Lockjaw Rotation Updated - 8/15/15

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Warrior007, Jul 28, 2015.

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  1. Tiddliestix New Member

    I would really like to have access to the recording of the meeting. Please accept this as my formal request to MM/Dima for the recording.


  2. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    You stated before your original vision is to have 3 months of complete FFA, and then 3 months of rotations. When your guild actually did make the first "rotation", it was a 2-1 rotation with AD. If you wanted to encourage FFA, why didn't you make a "a-ffa-b-ffa" cycle with them, or a "a-b-ffa" cycle?

    Isn't that what a fair, competitive rotation should be? One that doesn't lean one way or another?

    The rotation talks were indeed long (right under 4 hours), and there were many opinions to be had from all guilds. Modest Man's vision is to have a fair yet competitive, speedy rotation, with minimal mob uptime (3 hours to FFA), to promote ultimately more mob deaths but at the same time allowing people that have lapsed on their targets to claim the same target during their prime time if they were to spawn during an FFA cycle.

    The only "self selfing interests" were the health and longevity of the server, and that is ultimately improved by more targets for everyone.
    Simone and Kattahn like this.
  3. Banuvan Augur

    Please post the recording of said meeting.
  4. Delrone Journeyman

    Hmm.. I was in LoGA. I liked the competition myself. Yeah we lost to EoE. But when we won it was awesome. We had rivals just like any good team does.

    EQ Is different from the "pay-to-win" games. When i look at someone that has planar gear or cool weapons or something like that i know that get invested some time to get it. There is no way around it.

    Vulak Died after PoP just like the normal servers did. Why cause everything after sucks. I didn't stop because of EoE? If so, PoP would be the place to stay, if anything ,with instancing in Time.
  5. taliefer Augur

    Faceless seems to be the only guild with a high interest in FFA targets at all. seems a pretty large concession from all the smaller guilds to keep it around, especially since it only requires 51% to enforce the change according to the rules.

    I cant see many reasons not to just 24 hour window and rotate everything. there is very little in the name of "competition" happening as it is. no guild on lockjaw will be the first to beat any buffed encounters, as ragefire will always be ahead so theres not even that to shoot for.
    Simone likes this.
  6. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    Please forward your request to your respective guildleader/representatives. Out of respect to everyone involved, anything that is put in a public forum would require everyone's consent. With that said, I am personally okay with making any of our formal discussions, whether it be ingame in predetermined channel/raid, or over voice, available for general consumption.
  7. Darth Augur

    Put it up in the cloud. I want to listen to it to go to sleep at night. It only gets interesting when the Faceless and Darth hate starts anyway.
  8. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    It wasn't "hate", it was simple facts of your representatives threatening to splinter off into multiple guilds.
    Simone likes this.
  9. Tiddliestix New Member

    Darth is my guild leader, and has already said to get with you. Also, as the decisions of this "meeting" affect the entire server they should be public anyway. If you say something that you don't want everyone to hear then perhaps it shouldn't have been said. Either way since your words seem to have some ultimate affect upon MY game play I think I have a right to hear what was said whether it was agreeable to "everyone's consent" or not.


    Zublak likes this.
  10. Zublak Augur

    Probably because no one else can/wants compete sadly. They'd rather have it handed to them.

    Rotations are great, I'm a huge advocate. But more casual or smaller guilds need to be thankful for a rotation and an opportunity. The guilds that put more work/time into raiding and end game content deserve what they get. For people to say Faceless doesn't deserve FFA or honestly more targets than anyone else then it's really unfair to Faceless. MM and AD have the people to compete, but they're just lazy and unskilled. The other guilds may have the numbers in prime time, but choose not too. Which is fine. But you have to respect the top end guilds and let them have what they have earned. In this case they want a decent amount of FFA targets. Will they win a lot? Yes, but doesn't mean you can't beat them. Put in some effort.
  11. Darth Augur

    So you levied hate against me personally and my guild because someone in my guild hurt your feelings? Because they expressed how dumb rotations are and said they could split into 2-3 guilds and get more out of the rotation?

    Let's not forget to make public that these "threats" you speak of happened at a meeting well over 4 weeks ago, when you gathered every guild but Faceless and formed a rotation without our input, claimed Faceless was the guild demanding less people in the rotation and other such nonsense to turn them against us. Then invited us into the chat and told us boohoo f*ck you, this is what we want, you get nothing.

    Personally I want these talks released to the public. If you won't do it, I'll ask Dupre for the copy you gave him and I'll post it. I wouldn't trust you to not edit out all of your guilds attacks and propaganda and hate anyway.

    Faceless cares <3
  12. Banuvan Augur

    If you aren't willing to post it then you have something to hide. It's that simple. Post it or forever hold your peace. If you want to make accusations and slander somebody then post your proof. Don't try to hide behind stupidity. Post it up and let people make their own decisions. If you don't then everybody is going to assume you have something to hide and you are the one in the wrong. Post it or .
  13. Zublak Augur

    I'm gonna keep this as short as possible...

    If we did not care, why would we allow new guilds in the rotation extra time to kill their targets? Why when, I think it was Free Masons, couldn't get enough to kill Naggy late at night, after their window ended we killed Naggy and gave them half the loot? I mean really, why would we, Faceless, do these sorts of things if we wanted to jeopardize the server? Why would Faceless host an open raid shortly after the server was up to allow people to see content and a chance at some loot?

    Since I've been in Faceless, came over from RF with Reign of Insanity, I have had nothing but a positive experience and leadership is great. They're strict about showing respect to everyone. We had 1 poopsock coming over from Ragefire the week of transfers. People were excited and killed FG's and named FG's waiting for Naggy. Aside from that we have no socked. We are told not to sock. We do prepare by getting to the next target to bind, camp or what have you. Some zones provide things to do, Hate, Fear etc.. But we do not sock, we mobilize quickly by being prepared. However we have counter socked AD and MM numerous time since I've been here.

    You have everything extremely twisted. You're trying to give us this bad image. I'm not sure if it's jealousy or what.
  14. Punchu Augur

    <3 be friends people. This content is not worth getting into huge dramas about that break up relationships, or bitter them forever, before content and raiding get actually challenging.

    inb4 Queen Bee is challening. I'd call that more of an organizational headache than a challenging raid. Plus inc nerf bat anyways.

    edit: I remembered half of you are here to bicker and drama and quit after PoP anyway, my bad. Carry on.
  15. Banuvan Augur

    Talk to your boss. He's the one refusing to post up the voice chat and/or logs of said meeting.
  16. Punchu Augur

    I dunno if I can get face time with boss man he's a pretty big deal and I'm just some scrub monk with mesh shoulders.
  17. Banuvan Augur

    You picked him.
  18. Zublak Augur

    Pretty sure Punch is Faceless last I checked.... Unless he's changed guilds in the last week.
  19. Banuvan Augur

    He chose the dark side.
  20. Azzudien Augur

    Definitely not FI, none of our monks have graduated to mesh shoulders yet
    Banuvan and Punchu like this.
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