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Being hopeful but, Agnarr could use some fresh blood.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Berkwin, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Bardy McFly Augur

    No, they aren’t.

    No, it isn’t.

    No, they won’t.
  2. Berkwin Elder

    All good seeing as SWTOR has a better free model anyhow, currently at 3:45 AM PST with 4 maps on Tython ( Starting World ) with 2 of them full @ 177 people and the other two nearly full, ill see you when Agnarr goes F2P.
    Makta likes this.
  3. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Please don't leave us!
  4. Aaramis Augur

    Is SWTOR still alive??
  5. Fredescu Augur

    As a datapoint, I started up on Live recently, after getting the bug again from playing an (EZ server, not P99). A number of old EQ friends (six and counting) decided to start up too. Everyone started on free accounts (the value of which is pretty good imo), but over about a month that has resulted in 9 new paid subs and a couple of heroics. To me, the existence of EQ potentially resulting in cash for DBG is obvious.

    None of us were interested in P99. The content (and grouping community) is good, but after a few years, all you get is a severly inflated Velious with nothing else on the horizon. At that point it becomes a dead server with nothing to refresh it. To me, Agnarr and P99 have the same problem. Locking at an expansion gives the server a definite end of life.

    P99 was able to generate some interest by creating whole new servers. I like the suggestions to make a TLP similar to Agnarr, but one that wipes a year after PoP (or whichever expansion) releases, and starts again. In my opinion, it's the destiny of these locked TLPs (including P99) to die at the end. At least if you're upfront about the wipe date, you know what you're getting into at the start. I like the idea of this kind of server being F2P too, but I have no idea about the economics of that.
    HoodenShuklak likes this.
  6. Dauk New Member

    Im actually 64 now and just ran Time. Agnarr is what you make of it, really. I had the day off so I dicked around with some soloing and other stuff since I knew actually getting a group at off time was slim.

    My suggestion is that if you want to run this content, join one of the three guilds that are active. Charge the Lair has been very welcoming and helpful for a Shm that is coming back after quitting in Kunark- Im having a blast. Understand that there are peak times for this server if you are trying to get something done. Each time I've logged in around 8pm est. there is always something going on.

    If you like PoP content, come to Agnarr and join CTL. I still think there is lots of fun to be had :D
    Bardy McFly likes this.
  7. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    If they ever do another Agnarr they should do true classic PoP flagging.

    No backflags, no 85/15 gimping, no checklist flags, everything must be done in order.

    Plus remove all the innate Melee DPS AAs, remove Destructive Fury ranks 1-3 from Luclin/PoP, and remove Glyphs.

    Would be a much better PoP experience when people are far less overpowered for the content.
  8. Berkwin Elder

    :) im still here sort of, but SWTOR is Booming big time. in my guild alone during peak hours there is roughly 150-175 people online, and off hours it drops down to 50-90 people. On Star Forge US RP Server. it is insane I haven't seen this many people in a very long, long time. they are everywhere even the deep story planets at all hours of the day! The Model is way different now too, the offer 1m credits for free and preferred cap they also give you extra hot bars finally and doubled the amount of free pvp every week from 5-10 also its customisable, if you wish to remain free but put a bit of something in for unlocks that is possible. or sub and get it all free, including all its expansions even the new one.

    kind of what I am trying to explain here. if the doors are open people will spend "Something" but dead servers don't make any money. no matter how you look at it.
  9. Jimmy2times Elder


    So I can come back and play.
  10. afrique New Member

    the hard caps on spells is the biggest drawback for me. They’re just like “no” you can’t do that because we say so, either get on board or get lost and I choose the latter. I did come back for one of the first progression servers but it was filled with boxers that ruined the experience for me. They later released a true box server which I again tried and even that was still filled with people playing multiple characters taking the good camps (greedy people). Then they just kept releasing a new tlp server every few months fragmenting the community even further, I come back today and guess what I see another tlp getting ready to be released. I don’t enjoy playing multiple characters sub-optimally, or being forced carry around a bot. I will not invest into a character knowing the whole population is gonna move to another server in a few months. Now you got people from servers like this one encouraging dbg to shut down p99 to increase the server population (LULL). Shutting down p99 will not bring me back here and that’s a fact. Return the game to its original mechanics with all this new content, bring back the old super cool spell graphics and their progression. Take the old models and update their animations (for bards, horses) saying things such as “it’s not possiblee” are lies it’s more like “we are not allowed to” or “they don’t want us to” or “we don’t want to”. You know what take a note from p99 and wow classic, start with an old client and work from there. I’d dream for something just like p99 but with as much content as live keeping the Velious graphics style. zones, aa, lore, races... they have basically up and need to start from scratch or damn near close to it... that’s a dream though so I’ll move on with my life....