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Being hopeful but, Agnarr could use some fresh blood.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Berkwin, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Machen New Member

    DBG isn't going to give an official response to every thread players start. In cases like this, their silence tells you all you need to know.
  2. Berkwin Elder

    Right I don't get your issue man lots here seem to agree that F2P is a lot better idea than its current state. so what gives?
  3. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Lots + 1 disagree.
  4. Berkwin Elder

    is your main server Agnarr? I am playing there right now... Arkrion, share with me how you feel.
  5. Machen New Member

    People wanting stuff for free does not mean it's in the company's best interest to give away their product for free. Just because you want it, and other people want it, does not obligate them to dignify the request by officially telling you no.
  6. Berkwin Elder

    you cant be serious they are too "Dignified" to talk to there clientele?? are you there poster boy?

    BTW I am still waiting for you guys who claim you know what is best for Agnarr yet non of you are playing there? what's with that?
  7. Machen New Member

    You seem to be missing the fact that "what is best for Agnarr" is not the most important driving force behind Daybreak's decision making. OF COURSE "What is best for Agnarr" would be for Daybreak to give their product away for free, never charging anyone for anything. Heck, open up the cash store and give away free big bags too, it would probably draw a crowd. At least, that is "what is best for Agnarr" until Daybreak goes out of business...
  8. Berkwin Elder

    you obviously are putting words in my mouth, and are oblivious to the fact there is an issue there. I did not in any way say give everything away for free, 1. Agnarr needs more people and they will not subscribe to kill Quarm 40 times to play there. 2. in a previous thread I stated to add some Vet rewards to which you are reluctant to have in any form to say the least.

    1. you obviously do not main on Agnarr so you have no idea of its current state and even if I told you, it obviously seems that what ever reasoning people give in regards to populate the server you are somehow in a corporate inept lockdown. anyhow I am done responding to your threads. have a nice day.
  9. NottaBard Journeyman

    Machen, you're twisting what people are saying. Nobody is simply demanding to play on Agnarr for free. People interested in the server being around next month, next year, etc. are discussing how that might be practical.

    The reality is that DBG only has two options right now: (1) pay premium pricing for all access or (2) play for free and maybe pay a bit in the DBC store.

    Unfortunately for most people, paying a premium sub fee for a casual interest on Agnarr is incompatible. Unless DBG is going to come up with another pricing model the only other option is free. 0 subs * $15/month = $0. How many subs are exclusively for Agnarr right now? At what point do you think DBC sales will actually surpass sub fees? Do we need to wait until subs have actually hit zero before something happens?
    Berkwin likes this.
  10. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    The point Machen and others are making is servers die. See you on Agnarr 2.0 when it happens. Until then, you a ton of other servers that will scratch that itch.

    Honestly, the lack of I told you so's over Agnarr not retaining people past PoP+6 is lacking. We all saw this coming.
  11. Berkwin Elder

    Funny sounds like someone with a Jaded vendetta to anyone who wants to talk about keeping the game you know alive and thriving...
  12. Machen New Member

    This is not the first thread on the topic, and people literally are asking to play on Agnarr for free.
  13. Berkwin Elder

    Kind of silly to understand, I wonder if the 60 sham, the only guy who is looking for a group now since about 10am pst will find one? most likely the answer is no. pretty damn sad.

    Just talked to that sham, been at it all day.. poor guy. @Dythan aren't you just a peach
  14. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    My server is alive and kicking, because there are new and exciting things to do, every 90 days.
  15. Machen New Member

    It's entertainment. We do this for fun. If the "poor guy" isn't having fun sitting LFG for eight hours, maybe he should do something else?
  16. Berkwin Elder

    Can always go play on Fippy as well I suppose. I mean its like because you had the rug torn from you everyone else must share the same fate? if you do not play on Agnarr what is your actual concern what people discuss about there server??
  17. Machen New Member

    Weren't you the one who just defended your right to express your opinion? I am allowed to have an opinion about whether Agnarr should be made free to play regardless of whether I play there. If you only want Agnarr players to respond to your thread, maybe post in an Agnarr-specific forum instead of here.
  18. Berkwin Elder

    It is a progression thing as well. who are you to tell me what to do?

    you obviously have some type of personal issue with me, I mean you keep telling me go here or there with what I am talking about... I am not going anywhere. so spill your issue it seems you have.
  19. Machen New Member

    I'm not telling you what to do. I'm telling you what DBG will do, and why. You are in denial because it isn't what you want. Carry on, but you aren't going to get your way on this.
  20. Berkwin Elder


    Show me in Writing you know what DBG will do or not do please I would love to know myself real OFFICIAL quotes and info.