Cornering the market out of control.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by YellowBelly, Aug 27, 2017.

  1. Questoften32 Augur

    There is no considered unselfish act, the rest is instinctual biological imperative, its hard wired that is why the same act, through I wont negate the influence of social conditioning.

    If you devote your life to service, if you give what you have so that another may prosper, or not suffer you gain a satisfaction from doing so.

    To some its addicting. You selfishly devote your life to others. To some there subsequent suffering is a badge of honor in there minds. The way of the paladin in other words.

    Whats desired is to see others be well. Its a desire. There is an emotional reason, a reward. Yet this is only technically true. I am not invalidating the value of the act.

    I was mostly speaking to this in the context of game economics, a completely giving person irl may be completely selfish in a game, because its a game.

    Then again some may selfishly wish to give joy to others, by helping them for the satisfaction the act provides, and/or the way it makes them feel about them self and effects there self image.

    Some giving people may consider that fun, if so more power to them. Some enjoy gratitude, other dislike it, but enjoy the inner feeling they get. With others giving is calculated like in a guild situation. A game can mirror life but be different, it can teach about life.

    (fun fact: under certain circumstance a great white shark has been known to save a dolphin or even a man in the sea.

    This is because of life serving, instinctual pragmatism, where it may normally attack, its environmentally triggered.

    Nature is instinctively pragmatic and contextual. The shark dose not think about it. When the right conditions are met, it simply, pragmatically, acts to protect its environment).
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  2. Bamboompow Augur

    No. Besides, someone will eventually buy it. Either to use or turn around and sell for 1000% more.

    That example just further reinforces that the EQ economy is basically a mess. Mostly thanks to the ease you can convert a credit card to Krono to plat.

    The EQ economy is basically geared for two sets of players:
    A) Those who don't want to pay for their subs with real money...and
    B) Those who don't mind trading real money for the premium of not having to take the time to farm anything out of actual game play.

    The Yin and the Yang pretty much. Nothing is priced in a manner that is even loosely congruent to item rarity or to some reasonable baseline correlation of what a market can bare based upon how much time a typical player has to expend in game to be able to actually afford the asking price.

    Not even close. No economy is based on altruism but typically there is what it can actually bare taken into account.

    Nope, charge as much as you want. Eventually some dolt will use their credit card to get the plat for it anyway, because its so easy it might as well be magic. Just have to find someone who wants to buy a krono and you have a fat purse of plat to spend on that 500k kraken eye you didn't want to spend an hour farming for.

    Nothing wrong with that, but it makes the pricing in the Baz a bit chaotic and a bit user un-friendly for the more casual player. As they say, it is what it is. Thankfully there are guilds and friends or the ability to just go out and murder some hapless creature and pry what you want out of its cold dead pixel hands.
  3. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Or you know, YOU could go out and kill the mobs and get the item you need! It's pretty simple to do. It's not a mess. Some people are lazy and don't want to farm stuff, so the price is high. Get over it.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Caell like this.
  4. Bamboompow Augur

    I get it. Nothing to get over. I just go kill stuff because I don't want to support gougers. The time I put in is just the "cost of doing business" in EQ.

    Sometimes though, I really don't want to pay 25000 plat for a single bottle of Juice of Quelious. Its not like there are taxes or real overhead that have to be considered to translate into that markup. Its just good ole' fashioned greed behind the mark up.

    Still, who wants to get ripped off? When was it ever wrong to have a discussion about how something could be in need of a look and maybe some improvement? Only players can fix this crap but it seems many responses lately on any given issue are:

    That's how it is and that's how its gonna be so Tough S. Get over it. Discussion over.

    Now get off my lawn.
  5. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    I'm still not making the leap to "The EverQuest ecomonic sky is falling" so I might need more data. If nobody wants it at 300...try lower numbers until it sells or you get to the lowest possible value and determine it is worthless? If it is available for 300, why would anyone pay 300000? If it is worth more than 300 and someone buys it to resell it, what is the problem?

    As opposed to credit card to plat or credit card to 1 month subscription for less than the price of a Krono? The Krono allows Daybreak to capitalize on game time that was being bought and sold via Game Cards and halts the BS complaints they had to deal with when bad ones were sold. A happy side-effect (although I am sure Daybreak could see this coming) is the RMT plat/item market flows nicely through Krono so Daybreak gets to make money on those transactions involving the pixels they created.

    A) You are mad someone is not willing to pay for a sub with their credit card since they have so much platinum saved since they have no need to spend it since the game provides everything they need and then some via game play?
    B) You are mad someone is not willing to spend real time to farm things but instead is willing to pay someone else who is?
    Is it A, B or both A & B that is making the economic sky fall down?

    Nude economics aside, I doubt the price the market will bear is in many people's interest to determine. The more common scenario is likely, nothing in bazaar, let's see how much I can get, they start high and go from there based on a number of factors, part of which is the value of tying up an account to be in trader mode vs. just playing the game. They have no evidence of rarity so they sell it for what other people suggest, are already selling for, etc. These people do not have employees to pay or families to feed, the business is not in danger of going under if they are not making X plat this trader cycle. No pressure to move inventory.

    A fool and their money are soon parted. If they are happy when it happens, is it so bad? Time does not have a universal value. That hour is probably far more valuable to someone that was told they have six months to live than to someone binge watching Netflix while their pet kills trivial mobs until the /autoloot system finds what they want.

    How much more casual do you need than the game hands you gear (and platinum) for doing silly tasks? You do not need any platinum or Krono to obtain anything, that is why so many people have so much of it. If characters defecated and coins did not chafe they might wipe with it.

    Yes! If you just play EverQuest, in any zone but the bazaar, other things happen! You may have just swallowed both the red and blue pill, shall I induce vomiting?
  6. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    It's just good ole' fashioned egocentric laziness behind the expectation that somebody else should find goods for you, store goods for you, and then sell you those goods at the price you choose.
  7. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    All I hear is WAH WAH WAH, it sucks. If people pay the price in bazaar, then the item is worth that much. Plain and simple.
    Caell likes this.
  8. svann Augur

    This topic has already been discussed in literally hundreds of threads here and in dozens of other games. In every single mmo where players buy and sell to each other, people that are frustrated that they cant buy what they want for the price that they want come up with schemes to force people to sell for less. Nothing ever comes of it.

    You have choices: either buy it or go get some yourself or do without. If its too hard for you to go get it yourself then that indicates that a high price has merit.
    Caell likes this.
  9. Questoften32 Augur

    Which is why your paying for the time efort and grinding the other guy did, but you were unwilling to do.
    Caell likes this.
  10. Drogane Journeyman

    IMO the only way you would see prices become competitive is if you allowed anyone both subbed and FTP players to list their entire inventory on an exchange system. As it stands now the limitations require that you list items with a slot premium. First you have to be subbed to list items and on top of that you can only list 100 items at a time. This necessitates charging a higher price for items due to the costs involved (especially tying up that account for no other use), and especially due to what a player has to earn to buy a Krono with plat. If you could somehow list everything you have both on your person as well as your bank, vault, house, alts, you would see prices dip considerably just from that action. The downside would probably be major server instability since the bazaar would get 5000x+ more listings added.

    Inflation is also a problem, platinum accumulation is at an all time high. DBG should consider adding the items that you currently have to spend nobles on to a daily raffle (make it cost like 10K per ticket and each day the winner could win one of those items that currently cost millions in nobles. Just my 2 cents.
  11. Millianna Augur

    Sorry, that would make it worse. If you to sell something on the baz, pay for gold
  12. Feznik Elder

    This. You aren't going to beat the pro sellers. Plat is worthless in EQ, the pro sellers have oodles of it, so unless you have oodles of plat to compete against them as well as able to run 10+ traders in bazaar at the same time. You don't have a chance.

    How many of us are able to keep 10+ traders up in bazaar? Not many. The bazaar is just badly designed to allow people to exploit using multiple traders while the have-nots suffer. Either learn to exploit it or walk away because its a win or lose situation depending on your wealth in-game and out of game.
  13. Millianna Augur

    Let's end this supply and demand excuse. The majority of products in the bazaar have no supply issues. Where there is a supply issue is with Krono. There are more people buying Krono with plat than there are people selling them. The Krono price will continue to inflate. In response, many sellers jack up there prices on in the bazaar. Again, this has NOTHING to do with individual item's supply. So new and returning players get punished because someone doesn't want to pay for their own accounts
  14. svann Augur

    That depends on how you define the win. I say if they are selling skins for 10k each and I put up a stack of skins for 9k each and they buy me out - I won. Then I go out and farm another stack and repeat the win. So much winning!
  15. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    And again though, which so many people seem to have such a difficult thing understanding... if someone is BUYING the items for whatever the price is in bazaar. Or the items that sell for Krono only - Then they are WORTH THAT MUCH. Period. You posting here, or blowing up in general or /ooc screaming that the item is not worth that much is simply silly. They're being purchased! Just because YOU don't like the price really doesn't change anything. If you don't like the price, get off your duff and go farm it yourself.
    Caell likes this.
  16. Feznik Elder

    Great you won on one item for slight amount of time. These people are competing on over 500+ items, with their 10+ traders and are keeping their traders up 24/7. Eventually someone will buy it at w/e price they have set above your 9k sell price while you are refarming the item, so they win eventually also. The only real looser here is the whole community because Daybreak refuses to revamp the bazaar system.
  17. Questoften32 Augur

    If someone can create wealth in everquest for there character without just krono on there own hook, due to grinding, rares and creative reselling, more power to them.

    There have always been people who play mmo's just to see there plat go up from the broker/bazaar/auction house like a game of monopoly. Its admirable if they can do it.

    Value and rarity defines worth in mmorpgs, the same as it ever was.

    Much of these comments reminds me of the sort of people who don't sub, don't buy anything then complain about customer service, or this or that server more so than actual customers.

    They don't care enough to support the game to see to its continuation and well being, and in fact congratulate themselves on finding tricks to avoid doing so. My aren't we clever?
  18. Millianna Augur

    It's an attitude like this that cost the game subs. The cost of individual items on the market has nothing do with supply and demand of that specific item.
  19. fortuneteller Augur

    EQ is no more different that RL, where you know you have won the day, when you end the day with more Money than when you started.

    I at least, am not a charity show, but I wanna earn as much as possible. Even that my main purpose in EQ is not hoarding Money.

    I wanna buy as cheap as I can, and sell as highest price I can.

    When I set a price, there 2 ways, it can go, my goods sell or it dont. If I sell it, Price was right, if I dont, Price was too high, and I might have to lower it a bit. Is that different than in the supermaked in RL, I dont think so. As in supermarked there might be a max Price, in which you can do your pricing.

    Am I here to supply people who cannot afford my prices ? No.

    And I seriously doubt that this have ever cost 1 subscriber.

    And I have done something to get the goods I sell, I have not been sitting on my behind waiting for items to be sold in bazaar or other Places.
  20. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    I assume you only have anecdotal evidence of this?

    It absolutely has an impact on the price and we have to expect other factors as well. The EQ economy does not work exactly like the real world. It is a fantasy economy with very small markets and no true risk of losing an investment (RMT players aside).

    Every item and items made from components that can only be created through game play require someone's investment of time. Not everyone values their time the same. Some items require more time, on average, to obtain. That directly affects the supply of that item. Daybreak creating a powerful item that requires many individual components to obtain is an example of the demand changing. The day before anyone knew the Artisan's Prize existed, how many kraken eyes do you think were listed in the bazaar and how many people thought "I need a kraken eye?"

    Someone has already said it, if an item SELLS (not lists) at a price that you feel is outrageous, it might just be you. Pay it or accept that you will not obtain it via purchase. The item must actually not sell well or at all to pressure the seller to decrease the price. If it is selling while people do not like the price...what reason is there to change it?

    What reason is there to prevent players from buying all of an item they can afford to? Why should they be prevented from selling all of an item they have?
    Caell and fortuneteller like this.