Autonomous Brokering in Rain of Fear

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Piestro, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Orablast Elder

    People like this really need to get over themselves. It could be any new feature, never seen before in a MMO.
    Vouivre likes this.
  2. Tarrin Augur

    So let me get this straight. A new fluff feature is added. This feature has 2 ways of working. One way is to pay extra plat and have it parceled to you. Another way is to spend a little bit of $$ and have it appear on your cursor. The 3rd option is to do what you've always done and just take a few mins to run to the zone itself.

    None of this effects gameplay, its a pure fluff feature for convenience. No other MMO I have played allows you to view the bazaar ( or whatever they call it in their game ) from anywhere in the game..or the option to buy the items with 2 different methods of delivery.

    But anyways, if THIS is the final strike for someone quitting EQ ( quitting over a minor convenience feature ), the they were on their way out and just looking for a reason.

    I prefer to pick my battles over things that actually effect gameplay.
    Cakvala and Bauer like this.
  3. Orablast Elder

    But it will effect may game play. When I am raiding or in a group camping a named and need some new orbs real quick, I will need to pay extra money to have it delivered to me while on my raid or at my camp.

    I already pay monthly, and paid for expansion, I certainly do feel obligated to have access to the new feature that will help me tremendously in the game.
  4. Orablast Elder

    Also, are you suggesting that I won't have to pay for the next new feature that comes out? Or what about the next feature that comes after that?

    You must be blind, because I am obviously saying that I am tired of tripple paying for features.
  5. Tarrin Augur

    Very rarely you are paying extra for a feature. Very rarely.

    Convenience I am fine for paying extra. Convenience is not an aspect of game balance or something integral to the game. If you did not properly stalk up on orbs ( power sources? ) needed for a raid, that is not SOE's fault.
  6. Nolrog Augur

    But you don't have to pay a monthly subscription fee if you don't want too. This feature costs you exactly zero extra unless you want convenience.
  7. Nolrog Augur

    Then don't pay. Let your account lapse to silver and run your hiney up to the bazaar to get your stuff and you pay nothing at all.
    Cakvala likes this.
  8. Cakvala Augur

    How does it effect it? If you never had the feature before you wouldnt have voiced any concern, its a perk and the free aspects dont change the way you play.
  9. Orablast Elder

    So, you are suggesting that as a raider, that I should just give up everything that I have worked for on the past few years and just go bronze, because I am tired of triple paying SoE for features?

    You sound exactly like Piestro, and this is exactly the type of attitude I expect from SoE and their subservient player base.

    SoE has somehow managed to convenience a large portion of their player base that cut-backs are needed in this time of economic crisis. It is almost like we are the SoE employees that hand over our paychecks directly to the shareholders, so we can keep the company running for a few more months. But in reality, SoE Shareholders just want to afford that extra house in the Caribbean.

    I do plan on taking your advise, though. I have already cancelled my RoF pre-order and I've stopped reoccurring payments on my gold account. I will stick with bronze, as you suggested, once my subscription has ran out.
  10. Vouivre Augur

    True, if you want to deal with all the numerous restrictions of silver you can go silver and still have to pay for all this "convenience". It's funny they find a way to stick it to everyone including their subscribers. Welcome to Everquest where there is a negative side to everything we do.

    I wouldn't even mind the SC part if they weren't charging you plat just for it to go into your mail which isn't even new. Just new to EQ.
  11. Tarrin Augur

    Just out of curiousity, can you list the features you are tired of triple paying for?
    Bauer and Cakvala like this.
  12. Orablast Elder

    it's nice that you feel the need to nit-pick in order to fool yourselves that what you are saying is right & just.
  13. Tarrin Augur

    That does not sound like a list of features you are tired of triple paying for.
  14. Orablast Elder

    is this a rhetorical question. Or did you enjoy paying extra for guild halls after getting the impression that it would come with the expansion?

    Do you enjoy paying that extra $15 for merc slots? I bet ya did, because you just said, "shut up and take my money, SoE"

    How about that hero forge. The one perk that SoE could have given us for free, to show they still care, but no, some shareholder wanted another yacht.

    And now, we finally have a new innovative way of having goods we purchased in bazaar delivered to our inventory. Finally, a way for SoE to show us that all the money we pour into this game was not forgotten..

    But no, they want to charge us $$ per token use for that, too, because 1 yacht in the pacific is not enough, they also need one docked in the Atlantic, as well. Or maybe it will be another private jet for the next expansion. Who knows.
  15. Nolrog Augur

    Why do you think you're entitled to convenience features for free?

    Don't pay for the merc slots. Go run to the PoK and swap them every time, and hire a new one. You don't need the convenience of swapping them at will.

    How about that Hero's Forge. You know that they spent time and effort in producing a completely cosmetic item. SOE spent a lot of time building that system, aren't they entitled to recoup their cost?

    And how about that innovative way of delivering goods. Where is it said that you need to have the ability to have the item delivered to your pack no matter where you are? That's the epitomy of convenience. You seem to ignore the fact that you a) use the feature, which is off line brokering and b) pay zero extra by doing what you always did.

    You do realize that SOE is a company right? They don't exist to cater to your whim and give you everything you want for no cost at all. The entitlement mentality is just too comical here.
  16. Nolrog Augur

    I'm not a subservient player base. I'm arguing with an entitlement mentality, who things everything exists to give them free stuff and they shouldn't have to pay for anything. OCCUPY NORRATH!!!!!

    I'm all for free stuff, but I'm also all for new features even if they come with a price, because you know what, without that price, it wouldn't have existed. If they didn't charge for Hero's Forge, they likely wouldn't have been able to put it in place. But I guess you'd rather get nothing than get cosmetic items that you have to pay for.
  17. Orablast Elder

    I only feel entitled to what I thought I was paying for already. I pay for gold subscriptions & pay full price for the expansions. I only wish to receive the feature that comes with the expansion that I just purchased, nothing more.

    And honestly, I just feel silly debating about paying more for game features that comes with the expansion, after paying a monthly fee to help support the game.
  18. Orablast Elder

    Why can't the aggro meter be the feature for sell in the marketplace? And then they can give us the option to play plat to have items purchased in bazaar delivered to our inventory and pay less plat to have the items delivered to our parcel.
  19. Tarrin Augur

    I did not pay extra $$ for guild halls. I have an alt guild that has a plat bought one.

    I did not pay extra money for merc slots. I did the TS quests.

    Hero's got me there. Another fluff item like weapon ornaments that has zero difference in game play.

    Congrats on the list!
  20. Tarrin Augur

    Aggro meter is more of an item that effects game play.

    buying from the bazaar is convenience.