(Feedback) EoK - Dungeons, high mob density, few safe camp spots

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Phoebes, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

  2. segap Augur

    I play off peak, 4 box and only one of my current box set is raid geared (rogue). I'm doing fine in dungeons with a mage pet as the tank. Pulls are all simple.

    Safe spots for camps are not necessarily pre-existant in dungeons (although I've had no problems finding them in EoK). Sometimes, you need to break the camp. This sometimes means clearing your way in from a distance. Once you know the spawn timer, you can move back and forth between two spots. Clear a spot, clear a second spot from there. Set up camp at the second spot. After you see the first spot re-spawn, clear it and move back to that spot so you can safely clear the second spot again, then camp from second spot after clear. No need for even using a stop watch. Let the spawns clue you in on when to rotate between two camp spots. The only tricky thing can be if there's a roamer on a different timer. Figure out how many spawns you can safely kill in the respawn cycle.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Kravn like this.
  3. Missrebel New Member

    I am in a family guild (so no raid gear) but I do 3box and run an enchanter. I have the hunter achieve for Droga and I agree there are few safe spots, but they are out there. Chardok is EASY compared to Droga when it comes to pathing and safe spots. I like that the zones have see invis mobs as you really shouldn't be able to just wander aimlessly around the zone if you want.
  4. Wizdons Augur

    My only problem from time to time is the assist radius seems to be a bit tight for indoor zones and caves of outdoor zones.

    is that even a problem though? Requires CC and a little smarter pulling.
  5. Hostile Meat Wizard Elder

    The game's already way too easy as it is. My entirely group-geared, non-raiding group using healer merc(s) finished all EoK progression and challenges within 3 weeks, and that's with no CC (to address the comment about an enchanter almost being required). There weren't even any remotely challenging missions this expansion; at least in TBM the Enslaver mission could wreck you if your group wasn't on the ball. This time there's nothing like that.

    I'm not trying to brag at all -- I just really dislike it when people want to make an already easy game even easier when the latest expansion hasn't even been out for a month yet.
  6. Fian Augur

    So how did you complete the final mission without a raid geared tank? If you had no CC in the dungeons it sounds like you had a very strong tank that could handle tanking multiple mobs at once.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  7. Atrocitas New Member

    The dungeons are fun as is. Less difficulty would be less fun.
    Hostile Meat Wizard likes this.
  8. Hostile Meat Wizard Elder

    You talking about Atrebe? I only play dps so I really dunno about the tanking stuff. I've done that one a couple of times, once with a group-geared tank and the second time with a raid tank, both of whom were boxing other toons. It seemed easy enough both times (at least from my end), but it actually went smoother with the group-geared tank; he's extremely good.
  9. Symbius Augur

    To me that final mission is more about the DPS than the Tank. The only real problem spots are Garssilor, Cinderscale and the 2 guardians at the end.

    Just have the tank use deflection on Garssilor and he should die before it wears off. At the end have the tank use their best disc on the guardians. Use primary burns on Garssilor and secondary ones at the end. Everything else should be no harder than zone trash, which group geared tanks should be able to handle multiples.

    I really think Lcaenium is harder on the tank.
  10. dwish Augur

    I'm sorry, but if your tank can't at times tank multiple mobs, then perhaps he really needs to read up on his class a bit more and figure out how to use abilities. Tanks are extremely powerful at the moment, raid geared or not, and any tank worth his salt should not have trouble tanking a few mobs from time to time.
    Hostile Meat Wizard likes this.
  11. dwish Augur

    You do realize EoK group gear = TBM raid gear correct? The old excuse "well its raid gear that makes the game easy for raiders" is not really going to fly anymore with EoK. The group gear is very very good. Tier 2 EoK visibles are equal to or better then TBM raid gear. Tier 1 is just under TBM raid gear quality. The gear isn't the problem many of you are having.
  12. Critts Augur

    The dungeons are designed for a group. As a two boxer I can sneak my way through most of the zones to the camp I'm after. I would never consider trying to exp in a dungeon as a two box tho. Maybe an HA or mission as they tend to be somewhat more forgiving then the static zones.
  13. Yendar Augur

    pull and tank with the enchanter? its a lot easier to mez stuff when it gets mezzed automatically on the pull with Ward of the Enticer.
  14. Valbarab New Member

    I've spent a few hours wandering around the dungeons (Rogue here) to learn lay outs, mob pathing and routes etc Just doing this on my own has always been my favorite part of the game.

    There is definitely a lack of safe spots. There are many, many interesting areas - at most there are spots where it seems in the past there would be no mobs as they are ideal places to set up camp, but almost without fail they now have mobs pathing through them.

    This isn't news to the devs. They know this because it's how they designed it. The question is whether this will affect whether people use the dungeons. I think it will. The dungeons are often empty but you'll regularly get a group come in, spend a little time setting up, wipe and not bother coming back.

    I don't believe this is a question of difficulty. People who like static camps in EQ like them because they can be incredibly social times. No pressure to constantly pull and kill and time to chat to one another.

    Of course for groups who are mobile rather than static it makes no difference and it may just be that the devs have decided that this is how they want dungeons to be in todays EQ.
  15. Murphy Elder

    I have your answer: choose your boxes wisely. choose your gear more wisely, and finally, choose something with FD. Does wonders for those inopportune intrusions into your gaming time.
  16. Traxen Lorekeeper

    Came here to say this. The caves are nuts and Slitherblade is a nightmare with those four spider spawns that are unmezzable and don't despawn if you wipe. It is CC friendly though, my chanter does get most mezzed, but man, when they come 4 at a time...
  17. porky Augur

    4? Lucky you, when I did him he spawned 12. Had to get some help for that one. Thus far the hardest named in the expansion.
  18. Bard_Bard Journeyman

    Agree for a zone that is supposed to be the staring point of an expansion 5 min timer on respawns and stacks of 3-5 pulls this cave is more like a end zone area. It would not be bad if the repop timer was extended to 12-15 min
  19. Hiladdar Augur

    Slitherblade spawns are percent based, so the trick to him is steady dps on him, and burn to take out the adds as they pop, and make sure you do not spawn 2 or more sets of adds at the same time.

    Regarding the safe spots in the dungeons. There do need to be safe spots where a group can set up and pull to. I do expect it to be harder to split a camp, but once a camp is split, it should be maintainable, with time for the group to take an afk, resulting in having to rebreak the camp. Likewise, it should be relatively easy to get to where you want to camp.

    In my opinion, Droga fails on that account, with the lack of safe spots to set up, number of pathers, see through invis spiders that can not be rooted or snared, yet snare the puller, and overuse of spin stun by the goblins.

    The other negative feedback issue I have is regarding mercs. We are still using the same mercs we used two expansions ago both in level and ability. This is akin to us testing EoK wearing TBS group gear. Currently mercs are severely under tuned for the current content, especially tank mercs, followed by DPS mercs. The healer merc is still marginally useful, provided they don't get hit with an AE, or a mob does not single round them.
  20. Coagagin Guild house cat

    More HAs in EoK to offset the need to raid would be a welcome addition. As for the difficulty. I think its fair to say its challenging for none boxer orientated groups of folks, though the majority of groups I do see are boxers, particularly in Lceanium. If that's any indication as to what is happening out there, so be it.