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Monk DPS

Discussion in 'Melee' started by SoroxDrinal, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Riou EQResource

    It seems the Cast message is not on discs, they can proc it but it doesn't give a Cast message, only a Land on Mob message. It seems to do it on Crane Stance and Doomwalker's, but the proc rate on these seems really bad and the messaging seems broken (in that there is no Cast message).

    Example Doomwalkers Synergy used after Stunning Kicks final message (to show where it starts), 3 Attacks like it should be, then 1 Thunderfoot proc after the Doomwalkers message (Target assaulted by feet), but no Cast Message for this proc:

    It seems only Flying Kick button itself is showing the "Cast" message (and this happens before any of the buttons Flying Kick hits), while at least Crane Stance and Doomwalker's Synergy seem to be able to still proc it, but they just list no Cast message, only a Land on Mob message. The proc rate on these seems really terrible.

    From this I am not sure how people were calculating overall proc % on Flying Kick button presses in the past, but it seems like you need to use the Land on Mob message and not the Cast message and anyone going by Cast messages has the wrong overall %, though probably not by much with how bad the proc rate on the Discs is.

    It doesn't seem like Stunning Kick can ever proc this though, so idk if it ever can, but after like 10 minutes it's still no procs, so thinking this can't. Right now thinking it is anything Monk < 254 or anything Monk up to level cap (105 atm).

    Maybe can find the proc % of discs next if bored :p
  2. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Assaulted by feet is the message for synergy not thunderfoot.
  3. MrMajestykx Augur

    all you have to do is Gameparse tab spells and discs and go see then how many TFs landed and then someone tell me again how TF is working as "intended".
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  4. Brohg Augur

    Done. It is. Don't know why we're putting quotes around "intended", though. The intention is that it be shady as with too-rare procs -- and it is. NEXT
  5. MrMajestykx Augur

  6. Riou EQResource

    If Gamparse is only parsing Cast messages (which I believe is what it does), then it is not showing all of your TF's in that # as explained before.

    That's what I said :p
  7. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    So what's the ultimate lesson learned here? Hdex and Hstr are close enough it doesn't matter which? Is Hagi still the best for a mostly solo monk that tanks all his mobs?
  8. iZealot Lorekeeper

    Even with the slight 'buff' to hdex, hdex and hstr are still very close. Before the patch change i'd have said to go STR, but some parses i've done lately, HDEX seemed to be 1% higher, but yeah, I think either is good. Also, I haven't extensively tested it yet, but it seems destructive force benefits more from HSTR than HDEX. So, whichever.
    HAgi is good for def I guess, but not sure why you'd go that route.
    Raptorjesus5 likes this.
  9. Kaliko Augur

    I stack Hdex as a Solo/raid monk for a few reasons. It has DPS/Slight defensive benefits, and there is enough hdex augs in the game to have 40+ ac in all slots to help my survivability. The differences between stacking Hdex or Hstr is so minimal it still just comes down to skill.
    Raptorjesus5 and MrMajestykx like this.
  10. Ashten-Prexus Journeyman

    Do monks kick?
  11. Bahdah Augur

  12. Sarcogian Augur

  13. MrMajestykx Augur

    my life is a lie
  14. Sarcogian Augur