Bristle-RoV just had Arx2 raid bug after a wipe and give us a chest and lockouts.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Arwyn-RoV, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. wingz-83 Augur

    Theirs (devs) or ours (paying customers)? I bet that was a fun conversation.
    Garshok likes this.
  2. Arwyn-RoV Augur

    It was an interesting discussion. It went something like "what if this is the new future of raiding in EQ and they don't do anything about the state of these bugs..." #RiotInThePrisonYard #ShakeFistsSkyward #Rant #Rant #Rant
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  3. Axxius Augur

    Mad respect, sir. :cool:
  4. Garshok Augur

    Sounds like you, Pwnography, et al. had a fun night.

    Hats off to RoV.
  5. Kreacher Augur

    It you look at the EGL chart of the guilds that got the fake win in Arx #1, and then when they have actually recorded the win, then it appears that the Dev's have not reset their raid timer. You could also surmise that they have not removed the key either.

    So it's doubtful they will do it here.

    Will the guilds that got a fake arx win in #1 now go into T2 after 3 wins+ 1 fake win, or are they waiting an extra 4.5 days to get the legimate 4th key? - I'm guessing when they record their first T2 win - we'll know.

    Waiting around and not doing the 3rd raid really is just shooting yourself in the foot. You might as well carry on and try and get legimate wins there imo.

    It's not the guilds fault that this has happened and it's shows a high level of regard for the community that guilds are trying to do it right by letting folks know.
  6. Zentara Augur

    Props to RoV--you don't always have the best rep on the server (although I know a bunch of ya personally and like ya individually!), but that's worthy of major respect.
  7. Deillusional Augur

    Respect, how did it bug out? I believe pikey did petition on their raid 1 bugged "win" but they did nothing about it.
  8. guado Augur

    Great, now next expansion will be a cross-over between Gates of Discord / Omens of War / The Buried Sea.

    Overlord Mata Muram returns to bring Discord to the Darkened Buried Sea of Norrath! Help Firiona help the Dragorns help the enslaved nihil... or something.
  9. Corlen-Xeg Elder

  10. Maeryn Augur

    It's corrupt to loot an entire raid chest? Oh crap.
  11. Ismel Augur

    10 Plat says nothing will happen and you get to petition again to divide out loot.
  12. Garshok Augur

    But will it have ship-to-ship combat?
  13. Ruven_BB Augur

    Shouldn't this be posted in the bug forum?
    Jhenna_BB, Out_Riding and Taiqwon like this.
  14. Crystilla Augur

    It will if you have 2 housing plots next to each other and use a tree to branch across plots :p
    Garshok and Axxius like this.
  15. sojuu Augur

    Wow is all I gotta say. This was a really stand up thing to do.
  16. Garshok Augur

    Well played, Crystilla, well played.:D
    Crystilla likes this.
  17. Strawberrys New Member

    Please Fix..
    I would like to thank you guys for all that you do, but this time can you do a little Extra for the Raiders....

    Please Please Please X10K fix!!
    You know you want to join a Great Guild like ROV on BB!!! lets talk!
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  18. Out_Riding Journeyman

    well, of course it should. but the self-aggrandizement would have been lost over there.
  19. Rafather Augur

    What are you doing that bugs out the raids? Devs need more information on what you are doing in order to fix it. We haven't had a single raid bug out for a free win and loot. There is another bug that we have reported that needs to be fixed ASAP just by clearing the 2nd floor.
  20. Bigstomp Augur

    Nothing special that I can think of other than dieing and then 30 seconds of lag as the achivement spam queued up for winning.
    Elricvonclief likes this.