New Instanced Zones Thread

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Banuvan, May 28, 2015.

  1. Vaclav Augur

    So anything non-raid - exactly what I was getting the impression of, that is the hotness.
  2. MaestroM Augur

    This is a great step in the right direction.
  3. Weebles Augur

    How does the instancing work exactly? For instance, gfay now has about 12 instances. Will it always have 12 instances? What triggers the creation of an instance? When, if ever, will the instances be destroyed?
  4. JemAsEQ666 Lorekeeper

    Is it still on a 5 minute downtime or was that increased in any of the new instance zones?
  5. Bumtil New Member

    I love yall! :D
  6. Porygon Augur

    New instances are created upon a set number of people being in the base instance.

    Old instances are deleted after a certain time with nobody occupying them.
  7. Damned New Member

    What great news. I love guk and am very happy I wont be competing with 400 other people to kill the last frog alive there.

    Very impressed with these changes.
    Zujilli likes this.
  8. Glistarian Augur

    Cue whining raid bosses aren't instanced.
  9. vardune Augur

    Well this is just awesome, thank u very much for the list and the new pickzones.
    Indrigoth likes this.
  10. kraggnar Elder

    @SKINNER. Why not just use the /lfg tool to join or start a group. There is no reason to hop from zone to zone.
  11. Nudia Augur


    A dream never to be realized, I'm sure, but is there any chance this list could have the numbers added for what is considered full and will spawn an instance? I understand the risk of people arguing endlessly over what things SHOULD be, but I believe that will happen anyway. All the same, this would be nice information to have!


    - Nudia of Povar, Carpex of Ragefire
  12. jagarr Augur

    jeez what a whack to RMT!! instanced lguk? lol

    i can't believe after all that 'there won't be any instancing' that we got instancing.:p

    sounds good to me though!
    Zujilli likes this.
  13. Pikallo Augur

    I'm definitely curious to this as well. A small zone like Gorge of King Xorbb should definitely have a different threshold than South Ro or the Commonlands. I'm ok with them not acknowledging a specific number for each zone to prevent possible exploitation, but at least let us know that the size/NPC population of the zone is considered when spawning new instances.
    SuedeVeil likes this.
  14. Banuvan Augur

    Give it time. How many guilds other than TL are actually capable of killing them right now? TL are the oddballs in that they raced for those. I haven't seen anybody else even attempting them or heard anything about it.
  15. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    This is unprecedented in EverQuest and I thank you guys for making the effort to do it. It will be very interesting, and fun I trust, to see how it works out.

    So, basiclly, from reading through the list, it's pretty much every non-planar zone besides Permafrost and Sol B, since dragons reside there?
  16. Barthorn Elder

    instancing high end loot zones is really troll, ruins the game EQ = wow at that point. what are the rules for a second instance of a zone to open
  17. Healiez Augur

    Are you just going to keep copy and pasting a post that has been deleted, and threadlocked until you get banned?
  18. jagarr Augur

    they mass recruited at launch (essentially, open apps) and got everyone who was going to be putting full-time in around then. i haven't seen any other guilds come out and say they'd be going after TL directly although i'm sure a few could, as there doesn't seem to be much competition at all. way less than i thought honestly!

    there were a TON of people trying to play on ragefire, but only a small percentage that took a week off to race to level cap. even TL's raids only had like three groups of 40+ in them and they actually took a day longer than i had anticipated to start taking targets down.

    not a whole lotta Real Raiders left in EQ i guess. seems like we're all too old now :p
    even TL members lost a ton of play time to the server issues, so i'm sure that had something to do with it.
  19. Banuvan Augur

    It's not like WoW in any sense of the word instancing. That's not a very intelligent statement and shows extreme ignorance of how EQ instances actually work.

    It's a set number of people.
    arwilly likes this.
  20. Numiko Augur

    Was hoping the Hole would be on the list as it was always one of my favorite zones to exp in back in the day, but I guess Master Yael is considered a raid boss?