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Monk DPS

Discussion in 'Melee' started by SoroxDrinal, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Sarcogian Augur

    Savager is a great guy. Definitely more customer service based than I :p
  2. MrMajestykx Augur

    Savager is the monk ambassador of good will Sarc, we both know that :p
  3. Enkel Augur

    The mob is an Inactive Clockwork, and it has barely over 10 million hp. If it was 1 million you could kill it, at 90, during a burn.
  4. iZealot Lorekeeper

    One thing iIve been wondering lately for type 5 augs is STR vs DEX. Pretty soon i'm just gonna buy a full set of +32 cards of STR and DEX, swap them in and out, and test them, but wondering if you or anyone else has already done this. I'm at the point where I am just fine tuning now. Looking for input, thanks.

    Even with the base vendor cards, Resplendent Sulstone (32 main/11 secondary), with 12 of them, that's +252 more STR or +252 more DEX.
  5. Sarcogian Augur

    In terms of this, savager and I are polar opposites. Unbuffed in my raid format I'm sitting at about 2034dex, savager is about 2050str (?). We've found a very minimal difference. In my own testing the difference is down to the 100s in dps but they each have their benefits. Strength you're going to to have a naturally higher min-max hit compared to dex where you're going to have a greater crit chance % and proc chance. If your going to be tanking or soloing a lot outside of raids dexterity is the clear choice to go after because it also has an increased riposte chance so there's a defensive side to dexterity also. If you're talking about str vs. Dex is a purely raid format/dps I think on >paper< strength was better for me, but I haven't tested it with all the new gear I have now. I talked to savager last week about us both afk attacking a combat dummy to see where we're both at in terms of dps, we just have to do it now.
  6. Reval Augur

    Based on attack getting diminishing returns at some point, I'd also try a balance between the two.

    From what I've heard hstr gets a boost wherein you get +1dmg per 10 after effects are applied, and hdex gives the +1 before everything is applied. the post I read on this mentioned that if you get your minimum hit, it will be what it was without hdex, so if you get a lot of minimum hits, maybe some hstr to compliment it may be better? In either case, that's my understanding of why hdex can lead to higher crits etc..

    If what I've read is true, then hdex may add more when you are receiving modifiers to crits, and then have bigger valleys than hstr at times when you are not. Maybe it's all rubbish though lol. Nothing I've found on what all the heroics do feels official enough to trust as "the absolute truth". I keep looking for the nintendo seal of quality and it's just not there.
  7. Taiqwon Augur

    This is what I've been claiming for a long time, sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a wall :D

    I'd very much love to see your results.

    Another factor to consider is that due to the huge magnification of heroic stat numbers in TBM, the regular type7/8 augments almost don't matter at all as far what hStr/hDex does. You're going to have huge numbers in both now without even trying (compared to past expansions). Unless the difference between those big numbers shows up (which I'm highly doubtful it will), the point is moot.
  8. Sarcogian Augur

    Our dps right now is based off of having bard/sham/zerker <insert 2 others>. Between savager and myself, who takes first on a parse is who had the better adp group, of we have identical, who has better rng. I'm sure there are other guilds out there with very talented monks, but we've compared burn notes and such, being as opposite as we are on str/dex, the point is moot. As long as you go after one OR the other you'll be fine. I preference dex because as I said before, I tank outside of raids so it's better for me. I've experience more easy strength aug camps helping friends so that's a plus too. But in all reality if you want to break it down and get scientific or technical (which I do not nor ever will) one will prove better but you should have a 10+hour parse and keep it controlled.

    All my data is just what gamparse says, I did my testing during tds so I haven't tested new stats yet, and like I said previously I think strength edged out dex by about 150-250dps better afk auto attack.
  9. iZealot Lorekeeper

    If the point is moot, or if they are pretty much even, shouldn't a combination work just as well?
  10. Riou EQResource

    If the point is moot then there is 0 reason not to go hDex and because of the way it works defensively, it is vastly superior to stack it to the max (doing otherwise destroys its defensive value). Especially as a Monk who can Block from any angle (AE Ramp I believe hits you from the side or back?) with the AA (which hDex boosts your chance to successfully Block), or if a mob ever hits you normally, your chance of dieing goes down, dead = 0 DPS.
    Iila likes this.
  11. Khoza Augur

    This was once true. It no longer is. The +damage from HDex now applies only to range attacks, sadly. The crit rate and defensive bonus are the selling points for monks here.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  12. Sarcogian Augur

    Savager and I are now engaging in our afk strength for dex test. Stats: fully raid buffed with everything. Bard, shaman, zerker, beast, rogue, ranger adps clicks so we have everything there. Dforce, dragon bslance, first spire, infusion of thunder, dicho, 2.0, and glyph. Then we choose speedfocus for the disc.

    Savager stats: strength - 2749
    Dexterity - 2402

    Sarcogian stats: strength - 2262
    Dexterity - 2705

    I'll have all the information tomorrow with details.
    iZealot likes this.
  13. iZealot Lorekeeper

    awesome, look forward to hearing, would also love to my hands on some actual logs too :)
  14. MrMajestykx Augur

    btw what Khoza said......the only bonus damage from hdex is ranged, its BEEN changed. The only benefit from dex now is crit rate and defense. I am eager to see what Sarc gives us tho....gets the popcorn, I see quite a few more pages being added to this thread now :)
  15. Sarcogian Augur

    Sitting at work wondering what the parser is showing. When I woke up my live dps went down because it surpassed 1 billion total damage /popcorn

    Only 6 to 9 more hours until I have results.
  16. MrMajestykx Augur

  17. Savager Augur

    Looks like you went LD 4 hours in
  18. Sarcogian Augur

    This f**king game....
  19. Bahdah Augur

    LD less
    Xikteny likes this.
  20. MrMajestykx Augur

    your not right Sarc, playing with our emotions like this waiting on your report and then going LD. Im holding off on your Cheetos.