Bans, Boxers, 3rd party programs, and EQ

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cheyana, Apr 4, 2022.

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  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That is not true at all, there is auto fishing while you are at the keyboard and there is auto afk fishing while you are not at the keyboard. And you are the only one who is trying to conflate key repeating with AFK. I have seen nothing to indicate that they have changed their stance on auto fishing while you are at the keyboard.

    If you want to claim that the rules have changed you need to point to something that says that not just make claims.
  2. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    You are bullying people all over the place, slandering them with accusations of cheating, or 'going to cheating websites'.

    You are trying to put the fear of a BAN into people when you are not the arbiter of what happens with any offense, you do not work for DP.

    The word I want you to use is the word THEY use, 'Take action against your account'.

    You say BAN because you are spreading misinformation and trying to scare people.

    You can't know what action they will take, so the only thing you can say about any cheat is 'ACTION WILL BE TAKEN'.

    I SEE YOU trying to spread misinformation and act like you want to stop misinformation.

    If you care to be accurate say 'ACTION WILL BE TAKEN', if you want to be a bully, continue threatening BANS.

    Vumad likes this.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I am not accusing anyone of cheating or saying anyone should be banned you are the one saying all of that.
  4. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Well I apologize. As long as you're not doing those things.

    I guess I got you confused with Benito when you quoted my response to him, and parroted the comment about it being a bannable offense.

    My mistake, I do apologize.
  5. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Let's take it all the way back to WaterBirds. Forget software, hardware, inputs, foreground, background.

    AFK fishing was always cheating period. As soon as you step away from the computer it's cheating.

    If I used a waterbird to press a (fish) key on my keyboard once per minute, before the new rule change, as long as I'm behind the keyboard it was allowed. (per the Piestro statement)

    This statement changed that to be DISALLOWED even when you ARE behind the keyboard.

    Does that make it clear for the reading comprehension challenged?
  6. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    This is a poor assumption to make. This is also a disingenuous point to assume that DBG would have "open communication."

    Redbot prefaces his remarks with "Well sh*t" as if taken aback and he says "I told" (one way communication).

    Unless you or Redbot can produce verified (not faked) emails, then you are trying to make it as if DBG is openly collaborating.

    "I have no bone in this fight" but then proceeds to praise the software. Uh, yeah.
    Vumad and Svann2 like this.
  7. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Redbot certainly feels involved and threatened. What is the commonality? He seems to think it involves his software.
  8. HowDidIEndUpBackHere Elder

    I'm not praising anything. I'm saying I don't care if it stays or goes. It doesn't impact what I do in this game.
  9. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Redbot wrote on 7 January 2022:

    "Our first goal of going fully open source is nearly complete..."

    The post recent and his statement doesn't allude to it going "open source a while ago."
  10. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    "I'm not affected by bot armies"

    "I get cheap TS mats"

    But hey, you are on the record as saying that you don't care if it goes. Cool.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Posting text in a quote block isn't what I asked for, can you point to the actual post that says that so we can see the full context of the post? From what I see in the small text you quoted it appears there is context that is missing.
  12. HowDidIEndUpBackHere Elder

    "On the other hand it would be nice to sell the 30-50 odd stacks of tradeskill items for a reasonable price lol or have the price of krono not get massively inflated."

    Did you see how I also said it drives up krono prices which I didn't like? Cherry picking is fun.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  13. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Do a forum search bro, I never make anything up, the truth is far too much fun.

    Reading comprehension will get you the win yet again, you should really try to understand things before opining.

    "Our first goal of going fully open source is NEARLY COMPLETE"

    See people who understand reading comprehension know this is a verification of what I just said, without doing a forum search to find the thread I mentioned.

    You could do a search, you could read the whole thing and struggle to grasp it, but you can't prove me wrong on facts buddy.
  14. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    What Constitutes as Cheating?
    Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Accendo, Mar 2, 2022.
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    1. AccendoCommunity Manager
      This question has obviously been a hot topic lately with many wondering just what does constitute as cheating. Elaborating on our Knowledge Base article here, let's talk about third party cheating software. We do not allow the use of any third party programs that modify the game client or its memory data. Additionally, programs that automate movement or actions in the game are not allowed. Software that assists in allowing a few or less people to monopolize an area is not allowed. Using these types of programs will result in a suspension or a ban. Know that this is not a complete list of functionalities that can cause actions to be taken against your account and other accounts associated with it.

      Regarding other activities that constitute as cheating, modifications of your computer or OS environment in an attempt to falsify or circumvent anti-cheat detection is not permitted. Any attempts to circumvent the detection will cause actions to be taken against the account and possibly other accounts associated with it. Furthermore, exploitation of bugs or game mechanics to gain a notably unfair advantage or that largely disrupt the game, its economy, or stability of the game is not permitted.

      When it comes to reporting possible cheaters, know that our investigation process is a lengthy one. We prioritize gathering information and compiling evidence before suspensions and bans are levied. So, please do keep sending in reports to Customer Service, and rest assured, your report will be taken seriously.

      Lastly, we will not publicly list specific names of approved third-party programs and software as we cannot guarantee that those programs will remain approved in the future.

      Thank you for being a member of our community and for taking the time to read this.
      Last edited by Accendo, Mar 2, 2022

      Xaezus, Covennx, Prepared and 40 others like this.
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  15. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Who said botters drive Krono prices up? (The apologists turn any bot-related subject on its head). For all we know, you are praising botters for allowing you to save platinum to buy Krono.
  16. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Has to say "I never make anything up."

    Then proceeds to state the relevant quote I just posted.

    I think you need eyeglasses.
  17. HowDidIEndUpBackHere Elder

    You're a dense one, aren't you? Pulling random nonsense out of thin air.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  18. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    The pro-cheat crowd gets upset when I call them out on their mental gymnastics.
  19. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Because you don't grasp what NEARLY COMPLETE means.

    You can't be NEARLY complete unless you started prior to that statement.

    If you could be bothered to do that search for the thread I told you is here, you will see how long they have been working on it, and even a link to the github where the code was posted (if the link hasn't been deleted).
  20. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    I think we could just save a lot of time and remove the rules regarding cheating.
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