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Being hopeful but, Agnarr could use some fresh blood.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Berkwin, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Jimmy2times Elder

    Be careful you are starting to make a lot of sense.
    HoodenShuklak likes this.
  2. Laronk Augur

    It's funny because, there's now a lot more questing in Everquest then there was in 99/00 and I think more people actually do the quests. Just because you got to 70 and then decided to take the path of least resistance doesn't mean the game is garbage.

    Want to see a garbage game? I made a garbage game


    I haven't figured out how to host the HTML5 version of it properly yet but there's a working android version and PC. That is a crappy game and its still a real fricken video game. Just because you don't think modern EQ isn't worthy of being called a video game doesn't make it true.

    I was never finishing any of my game stuff so I actually just set a dead line of I am going to make and publish a game in one afternoon! I really do want to make more games but scope creep kicks me in the rear every time!
  3. Mashef Augur

    Top to bottom this is well thought out. If they announced a server that would open at GoD and you can transfer from Agnarr to that server, Agnarr would see life again. People would want several months to gear up toons to transfer. The spring will have prime opportunity for EQ to gain many new subs as WoW Classic will be stale at that point. Players will return with some good options. Just can't be trash like 20th anniversary servers.
  4. Machen New Member

    A GoD server with transfers from Agnarr might give life for a short time to Agnarr, but a year from now it would be right back in the same situation it is in. I don't see that as helping anything long term. Nor, honestly, would almost anything in NottaBard's post. Making Agnarr FTP might bring in some of the P99 players, but there's really no incentive for DBG to do it--there is no profit in having a server full of players that never spend a dime, and DBG is a for-profit company. DBG cash stuff is not sufficient on a server locked at PoP, or DBG would have already pulled that trigger.
    Skuz likes this.
  5. Berkwin Elder

    I do like live but the aspect of Agnarr in its current state imo should be F2P. or else merged into Vox or something. personally I like to see it replace Vox as the starting server seeing as it was more like how things were during the beginning of EQ. that way people have a choice stay there and enjoy. or transfer and see what live has to offer. however transferring to live servers should be a free thing on Agnarr if this were the case. again just my opinion
  6. Herf Augur

    <The Remedy> is still raiding on Agnarr, and still recruiting. True, the raids are on Euro time (midday Pacific time'ish) but as more people join they're from different time zones there are poeple to group with at different times. And there's one raid on Sundays that all could participate in. And there are plenty of people on US time so there are often group openings in the evening. Nice people too.
  7. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Agnarr has a problem.

    Now, The Remedy is here.
  8. Bailen Augur

    On Project 99, the old "Blue" server is practically dead now that a new server has opened up. It has met the same fate that Agnarr has pretty much.

    People really seem to enjoy progressing through those early expansions.

    Maybe they should consider converting Agnarr to a server that starts at the old world and resets a few months after it reaches PoP or LDON. Characters on Agnarr would have the option of transferring to any other server that has progressed past that point before Agnarr perishes in fire and blood, and the great rebirth.

    Keep it locked into a never ending cycle of birth and destruction! It would be LDON locked like the current Agnarr, but instead of staying permanently in LDON, you'd always be progressing through those early expansions, starting over after you hit the finish.

    They could hold some kind of big server event on the last day. Make it a party!
  9. Xeris Augur

    Alternatively, we could just do nothing and keep Agnarr as it is? It is exactly what was advertised. If you want to play a pop locked server, play on Agnarr? The amount of time people spend whining about wanting something similar to Agnarr but not wanting to play on Agnarr could be spent playing on Agnarr :p

    It just seems like the group of people in this category are sad they missed the start of Agnarr and just want people to play with as they level; well I can guarantee there are new people and low levels playing on Agnarr, my guild has recently recruited 5-6 of them, and the forumquesters are numerous, ya'll can play together.
    Herf and Bardy McFly like this.
  10. Berkwin Elder

    Or even better idea is open the possibility of a F2P OR even a $5 one time fee just to play on Agnarr, open the doors a bit maybe make it a special for a couple months and see how well it brings people to the server, if the outcome is positive I would go back there. even as a subscriber... in all honesty I just want it to be a heck of a lot more active than it currently is. that's all.
  11. Bewts Augur

    What many fail to realize is that the success of a TLP corresponds to the availability of alternatives. The constant release of newly branded TLP constantly splits the player base, and then when the novelty dries up people leave or pick up the next TLP. Even concentrated servers will tail off over time. It’s just more noticeable with many smaller pie slices.

    One of the driving reasons EQMac was so successful in a forced time lock at PoP is we didn’t have many native OS alternatives for EQ so it was this or nothing. Existing TLP doesn’t benefit from that situation, and it’s compounded by new releases for TLP every 3-6 months.

    There’s also plenty of social repercussions that players have zero reputation incentives to play even remotely nice together. A new server, with a new toon comes around soon enough that each TLP launch is plagued with deviant behavior as often there’s little long term consequence for bad behavior.

    Of course, DBG doesn’t really CARE which TLP you play on, just that you sub and buy Krono from them. So the carousel of TLP is a pretty good solution to maintain higher sub / krono purchases given the alternative to watching subs decline even with concentrated TLP.
    Bardy McFly likes this.
  12. HoodenShuklak Augur

    While you make an otherwise solid point, I think every single TLP player knows the population is too diluted.

    Unfortunately, the DBG model, as proven over the years, is the classic "pump and dump" style of business.
  13. Aaramis Augur

    I would 100% come back to play on Agnarr if it was free.

    I enjoyed the server, but there's no way I'm paying a subscription fee for a dead server. Especially given the fee is on par (or even higher) than some modern games.

    And from what I've heard on p99, there's a number of people who play there simply due to subscription fees. It's not just 100% nostalgia that brings people there. Money is a big factor.
  14. Machen New Member

    Money is a big factor for DBG too. They aren't a charity.
  15. Herf Augur

    There are at least a couple still active guilds on Agnarr ATM. New people are welcomed, yes, the population is way down, but on the plus side, the population is also way down.

    Use this XP bonus to lvl a character on Agnarr and join a guild. We salute you!
    Bardy McFly likes this.
  16. Aaramis Augur

  17. Machen New Member

    Why in the world would Krono have value on a server that doesn't require a subscription? Except to sell to players from other servers... None of which are currently playing on Agnarr.
  18. Bardy McFly Augur

    Some people play raid nights on Agnarr and play on other servers off nights.
  19. Aaramis Augur

    Well, Krono has been the currency of choice for so long, I can't see people instantly switching to plat overnight. Krono will probably still be the currency of choice for high-end tradeables, or loot rights, even IF the server as a whole moves more towards plat.

    I don't see it's value disappearing completely.
    People trade krono on the live servers all the time.
  20. Elskidor Augur

    FTP would be great on Agnarr. I'd return in a jiffy as it's still my preferred server. Been screwing around on Green server atm but bring some life back to Agnarr and I'll be there for sure.