Lockjaw rotation shattered by Faceless - Full FFA time begins?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by rekais910, Oct 1, 2015.

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  1. frankie78227 Augur

    OMG, STB is back! Been a while man. Please tell us a story.
  2. Vaclav Augur

    This is why I plan to (when I buy a home down here rather than renting as I am for the moment, since I had an amazing offer with too short of a move out time to shop properly) build a skylighted office on a second floor screened porch w/ motorized storm shutters. I'm sure the project will be expensive, but enjoying the outdoors while doing my console/PC gaming is beautiful when I can do it - love doing it with lounging on the canal dock while using the laptop right now, but that's really all I can do with it right now. [and once or twice that's included me having to blitz for the house as a sun shower can through so as not to risk the laptop]

    If I ever can do that project, I'll be doing that literally, not figuratively.
  3. Vaclav Augur

    Again, they've won 90%+ of FFA encounters they cared to contest - they knew they were taking a much larger percentage than their 50% or so when they declared they were treating it as FFA. Stop repeating the "fair shot" line, everyone who plays (or even played in the past tense in my case) on the server knows they increased the number of Efreeti spawns they're getting with that declaration because of the FFA win percentage.

    I could bother with an analogy here to try to reinforce the idea - but everyone with a clue already gets it and you keep repeating that tired line that smacks of ignorance, so it's a waste of time.
    rekais910 likes this.
  4. Vaclav Augur

    You ported into isle 1 of Sky and made it to Isle 8 and killed EoV in 26 seconds? Color me impressed.

    Also, color me impressed someone that isn't a member of Faceless (by previous statements of your own) has logs from what you're implying is a member of Faceless.

    [PS - The only thing he could be "forum banned" for with the "fixed that for you" quote is trolling - and only if it's done repeatedly, method doesn't matter so he'd already have to have a warning for it - and it's something you've done quite a bit yourself including this most recent tirade, so I'd not throw stones... (in fact the more you post, your personality shows more and more, and pretty sure you're someone alt accounting around a forum ban if I was a betting person - because you post JUST LIKE someone that's been forum banned on at least 3 accounts now for trying to alt around a forum ban for trolling)]
    rekais910 likes this.
  5. Vaclav Augur

    "For the longest time it was FFA" - 40-60% of the time (I think closer to 60% but I don't have exact dates to draw upon so giving some wiggle room), doesn't qualify as a substantial amount? And mind you before that it Sky was rotated for closer to 70-80% of the time the rotation ran, which logically he was included with since there wasn't any caveats on him being excluded before. ["No one should interfere with any mobs in Sky during someone's day" was the quote from Faceless leadership back then on how Sky days worked previously - sounds rather impossible for Efreeti to have not been included back then with that quote]
  6. frankie78227 Augur

    Me thinks its pretty hard to get banned for trolling.
  7. Vaclav Augur

    It truly is - in all my posts - while I do admit to tread a line, I've had one trolling warning EVER in all my posts. Flaming is another matter, that one they crack down on hard - I think I've been warned each time I really flamed someone - but just tongue in cheek trolling like "Fixed that for you" stuff seems to be a rare bother. [Honestly, probably from the warning he quoted himself - just when they're worried that the trolling will start triggering flaming in response. I know I've been told when I got my flaming warnings that the person that incited me with trolling was getting a warning too]
  8. frankie78227 Augur

    Been trying to get banned for a while now, maybe this post will do it. I just wanted to see if it effected my in game account or just this waste of time forum. Banning my in game account would likely be the break I need to just quit giving DBG my money forever.
  9. Vaclav Augur

    Technically DHS 2.0 (Vulak) was largely not the same as DHS 3.0 - there's a few shared people, but largely different these days.

    Not saying better or worse, but this is a different variant of DHS than the one that I, Khaos and Ascendant (Khaos is in TL these days, unsure on Ascendant besides that he was on Ragefire at last count) ran on Vulak. As well as some others, but the others either I've got no contact with - i.e. Bayho - or are largely inactive these days, i.e. Zark & Kaeledor.

    Sensibly the name probably should've been different but then we were sharing about 70% of the same player core from 1.0, and I hate creating names and Gremin gave his blessing to use it, so we went with the old name. [And we did share much of the original ethos - trying to stay out of the way, PNP is treated as if it still exists within the guild, etc.]

    These days, the number of "true DHS" has really dwindled, maybe 10-20% of the roster these days are old DHS anymore, for better or worse.

    Not saying anything bad of this variant of DHS (although it didn't work out for me - it's likely the changes in PNP/TLP ruleset that really caused the core of my consternation - philosophies of waiting and non-involvement work better when timeframes aren't so extended IMO] - worst feeling I've got towards anyone in DHS is frustration over the game with just a few, I'd still handshake or hug any I bumped into RL) - but definitely felt the need to clarify that it's a different animal than Vulak DHS. [It's moderately close to DHS 1.0 and 0.5 however, the Sleeper and pre-TLP [non-raid for pre-TLP] variants.
  10. cries4hardcore New Member

    Thank you sir... Keep trying to post images of our kills but this website hates my links apparently. Go to legacyofzek.com for future trophy shots :p
  11. Nechi-Brell Augur

    It absolutely wasn't included in that quote, but it was there for those going there for Efreeti. All guilds took great care not to kill a single mob that wasn't a part of the efreeti cycle, but it was never part of the sky day rotation.
    Simone likes this.
  12. Vaclav Augur

    Hmm? Was there an era of DHS that I was not part of (or I forgot?) - didn't remember us being a Kane Bayle thing in the past.

    Thought we started as a goof off guild on Bristle/Stromm after Cypher folded for the first stage of the guild before TLP 1.0 happening when we truly were a guild most would recognize...?
  13. Vaclav Augur

    Got any evidence of that? Only evidence I can see besides my log quote from early June is the old pics of FFAs on him before any rotation existed at all. And again, that log quote really seems to be missing an asterisk or "...except for..." phrase. Although I will admit Darth and I did get into an argument not long after from him using imprecise wording regarding the rotation not very long after that, so him misquoting isn't impossible.
  14. Nechi-Brell Augur

    Efreeti was never apart of the sky day rotation for any guild, period. Not touching peoples sky mobs was almost there completely for the fact that guilds would be going up on other peoples sky days and killing the Efreeti cycle and as such should not kill any other mobs while there.
    Simone likes this.
  15. Nechi-Brell Augur

    BTW wanted to point out that MM said they were waiting till Tuesday, but tried to take PoFex's CT today and lost and then tried to do the Efreeti and lost again. Hows FFA working out for them?
    Simone and Bartoss like this.
  16. Vaclav Augur

    So in other words, no, you don't have any evidence other than your own words which seem mighty suspect being that you've been caught in more than a few lies thusfar in 4 days of posting history.

    Answering just "No, I have no evidence" would've been much more succinct and accurate.
  17. rekais910 Augur

    They have. I also put them on ignore since all they seem to try to do is rile people up in the exact same fashion as 2 others on my ignore list. I'm thinking they may actually just be the same person.
  18. rekais910 Augur

    Yea I've gotten some url links that don't work. Either way congrats.
  19. Vaclav Augur

    What did they say they were waiting on Tuesday to do? I took it to mean that was when they're take up making an attempt to repair the rotation - which means that the rotation for them would be off until Tuesday at a minimum.

    I don't recall seeing them say "We won't FFA anything else until Tuesday" like you're implying - if I missed it, please link the quote. (You know, that evidence stuff that you hate to do)
  20. Juzam Djinn Elder

    DHS Was on Antonious Bayle Then Kayne Bayle 2000 - 2004 ( forget the exact merge) Yes the DHS tag has been around a long time On several servers .
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