Hunter Achievements: SoV, SoL, PoP, LoY

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by GoldenFrog, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. GoldenFrog Augur

    I still think Artisan's Earring and Tradeskills to 350 (which I'm only 5.2/8ths through) were worse - because it was far less fun.

    This hunter, reward or not, is FAR more entertaining and challenging in the right ways. The only bummer part is the 5/7+ day spawns trying to find, say, Emperor Ssraa up. That's a crap-shoot you have far less control over.
  2. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Some of the new servers have instanced raid would be nice to have these on production servers for these old raid zones so people can have access to content some of which is blocked by EQ 24/7 farmers. The template for instanced zones exists...i.e. PoTime...could this not be "copy & pasted" for other zones such as SSRA Temple, NTOV, Kael, PoP zones, etc?
    Ishtass likes this.
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    I've been slogging through 301-350 TS and am about as far as you are, and agree that it's way more of a punch. At least the hunts can be done collectively.
  4. Lianeb Augur

    Till the next drop with LDoN, can't get those missions in a raid format
  5. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    You can drop, get the adv and then get reinvited tho, no? So doable just annoying AF for whoever is RL.
  6. roguerunner Augur

    Does it have to be oldschool naggy/vox for raid ach?
  7. Orbital101 Augur

    Yes you can , tested it last night.
  8. Orbital101 Augur

    Yes, 2-3 shrouded+ mercs can do it and the raidinvite will boot the merc
  9. EnchFWO Augur

    Not to sidetrack your point but Emp is 3 +/- for quite a while now. May help in trying to track him down :D VT is one of the VERY few old zones they never adjusted the timer on because... "reasons". It's stuck at it's lovely 6d +/- since it went live.

    Or if you have a throw away character who has a T5 J merc and delevel them from 85 to 52 then you can solo it easy! Not that I've ever done that ... :eek:
  10. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    VT was finally adjusted when it was current on Phinny I believe
    EnchFWO likes this.
  11. EnchFWO Augur

    Pretty sure it's still 6 on Live based on what I've seen. The only mobs there that were ever on 3 originally were the two front hall Thalls. I may be wrong though about the change. Obviously I'd welcome it :)
  12. Randragon Augur

    Anybody else have issues with getting Skriat Chet. I am killing all the owlbear grapplers/razorbeaks and cubs that spawn in the northeast. On Goods maps that's where its located. Anybody else have anything different?
  13. Orbital101 Augur

    if your version as a (?) then its not accurate and I fixed it since then. Should look like:
    Even so im pretty sure thats where I had it from the start. We got Skriat Chet pretty fast but took us 5 days to get Warpaw. There is only one PH per area roaming around.
  14. GoldenFrog Augur

    Not a side-track at all... that's excellent and something I somehow missed. (Love Ssra but hadn't been here in many-a-year).

    So a couple more to get verification on:
    * Vulak in ToV. Does spawning him still requiring a complete ToV respawn with Thylex + All Lords/Ladies, then clearing Lords/Ladies while Thylex is up? I remember never being able to find that scenario in the past, nor in the last few weeks. Just too often cleared by folks.

    * Jeplak in PoStorm. Does the fake still spawn, indicating the event is up? Clearing all giants (including 3 bridges) does nothing. Haven't seen the fake in weeks as well.
    EnchFWO likes this.
  15. Orbital101 Augur

    We havent seen Jeplak spawn at all on Xegony and we had a toon there waiting for him ever since..
    GoldenFrog likes this.
  16. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    You need Thylex and at least one Lord/Lady. If Thylex is up, Vulak is ready to go. You just have to kill however many Lords/Ladies are up in order to trigger it. So if it's full spawn you gotta clear them all. If only one Lord up + Thylex just clear that Lord and you get Vulak.
    GoldenFrog likes this.
  17. EnchFWO Augur

    Glad I'm not the only one. I've been checking for a week non-stop then just flat out permacamped an alt at his spawn spot. At least I know I'm not going crazy now. I'm honestly surprised it's broken because you would think it would have happened on TLP and they would have brought the sky down.

    ^This. What's awesome is when Thylex hasn't repopped yet and someone did a full clear of all Lord/Lady dragons because who knows why :rolleyes: I've seen that happen so many times it's kindof ridiculous at this point. (And while we're at it... learn how to spawn Mith Marr people. OMG that was also a ridiculous camp thanks to a lot of misinformation.)

    PS. Lovely that it's been a week since PoJ trials have been broken on Bristle and GMs just ignore the request to reset the zone or at least reset the single trial. Not surprised though really. Hopefully we have a patch soon but that's at least two weeks out that no one can finish keying for 7th.

    /rant off
  18. GoldenFrog Augur

    Ah. You guys rock. I wasn't aware Jeplak was on the "Possibly Bugged" list.

    • Trials - Halls of Honor
    • Xalgoti - Tower of Frozen Shadow
    • Jeplak - PoStorm
    • Half of - Swamp of No Hope
    • Ashenbone Drake - PoHate
    I still have about 4 other hunters and maybe 8 timed named left so hopefully I'm not chasing too many shadows. (Now it's Queen Raltaas and scarlet cheetah matriarch making a fool of me)
  19. EnchFWO Augur

    I don't want to jump the gun because maybe I have been unlucky but I've had alts sitting at various 3 day +/-12 named camps for ages (that aren't on your list) and never seen them pop. Someone could have ninja'd them while I was asleep or working but I check my logs too. I'll give it some more time before I list any new ones but I'm kindof baffled how they could have broken respawns from Luclin, PoP, etc. if that is the case. Then again they managed to break some PoP raids on TLP out of the blue so something is going on. :eek:
  20. GoldenFrog Augur

    Well I'm not shy saying, but assuming all are available and I have just missed. I have alts at spots too but not 100% of my remaining. Besides a couple hunters left and those listed above:
    • Avatar of War
    • Rallos Zek
    • Manaetic Prototype IX & XI (have X)
    • Monstrous Mudwalker & Mystical Arbitor of Earth
    • Lord Inquisitor Seru
    • Narandi (triggered)
    • Kati Sha (triggered)
    • Captain Kraznok (triggered, have stuff, will do tonight)
    • Emperor Ssra & Vyzh`dra the Cursed
    I heard the Cursed was killed a few days ago - the rest I have no confirmation of recent kills on my server.