What happened to the potion belt ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Yinla, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  2. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

  3. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    Does the new potion belt drop in Burn't Woods? I seem to have misplaced mine.

    sorry, could not help myself, we needed another Potion Belt thread.
  4. Dart Lorekeeper

    You fail at reading comprehension.

    The linked post is very obvious.. Some means not all. So there will be missing functionality compared to what was taken away. That is not jumping to conclusions, that's reading what was written by a Dev.


    but at least you got to post that super useful/relative picture...

    And wow, you were even the one to link the dev post... which you obviously didn't read.
  5. Gundolin Augur

    niente likes this.
  6. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    The devs haven’t told us any details of what they’re giving us next patch to offset things. One (likely intentionally) vague statement about returning “some of the functionality” isn’t particularly telling. So how about we employ a sliver of patience like rational adults and see what happens?

    I was replying to a guy that said “the hot bar will never be as good as the potion belt was”. It’s pretty early to cry that the sky is falling without any real detail from the devs about what they’re doing. They haven’t even told us why changes were made in the first place.

    Or....we can continue to act like ridiculous children throwing tantrums on the Internet and start 8 more “Wuah devs stole my stuff Wuah” threads.
    Cloudia and Khat_Nip like this.
  7. Dart Lorekeeper

    Simple reading comprehension is your friend.

    Some does not = All.

    Meaning... The restored functionality will NOT completely replace the removed functionality.

    You sir, are just refusing to use the space between your ears.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  8. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    It’s ironic you keep citing reading comprehension, while at the same time taking *one dev sentence* and running a month down the road with it.

    You’re really committed to that jumping-to-conclusions/child-like-tantrum rout, apparently.

    For everyone else, let’s be adults and see what happens in April’s patch?
  9. Dart Lorekeeper

    You see, just saying something, doesn't make it true, and trying to pull the "i'm an adult" and by implication "you aren't acting like one" also doesn't make it true. In something like this its easy enough to see what's true, its documented in the thread...

    So lets do a trip down memory lane to show how ridiculous you, your posts, and your logic are...

    You decided to come to a thread, and to post a link to that "one dev sentence" that is "vague" (quotes that are yours) to backup telling everyone to calm down. This was your link, and your opinion, that everyone should calm down because a dev posted that "some functionality" will be put back in.

    Now for this, I'll give you, at least the link was relevant, was one of only a couple replies by a dev that address the potion belt, and that you felt backed up your point. It was relevant, but didn't add much to the thread since that quote was already being discussed.

    You then kept at it, and refused to acknowledge that Some does not equal All, which again is simple basic reading comprehension. Also, you decided to switch positions with regards to your link, and now are saying that its vague and only one sentence. It wasn't vague enough for you to form an opinion that we should all calm down, and to post here. Its also very clear for what is stated, we may not know how much will be added back, but we do know clearly that it won't be all of it.

    Also, the devs have been avoiding discussing this change, so its one of only a few posts that address it, which makes it very relevant for discussion.

    So just because you felt it no longer backed up what you were trying to argue, you are doing a 180 and discrediting it now. This is just pure LOL.

    So now your tactic is personal attacks saying I'm jumping to conclusions (and others in this thread who post a different opinion from yours, that are backed up by the link YOU linked), and that I'm throwing a tantrum.

    You sir, obviously can't hold your own side of an argument, and therefore aren't worth addressing other than to correct you so that others aren't mislead by you and the outright falsehoods you spread.
  10. Cloudia Augur

    Stick figures and for some a cactus hat?
    Sheex and Dart like this.
  11. Dart Lorekeeper

    Oh god, not looking forward to either of those... =D
  12. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    You’re reaching so badly here dude. Let’s recap:

    -We have something like half a dozen separate threads already on the potion belt topic.
    -I posted a link to a dev replying on the subject on one thread
    -A poster (not you) who has been very vocal replied saying that whatever we were getting would be worse
    -I replied (to him) with an image that basically said “hey you’re jumping to conclusions yo”
    -You entered the fray and were apparently offended enough at said gif that you laid out the sarcasm, reading comprehension accusations and the dreaded facepalm.
    -I replied to defend the only point(s) I’m attempting to make, which (again) are:

    The devs are still changing things, and they’ve barely told us anything. Let’s act like adults and see what the end result is next month before losing our minds. Jumping to conclusions with massively incomplete information and huge assumptions based on feeling is generally not going to get us anywhere.

    That’s literally all I’m saying, and there are no “falsehoods” about it. You stay classy.
  13. Nolrog Augur

    There's a flag in your eqclient.ini to turn them off and on.

    In the defaults section, you can change that to 1 to enable them, 0 to disable them anytime.

    Dart and Sheex like this.
  14. Dart Lorekeeper

    Before ya edited, I think the main point of contention was explained, and I'm not trying to be a jerk, but you stated "I realize this is Forum Quest"...

    That was exactly how your posts came across to me, playing Forum Quest... whereas I am trying to discuss something that impacted me and which I'm frustrated over.

    Snarky posts with "funny" pics are what forum quest is all about, trolling, making light of others POVs, and trying to "win" by getting others inflamed are also forum quest.

    Posts that add to the discussion, are what having a discussion is about.

    Good luck to you.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Seems someone cannot apply female logic.

    Potion belt
    Can see how many charges on an item
    Can see how many total potions of a type you have
    Can place an item in the bag just by putting it in the belt
    Has a shadow when you are out of an item.

    Hot bars
    Currently do none of those things, they will in future do some of those things.

    By devs on admission the hot bars will only gain some of those functions, not all.

    Conclusion therefore the potion belt will always be better than hot bars.
    Atlans likes this.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Yes but where is burn't woods today?
  17. Ozlaar Journeyman

    So you want to wait until April to see what happens? Please tell me why any of us should have to wait. The Dev's should respect or care enough about their customers to let them know as to why it was removed. Instead they gave us a lame answer. The potion belt was useful, the hot bar is not. Unless you have all the hot bars in use, which I am sure most of us don't use 10 let alone 11 hot bars.

    Why not just come out with the real reason the potion belt was removed. If they did at least we would know why it was removed. I think the reason it was removed was because a few "select" players asked for another hot bar and the only way they could do it was to remove the potion belt, but that's just me.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Yinla like this.
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    My personal thoughts on this is someone who doesn't understand or play EQ (or plays a melee) didn't realise there is a difference between a potion belt and a hot bar and decided to combine the 2 the same as they did with AAs last year. They saw all the players comments last week and are now in a panic trying to save face and give the hot bars some of the functions rather than admitting they made a mistake and leave it alone.

    The sensible thing would have been to leave it in until its replacement was ready. But this is EQ we are talking about.
    Ozlaar likes this.
  19. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    I wasn’t particularly trolling, but the guy (not you) has posted a lot about the topic in every fathomable place, so he sorta lost the benefit of the doubt and ended up with a “snarky” (but still on point) reply. And I realize some of you guys are irate about this but it’s not as big of a deal as it’s being made out to be (imo).

    No, you don’t know that. Let’s say they keep 3 of those 4 points above, lose the least impactful, but leave the hotbar having more slots than the potion belt did and/or add some new functionality we weren’t expecting? Then it’s not necessarily worse. The point is we don’t know, hence the jump to conclusions mat.

    We don’t know why they took it out or what they’re doing so it’s absolutely crying wolf to blanket claim we’re getting a downgrade before learning more.

    There’s only one emotional overreaction here and it’s not coming from me.

    Meh. It’s an annoyance but hardly an earth shattering one. They’ll tell us more when they do. I’d have preferred they replace it before removing it, but here we are.

    The hyperbole and overreaction here (not saying you specifically, just in general) is pretty silly. Then again, that’s pretty much Forum-Quest so shouldn’t really be surprised.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  20. xcitng Augur

    this is so upsetting, i bought that potion belt as part of an expansion long ago, they have no right to take it away ... now they leave us in the dark about it and all i see is ppl upset and bickering between players about it ... why did they do this? ;/