Please don't multi-box

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by tzeriel, May 7, 2015.

  1. tzeriel Lorekeeper

    You will kill everything fun about building a community if you multibox and destroy grouping. Later down the line when the server thins out, sure, roll some boxes out. But right from the get go? That will utterly destroy the spirit of this awesome venture.
  2. taliefer Augur

    ill multi box and you'll LIKE IT
    Jet-Li and Xanadas like this.
  3. Druz Augur

    I'm just gonna box and group with other people. It's so simple!
  4. Kahna Augur

    Me too!! If you see me out boxing and you want to join my group just ask! I am happy to include most folks. Unless I am so AFK that it wouldn't be worth it for you.
    Jet-Li likes this.
  5. liveitup1216 Augur

    Boxing makes Daybreak money, and this game is too hard for most people to give up boxing. It's not going away anytime soon my friend.

    P99 is nice if you want a real classic server with no boxing.
  6. Mardy Augur

    Same, I'll likely box 2 characters only this time around, while playing with my g/f and possibly another rl friend of ours. There'll be room in the group, as long as you ask nicely. I'm a nice guy by default. But if you come with an attitude or demand that I put away my boxed character, or say crap like you'll train me if I don't stop boxing like it happened last progression server, then don't expect to see a nice guy. :)
  7. Sinzz Augur

    see that horse over there? its been kicked to death .........
    Irbax_Smoo, Catashe, Numiko and 2 others like this.
  8. Xnao Augur

    Imma box so hard.
  9. Beastro Augur

    Dual boxing doesn't do this, at least for me.

    I'll be doing two toons, but I still want to group, just don't want to be massively slowed down if I can't find a group while also helping out my buddy who is single boxing.
  10. Xanadas Augur

    Boxing also causes cancer, AIDS, and diabetes too, right?

    You play how you want, and I'll play how I want because America.
    PixalKing likes this.
  11. guado Augur

    Please don't push your narrow viewed ideology on others.
    Sheex and Jet-Li like this.
  12. Jet-Li Lorekeeper

    Send me a message when you need help with your epic fight. I'll bring my four characters.
    Punchu, Reht and guado like this.
  13. asgaard Augur

    I really don't think people who like to box are going to destroy anything. You're not going to have a problem finding your groups and community. A lot of people enjoy boxing and it isn't reasonable to ask anyone to give that up. Besides, from the replies here and what I've seen, most boxers are more than happy to make room for others looking for a group.

    Also, there are those of us who just really aren't all that into grouping. There's nothing wrong with that. The server is there for everyone, regardless of play style. It never was intended for any one group of people only.
  14. liveitup1216 Augur

    That's the spirit of good ol' EQ: being able to do epics and dangerous areas all by yourself!
  15. Numiko Augur

    I boxed in 2000..started just after Kunark launch and knew lots of others who boxed in classic, so it is classic play!
  16. Batbener Augur

    I spit soda through my nose when I read this. I was debating on boxing 2 or 3 toons. After reading this post, I am going to box 4.
    Punchu and sifonin like this.
  17. Behee Augur

    It's coming up to 16 years of boxing on EQ. It's a a TLP server in the base EQ game. Boxing is classic for me.

    How about you mind your own business, and just play your game your way?

    That, plus I don't group with people who tell me how to spend my entertainment time and money.
  18. Jet-Li Lorekeeper

    LOL. I thought the spirit of good old EQ was the community helping each other. Who cares if the help comes from a boxer?
  19. taliefer Augur

    i cant wait till some of these anti box people see their first group of 12 mages obviously being boxed by one person. will their head explode? will they disappear in a puff of rage logic? so exciting
    Punchu likes this.
  20. Hexaholic Augur

    But how else will I avoid all the really bad players?
    Sheex likes this.