Buffed Velious NPCs on Progression servers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Prathun, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. taliefer Augur

    im glad they lowered the percentages of the buffs on velious mobs. i think it will strike a nice balance now. removing the buff altogether i think would be a mistake and make many mobs pretty trivial

    some of the choices seem odd. Lord Bob was never more than a group named, not sure why hes buffed for example. same can be said for drusella in kunark tho, and they buffed her. still not sure why.
  2. taliefer Augur

    which brings up the point...how will instanced sleeper tomb work on Phinny server? will it change according to whatever version is in the static zone? guild specific? always be pre-awakened in instanced form? always post awaken? a choice between the two?
  3. Pikallo Augur

    My personal opinion is that it would be cool if the instanced version was not available until someone woke the sleeper and then the instance becomes available, only in post-awaken form. I'm sure this won't be very popular with the content-accessibility folks, but it is my opinion nonetheless!
  4. Weebles Augur

    Zerg recruiting and setting up 24/7 batphones in order to monopolize content is hardly challenging.
    Dariuse likes this.
  5. Hasty Blades Journeyman

    The crying is over the realization that even though they rolled in Phinegal server, they actually might have to put forth some effort to accomplish a goal. If you need further clarification please see the multiple threads lamenting the Phinegal server XP rate. Clearly they paid for easy, but feel they aren't getting their money's worth. Hopefully DBG will implement a voice activated log in server so these poor souls don't have to overexert themselves logging in to Phinegal. This is a 16 year old game, having to type username and password every time is lame and clearly a time sink with no other intention but to slow them down.
    ElaidaTL and DaedorAlive like this.
  6. Darth Augur

    Can you confirm if I will have to wake the sleeper, to start the timer for luclin?

    Contrary to popular belief I don't want to keep other guilds from doing it by waking it. However if it has to be awakened to start the timer, you can bet your a$s it gets woken before my guild is even done farming it.
  7. Kahna Augur

    Who types a username and password anymore. The launcher remembers all of my accounts and their passwords.
  8. Trevalon Augur

    I would think by Luclin MOTM would have run its course, especially on Phinny where the max instance size is 72.

    I shudder to think how long it will take to kill Emp Ssra or Seru with MOTM on...

    I think Velious is where it should stop, once ya get to Luclin the population of these servers take a huge dive and the mobs start to have significantly more HP's as well as things such as bane weapons needed.
  9. Healiez Augur

    Emp ssra can already oneround a raid geared warrior in defensive... Adding more damage or HP will be overkill imo.
  10. Riley Augur

    While we're on the topic, Prathun - are we going to have to wake the sleeper in order to trigger Luclin, (Eliminating the Warder's Loot Tables for the entire server) or is simply killing all four warders once enough? No one wants to feel pigeonholed into 'having' to make that choice or hold back the server. Alternately, can loot tables for the warders and ancients finally just get merged so this silly itemization problem can become a non-issue?
  11. Riley Augur

    Picture it: Vex Thal trash, all with mitigation of the mighty. :D
  12. Darth Augur

    Stop, I'm suffering loss of blood to the brain thinking about it.
  13. VoltrunVoltari Lorekeeper

    I think the most important question of all with regard to Velious is, like Darth has asked, do we have to wake the sleeper to advance the unlock timer? Ideally, in my perfect world, the answer would be NO and we can wake the Sleeper the day before Luclin unlocks. But alas, probably a pipe dream.

    With regard to "lesser" mobs with Mitigation of the Mighty my guess is to limit the number of single user boxers who can potentially farm/lockdown mobs. As pets continue to get nerfed and mobs hit harder with way more HP - that list shrinks all the time. This is a good thing.

    To those doomsayers that say join a raid group/guild or dont progress. I say, uhhh... duh? The best part of playing EQ is the fact that you need others. Lots of others. Not 9-24 random strangers to faceroll content without saying a word to each other. There are casual Real-Life-comes-first, non-bat-phoning, raid guilds out there.
  14. Prathun Developer

    Revamped Plane of Fear boss NPCs were already buffed, but it didn't hurt to double check. Thanks!

    Yep. The original, card drops pre-revamped Plane of Mischief.
  15. Healiez Augur

    Prathun, any idea what expansion they plan to stop MotM at?
  16. Prathun Developer

    Looking into this... Bob the painter doesn't appear to drop any meaningful items. Bristlebane as a raid boss doesn't appear to be a thing until the zone revamp, which is set to switch over when Gates of Discord is unlocked.
  17. Vaclav Augur

    Any word on Shawl Walk and indirectly the 8th Coldain Shawl (Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl for proper name I believe)?

    Saw some Vulak/Fippy data stating it was tied to something post-Velious for them - but feels odd, since it was clearly intended as a Velious era quest.

    Seems like something if it's "kicked down the road till Luclin" that many people won't bother with [at least till Underfoot], since so many shoulders are competitive with it in Luclin (or dare I say better) - it would be a premier shoulder slot for Velious - but the time investment in trades warrants it. (Similar to the Aid Grimel quests in PoP are premier items, but again due to quite a large time investment)

    While I'm certainly biased as someone who's skilled up in preparation for it already (except tailoring I'm at 95% success rate on every combine skill wise) - I can't imagine too many people would feel that it makes more sense attached to Luclin rather than Velious.
  18. Prathun Developer

    We're going to remove "Waking the Sleeper" as a requirement for starting the Luclin unlock timer on Ragefire and Lockjaw. Thank you for bringing this up.
    Imdead, Syrup, PathToEternity and 3 others like this.
  19. -wycca Augur

    I no longer play on Ragefire, but that's an awesome gift to those servers. Thanks!
    PrathunEQ likes this.
  20. Prathun Developer

    We will likely continue to use the progression server scripts to prevent bosses from spawning in pickzones, while also lowering or removing the stat bonuses that the bosses get in future expansions.
    Syrup, Silentchaos and Dethecus like this.