Instance Raids..Please

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Moonii, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Makelite Augur

    I'm pretty sure he is all ready and tbh, one instanced and one not would probably work just fine.
  2. Esper Augur

    That is all fine and dandy, but do not use your job and life as an excuse as to why you cannot do what others with a job and life can do while implying that the latter has neither. Just be honest and straight forward... you choose not to do what it takes to be successful on these servers. It is that simple. Stop using false stereotypes and platitudes against those that are successful because of your choice.

    I have not seen any evidence of pro-batphone skewing younger unless your looking at this from a senior citizen's perspective. Most of us are 30+ years old (I'm 35 next month).
  3. Edrixx Lorekeeper

    Not sure what you mean. One server instanced and one not meaning Ragefire & Lockjaw? That isn't going to happen.
  4. Makelite Augur

    I read this as "If I'm at my son's football game and the batphone rings then damn straight I'm leaving to get that dragon, you don't and that's why you suck at TLP" Sorry, but that's how that reads, didn't sound like he was making excuses for not being successful, only that he'd rather not have his game time scheduled around a text message is all but I could be wrong, have been before!
    oldkracow and Vaclav like this.
  5. Makelite Augur

    No, but combining RF and LJ may be something that comes up is all I meant. I expect a good deal of people will leave with instanced content as an option. The timelines seem to be wonky at the moment and neither seem to be set at a different pace other than what they are now.
  6. Edrixx Lorekeeper

    That's not what he meant at all. You're being extreme.
  7. Edrixx Lorekeeper

    I think you're over estimating how many people will leave for a instanced raid content server. I think you're also severely overestimating how many people will stay on an instanced raid content server. We've seen instanced raid content servers time and time again and it crushes the population.

    But opinions are like..... :)
  8. Vaclav Augur

    It actually was a pretty on point example - although it wouldn't be my kid - but as a direct example, last EQ1 batphone I got was supporting the wife's besties kid (basically our godson) in his robotics competition. We're DINKs so no kids for us though, but got tons of equivalent responsibilities.
  9. Vaclav Augur

    Most are not, unless the ones I chat with skew young - I know a good hunk of TL and Faceless and you'd be at the high end. 28-33 seems to be one common clump as well as college age.

    I comparison, I at 39 next month (Scorpio's represent!) was amongst the median in my non-batphone guild. We had plenty of 50+ aged folks.

    And besides there's always ways to game any system - I had 100% RA (literally for most of it - eventually had 99.6% or something like that because I missed one raid for a surgery) in a batphone guild in my working days, thanks to a non-working spouse that played that would box me for off hours raids - while I was working 60 hr weeks and a 90 min commute each way. [although admittedly that might sound horrid, but I worked like that 3 months leading up to an open and then 12-21 months of coasting until the next opening]
  10. Edrixx Lorekeeper

    *rolls eyes* That is a terrible example and not what he meant at all. The point of a bat phone is not to miss RL but promotes doing RL activities as you're not sitting in game waiting for something to happen. The bat phone pulls in those people that are watching tv, playing other games, etc.

    You assisted your godson in his robotics competition and have responsibilities. Good for you. Are you trying to say that the folks that have high raid attendance in TL/FI don't have just as many if not more RL responsibilities than you? Because that would be a silly statement to make.

    Edit: Don't like the phrase 'promotes doing RL activities' above. RL comes first, always. Just trying to say that a bat phone allows you to know what's going on without having to be in the game. You can then decide if you want to join or not.
  11. Finley Augur

    There is only one group of people who don't want instancing on Ragefire, and truthfully I don't even know what you're trying to preserve. You're going to have VP to yourself the whole expansion anyways - you're not competing with anyone.
  12. Vaclav Augur

    Depends on the person, I absolutely know people that have answered batphones over the year and quoted dropping something that they were working on to do the raid. "Oh, I'll get back to my thesis later after the raid", etc.

    Not everyone is an irresponsible lout like that, but some certainly are - I've known them - more than a few in fact.
  13. Porygon Augur

    I always knew you were old as hell vaclav.

    Can i app to your no box guild yet, I'm going to be a necro I think.
  14. Esper Augur

    That is very extreme. I miss plenty of raids, it won't kill you or get you kicked from the guild because you have a life. We all miss raids because of RL. If you get a batphone and your busy, ignore it. If your not doing anything important like watching a bit a TV, sure, drop that and log on. This is not a very difficult concept.
  15. Edrixx Lorekeeper

    That's sad, however I can strongly say that is the extreme minority in TL/FI. People that do that need to check themselves and get their personal matters straight.

    With that being said, it's not EverQuest that's doing it. That's a personal issue and that person would find something else to spend their time in to avoid life.
  16. Lee81 Augur

    I'll reiterate my point again. I am not going to join a huge guild just to be one of 15+ warriors who may never see very much anyways. I won't stop my life for this game. I prefer a fixed schedule via instancing or enforced rotation. Otherwise, it's a sloppy mess that I don't feel like getting into. I prefer the option where I don't have to zerg. Therefore, I ALWAYS have the opportunity for loot because I was there for each and every raid target. Plain and simple. I want full access to the game, not half or a quarter. This system is extremely outdated for most.
  17. Vaclav Augur

    Those people were PoP-era - so definitely not anyone TL/FI. (Well, I knew Wycca before that - but he predated my introduction to batphones - other people that still play from back then didn't go the TL/FI direction)
  18. taliefer Augur

    completely agree with what you prefer raid as, i feel much the same way.

    however, gotta work with what we have, and this is it. i didnt raid on Fippy until PoP because of the raid environment. i gave it a shot here. will see how it goes. i much preferred the rotation, but that got shot to hell for reasons discussed in that previous thread,no reason rehashing them here~
  19. Makelite Augur

    You mean how instanced raids in wow and EQ2 took a crapload of players from EQ in 2004?

    I see your point, I do, been there, done that but that was a long time ago. A lot of the players that are back just want to re-experience the content, not the competition. If they did, then you wouldn't have only 1 guild on each server trying to compete 24 hours a day. If that is too hard to understand then I'll keep my opinions on your comments to myself as I don't think you could ever see past your own.
  20. Lee81 Augur

    I was within one of the top two guilds on Fippy. I don't want to revisit that type of gameplay. I got burnt out and left. It's not fun or rewarding.