot closer to max level.
    snailish and Felicite like this.
  9. Leigo You come here often?

    Odds are they wont bother to increase them until they have to and the level is what they choose. I was just answering a question. based on the facts that were released when HC was made available.
  10. Geroblue Augur

    Doesn't the merc and AAs get better at 86th level ? I seem to remember that being mentioned a few years ago as a preferred level over 85.
  11. Critts Augur

    I am currently trying to lv up 4 heroic toons at once useing the swam method. It’s a massive time sink and pretty unfun. That being said I’m not sure granting lv 100s is the right answer, but not necessarily the wrong one. I can see a few instances where a lv 100 could abuse the game. I can say that I would be much happier with a LV 100 heroic because I don’t have a lot of time to sink.
  12. enclee Augur

    It feels like a joke to advertise, level 85 heroic characters by saying they have access to high level content. They should receive a level bump to at least 105, but more realistically it depends on the plan with level increase expansions. I don’t think the next one will raise the level cap.
  13. bigpapa Augur

    could keep the current one level 85 heroic at same $

    and get one level 95 or 100 a little pricey , so we would have the choice between both, and some more $ for Db. to try to keep this game going as long as possible..........
  14. bigpapa Augur

    at least some better armors and augments , and maybe no xp loss for several levels so they could learn that game some..
  15. Flat Toad Elder

    Eh. Being realistic and without trying to hang personal tweek ideas on the OP...I'd say DB did drop the ball in not advancing Heroic level, AAs and gear with each subsequent raising of player max level.
    ***Doing so now wouldn't tax the codewriters unduly and actually give DayBreak honchos a nice little advertising/recruiting boost for minimal real development expense (or work/thought/originality).
  16. Leex Pewpewer

    I wouldn't mind seeing a lv95 or lv100 and the appropriate AA's for $10 - $20 more than the current HC's.

    Gives a way for the devs to create additional revenue for the game, I'm sure even at the increased price, they'd be a hot seller.
  17. Prepared Lorekeeper

    So let's say heroic characters start at level 95 or 100 as requested. What would happen to the characters which were already paid for heroic at 85 and were deleted? Would they be recreated at the new higher level or should that not be allowed? It seems as though a player should have the option to recreate another heroic character at the higher level because the heroic character count would increase once an older heroic character was deleted.
    snailish likes this.
  18. snailish Augur

    ^Fair point.

    Just sell "can o' heroic juice" in the marketplace that instantly buffs a character to level 100 with AA and shiny gear. Usable once per character whether heroic or not.

    Delete a heroic and you can rejuice it. (because deleting it reverts it back to a level 85 claimable heroic)

    Cap ever gets to 125-130 you make a stronger juice.
    So Happy likes this.
  19. Dropfast Augur

    This has already been addressed by a Dev and the answer is no for now. It's a much more massive undertaking than most think. This would have cost us an entire zone of content in the new expansion they said. Right now they are focused on the new expansion, as they should be, and this silly stuff can wait ><

    It doesn't matter if it's a Heroic toon or a Heroic potion, either way it's still a massive undertaking. EQ1 code suxx and even what should be simple things, are not. IMO at least, new content is much higher priory than people making their 257 th Alt. :p
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and xcitng like this.
  20. Cadira Augur

    I don't think so.

    The way I read it is, if they take the time to code all progression, new heroic quests, skills, etc etc into the equation it'd take an immense amount of work.

    Screw most of that, all people want is the same exact template but bump the level to 100-105 (my opinion) and give currency/progression to buy full cotf or tbm gear from vendor.

    It'd be a minimum expense on dbg's part for veteran players who know what to do already and aren't looking to "learn how to play at a higher level" but merely wanting to skip the tedium of leveling a new alt though tons of pointless levels.

    I have several classes I would like to try out, but no desire to start them at 85. 105, sure I'd buy a couple (would love a shaman and druid alt!) That way you can actually contribute to a current level group. And then you still have to put in the massive personal work that is level 110, epics, aas, gear, progression, augs, learning curve, etc.

    They'd make a killing, maybe that's worth a small amount of content.